Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 299 The exercise begins

Chapter 305 The exercise begins

"Three-party confrontation?" Everyone changed their colors.

"How can we fight like this?" Yahiko half-knelt on the ground with a collapsed face, his hands on the ground with a look of despair on his face.

They are just medics, and most of them are women. What are they doing on the battlefield?

Looking for death?

They do have a chance to get a weapon called a shallow strike.

As long as the five of them have to lead most of the genin, a small number of chunin, and a few jounin.

Go fight with a Kage, a few elite jounin, more than a dozen jounin, hundreds of chuunin, and a few genin.

Oh, right.

The Rain Army has not replenished its personnel for a long time, and they have no genin.

"Haha." Bai Naixiang looked at everyone with a devastated face.

"Forget it, destroy it."

She didn't think they had a chance of winning anyway.

Bai Naoxiang sighed.

"And this time the person with outstanding personal performance will be made the deputy commander."

Nagato's eyes suddenly froze. He was recognized by everyone as the deputy commander, but he was not actually officially recognized.

Yahiko patted Nagato's shoulder.

"Come on, Nagato."

There is no need for him to say anything unnecessary.

Muzhi looked up at the ceiling.

It's actually quite tiring to be in charge of an army with these boys and girls.

It's better to find a way to build one yourself.

Qian Jun's newly established military camp.

The standard of the military camp is the same as that of the Yu Army, except that the Yu Army is on the left side of the city and they are built on the right side of the city.

"Captain Kakuzu, the Rain Army is not easy to deal with."

Kado, who was wearing sunglasses and a black uniform, looked much stronger than before.

He was reading information about Yujun.

"In addition to Hanzo, the opponent also has Crying Horse, Lotte, and Katoki, who have the strength of elite jounin. They are all figures who participated in World War II."

Not to mention there are quite a few jounin.

As for Kakuzu's side.

Except for Kakuzu, only Vander now has the strength of an elite jounin, and the others are still among the jonins.

Many of the original Rain Ninjas also joined the Qian Army.

It's just that money corrupts their souls.

It is difficult to improve your strength once it reaches the Jonin stage.

As a think tank, Cardo is also very distressed. There is really a huge gap in the combat power of the two sides.

In terms of low-level combat power, Qian Jun has an advantage. After all, Yu Jun's soldiers have been promoted through training, and they are not as good at combat as Qian Jun.

Cocardo understands that it is never the bottom level that determines the battle between ninjas, but the strength of the top level.

"The entire army is under your command."

Kakuzu has no sense of responsibility in handing over the command of the army.

"I'm going to kill Hanzo."

He didn't want to win this victory either. He didn't like the weapon called Shallow Strike, but he would be very interested if paid.

"My lord, I don't want to do this."

Kaduo was sweating profusely. It would be a big deal if this happened.

"Don't worry, that guy is very strong."

Kakuzu said nonchalantly.

"It's not easy to kill him."

He couldn't do it with Jin watching. Of course, if he found an opportunity, he would definitely kill him.

It's just very unlikely.

Then you can't have that thought, looking at Kakuzu's gaze staring at him.

Cardo lowered his head at the thoughts of these big men.

How perverted.

He just needs to be responsible for what he should do.

He is determined to win the position of deputy commander, because he is weak and loves to enjoy himself, and reaching the limit of jounin is already his limit.

Only the position of deputy commander is suitable for him.

The deputy commander does not have high requirements for strength, but comprehensive qualities. He still has a chance in this regard.

Yujun station.

"Crying Horse, Lotte, Hua Shi, this legion battle will be left to you."

Hanzo ordered to several people.

"I'm going to stop Kakuzu."

"Yes!" Several people responded in unison.

Hanzo narrowed his eyes. He came to stop Kakuzu. The entire Qian army was no match for the Yu army.

As for the medical army.

Is that considered an opponent?

"We must teach that old guy a lesson."

He had heard Kakuzu say that he had fought against the First Hokage Senju Hashirama.


He is also a strong man who can fight Senju Hashirama.

The day for military resistance exercises is coming soon.

The army was advancing towards the place where they used to exercise.

Several ninjas were carrying a sedan, and inside was Jin, who was wearing a full dress.

The curtains covering the four sides were lifted and placed on the top of the sedan.

Jin looked helplessly at Hanzo next to him.

"What do these famous people think? Can this thing be considered a sedan?"

There wasn't even a place to lean on, and he usually had to sit on his knees. Where did Jin come from? He just sat cross-legged and meditated.

"Since ancient times, daimyo's travels have been arranged in this way."

Hanzo explained.

He turned his head and looked at the other side of the sedan, and Kakuzu happened to be looking at him as well. Their eyes collided in the air and sparked.

Shironoka, who was walking beside Hanzo, shrank her neck.

Can't see me, can't see me, can't see me.

Behind a few people, there were crowds of heads, and 3,000 people were following behind the three legion commanders.

Yu Jun and Qian Jun competed against each other.

The medical army all shrank their heads.

Can't see me, can't see me, can't see me.

Jin glanced back and sighed helplessly.

It really depends on who has the disease.

Jin advised to the white milk fragrance.

"Shironoka, you have to be tough. A medical ninja who can't defeat the enemy is not a medical ninja."

What kind of medical ninja would choose to blow up an enemy?

Don't set the conditions for medical ninjas so high! !

Medical ninjas who kill their enemies and save their own people really can't do it.

She really wanted to give this famous man a slap in the face to make him sober.


"I work hard, I fight."

Bai Naoxiang said in a low voice without enthusiasm.

I can’t feel your will to work hard at all!

Kim had given up hope.

Get to the place.

He stepped down from the sedan chair and looked up at the three peaks.

You can clearly see the waving flag from above.

"The goal of this exercise is that the three parties need to protect their own flags. If the flag is damaged or fails, the one with the last remaining flag wins."

"at the same time."

Darkness spread outside Jin's feet.

"The Art of Condensing Objects!"

In the darkness, various shurikens and kunai, swords, guns, clubs, and detonating charms appeared one by one.

"And your weapons have these characteristics. After being injured, you will fall into a coma and be pulled out of the battlefield."

"The last requirement is not to use ninjutsu to harm other people's lives."

"Violators will be severely punished."

"That's it, everyone, let's play. The exercise begins."

Hanzo and Kakudu both stared at Jin. The other party definitely wanted to say that the game started just now, so he really shouldn't expect anything from him.

He only viewed the fight as a game.

But it doesn’t matter.

Kakuzu and Hanzo looked at each other with murderous intent.

Beside her, Bai Noxiang shivered.


In an instant, everyone disappeared with their weapons.


Officially begin!

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