Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 298 The upcoming training exercise in the Kingdom of Rain

Chapter 304 The upcoming training exercise in the Kingdom of Rain

News about the exercise was vaguely circulating in the Kingdom of Rain.

"We must teach those unruly Qian Jun a lesson this time."

The Rain Army ninja in the tavern slapped the table and shouted.

"The new city was fine without them, but when these troublemakers come, they will cause trouble."

The companion next to him couldn't help but scolded angrily.

How well they built the new city, it would have been nice for everyone to live quietly.

As soon as Qian Jun came back, he fell into Qian's eyes and would fight and kill him just for a little money.

I often conflict with those merchants, but they are not the ones to deal with it.

How much trouble it brings them.

Just in time.

A group of Qian Jun also walked into the tavern. Compared with Yu Jun's military aura, this group of Qian Jun had various tattoos on their bodies and looked like gang members.

"I wonder why I heard a dog barking from so far away."

"So it's you chicks."

Qian Jun Ninja sneered.

They looked down upon these rain troops who had never fought against ninjas at all.

One on one, who is afraid of whom?

"Try saying it again!!"

The Yujun ninjas quit and immediately stood up and glared at Qian Jun. They rolled up their sleeves and were about to fight.

"Why, you still want to fight with us."

A smile broke out on Qian Jun's face and he rubbed his wrist: "Why, let's try it."

Seeing that the two groups were at war with each other.

"I'm talking about you!"

The proprietress of the tavern slapped the table.

"If you want to fight, go out and fight! Don't fight here."

Immediately, both parties smiled and became quiet.

There is an unwritten rule in the Kingdom of Rain, that is, if the military conflicts with the people of the Kingdom of Rain, and the people of the Kingdom of Rain have not violated any illegal laws, the military personnel will be severely punished.

And if a fight breaks out, they will also be punished.

These rules are established by the name.

They dare not violate it.

Mu Zhi was huddled in the corner, drinking. As a member of the medical army, he only needed to be responsible for treating the wounded in a timely manner.


He touched his chest, which was his eternal pain.

"If I can become an elite Jonin, I can also lead a team."

Mu Zhi calculated his own strength.

Calculating strength on paper is very common in the Kingdom of Rain.

Genin is the first level of internal martial arts.

In order to practice physical skills, many people will continue in this stage for a long time.

Once you reach the second level, you can become a chuunin, and the conditions are much lower than those in other ninja villages.

Ninjutsu can be used at this level.

The condition for becoming a Jonin is to master the changes in nature and attributes.

The conditions for becoming an elite jounin are to have your own fighting style and to be able to defeat at least ten jounin at the same time.

For the shadow level above, only the recognition of the two legion commanders and the daimyo is needed to be selected as a shadow level.

Those Kages with the highest status in the ninja village have become synonymous with rank in the Land of Rain.

Mu Zhi felt that it was an insult.

It's just that other villages don't know the situation in the Kingdom of Rain now.

Legion commanders Kakuzu and Hanzo belong to this level, but because the number of people in the Land of Rain is small, they can only lead a thousand people for the time being.

According to Rain Country standards, the Kage level can lead a ninja troop of ten thousand people.

I don't know if there are these people in all the ninja villages.

Above that is the super shadow.

Automatic promotion upon reaching the third level.

At this stage, it is still unknown whether the Rain Kingdom exists. Mr. An’s strength has always been a mystery, and the entire Rain Kingdom army is not clear.

It's just that the daimyo doesn't need to go to the battlefield, so not many people actually care.

"My current achievements should be able to be exchanged for a chakra inner strength."

The basic internal power technique is available to everyone, but the basic chakra internal power requires a lot of achievements to redeem.

Chakra inner strength is recognized as the fastest way to reach elite jounin status.

"It's just that there are still a lot of ninjutsu that I want to redeem."

Mu Zhi sighed.

He glanced at Yu Jun and Qian Jun, who were competing with each other.

"It seems like there was a drill recently."

It seems like these people will never give up.

Mu Zhi sighed.

The medical army seems to be quite busy.

The five people who came back from the creek were four, and there was an extra rain dragon when they came back.

Yahiko just looked at Uryū who was greeting people warmly and fell into deep thought.

"Here comes the rain dragon!? This is my new fish. Come get one."

"Thank you very much."

"And the cabbage that has grown recently, please take it."

"I have some fruit here. Let's go back and eat it at night."

Along the way, Yulong went from having nothing to holding anything.

"You are really popular."

Nagato helped Uryū hold part of it.

I didn’t expect Uryū to be so beloved in the Land of Rain.

"My family has been practicing medicine for generations, and many people here have been treated by me."

Uryū explained with a smile.

The world of ordinary people is sometimes separated from the world of the ninja world, and there is actually little connection between them.

Some people living in big countries don't even know that ninjas exist.

He joined the army with a longing for ninjas.


Nagato couldn't help but look at Yahiko, they became ninjas because of Yahiko.

It's just that the life of a ninja seems a little different from what they imagined.

Or is it because this is the land of rain?

So what are other ninja villages like?

With everyone's expectations.

Daming Mansion discussed with the three regiment commanders and decided on the time and place for the exercise.

News also spread among the army.

They also had no intention of letting ordinary civilians participate.

Bai Naixiang came out of Daming Mansion and rushed into the medical army camp.

Compared with other military camps, they are actually more like a hospital, with a medical building and a small playground.

That’s what the medical army is all about.

In addition to injured ninjas in the army, civilians from the Kingdom of Rain will also come here for treatment.

Bai Naixiang, who rushed back, immediately summoned the entire medical department leadership staff.

She sat at the head of the proceedings.

Kino and Nagato stood beside her, and Konan and Yahiko stood in front of her.

Bai Naixiang hurriedly told the new news.

"This exercise has set up a prize, a weapon called a shallow attack. Whichever army wins, all of them will be equipped. It is said that a ninjutsu can be sealed in it, and you can feel the power of chakra's inner strength in advance."

"Hiss!!" Several people present gasped at the same time, and everyone looked at Yahiko.

After all, this guy is studying the art of refining weapons.

Yahiko looked at everyone with a confused expression: "I didn't know there was such a technology?"

Only then did everyone turn their heads.

"Then do we have a chance?" Mu Zhi asked curiously. He hasn't redeemed his chakra inner strength yet, so it would be good to experience it in advance.

"We..." Bai Naoxiang showed an expression that wanted to cry.

"We want a three-way confrontation."

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