Writing diary complaints and being seen by Iron Man

Chapter 286 Everyone: Wanda, you can’t have children with robots

Chapter 286 Everyone: Wanda, you can’t have children with robots!

Everyone tried their best to stop Thanos, but it was of little use because Thanos had the Reality Stone. Their attack fell on Thanos and penetrated directly.

Everyone was knocked down easily. At this time, Captain America Rogers got up again and became one of the two spiritual leaders of the Avengers.

Compared with others, Captain America Rogers has no money and his combat power is not at its peak, but he is the spiritual leader of the Avengers. There is no doubt that he relies on this strong will.

He launched an attack again, but his strength was too weak, and his attack was completely meaningless against Thanos.

Facing such an almost invincible Thanos, everyone is in despair, whether they are in the screen or outside the screen.

They all felt the same tragic scene and tragic situation.

Those who went to Titan could still pose a certain degree of threat to Thanos, and they fought back and forth, but the group who stayed on Earth were no match at all.

The strength gap between the two sides has become so great that they cannot fight against each other. At this time, only by destroying the Mind Stone can there be any hope.

Soon, even the American team Rogers' struggle was of no use, and he was knocked unconscious by a punch.

Although he had tried his best, and although in Lin Feng's diary, Lin Feng had ridiculed Steve Rogers more than once, but this time, his 50-50 strategy did not work.

Because there is such a huge difference in strength between the two sides. Thanos is a master at the level of Heavenly Father, but in contrast is Captain America Rogers, who is just a mortal with a mortal body.

At this time, no one knows whether Rogers hates his own powerlessness, but everyone knows that he was so powerless when facing Thanos.

He couldn't even delay his steps a little.

At this time, only Wanda, who was crying and crying, was still able to move. At this time, she wanted to destroy the Mind Stone while also blocking Thanos' advance.

What makes everyone can't help but shine is that so far, Wanda is the only person who can slightly block Thanos' progress.

At this time, a barrage from Lin Feng floated by.

[Omei has a schizophrenia, the beginning of her blackening and killing across the multiverse. What do you think you are doing as a murderous man? Otherwise, Omei cannot have a mental illness. She really thinks that she and Vision have two sons. For these two sons He even fought his way through the multiverse and beat Doctor Strange into a dog!

I wonder if Aomei’s mental state is okay now?

How can a human and a robot have a child?

But I can’t say for sure. In many parallel universes, Omei does have two sons. There are even versions where Omei conceived two sons from the soul fragments she snatched from the hell lord Mephisto and combined with her own magic. Congratulations to Vision. Dude is happy to be a father!

But Mephisto is not someone who is willing to suffer. The Ghost Rider that guy makes is very difficult to deal with. If Omei messes with this guy, she might really be driven crazy and become a psychopath in the future! 】

Everyone was stunned when they saw such a barrage of complaints.

This trick is really a secret, but for everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D., the one who pays the most attention is of course Mephisto, the Lord of Hell.

Ever since they learned about the concept of dimensional demons, they felt that maybe many of the demons that existed in myths actually existed.

After all, there is Thor, the god of thunder, various gods from the Greek pantheon, and there are also heavenly beings from the Eastern pantheon, so it is not unusual for various demon gods from the hell pantheon to appear.

"Ghost Rider..." Nick Fury frowned, he had heard of this name.

But isn't this a legend?

A long time ago, there were rumors in the western United States that there was a cowboy riding a fire skull, calling himself the Ghost Rider, but he never took it seriously because he couldn't find anyone.

But he vaguely knew it, but similar urban legends were too common in the United States, so he never took it seriously.

Even if we knew that such a person might exist, so what? The other person was too low-key and it would be difficult to catch traces.

Now the truth is revealed, it turns out that the man behind Ghost Rider is Mephisto, the Lord of Hell.

In this way, another demon god who is eyeing the earth is involved. There is no doubt that he will have a big headache again.

For a person with severe persecution paranoia like him, even if there is only the possibility of danger, he has to make 100% efforts to prepare.

"Sister, what I'm saying is, do you understand that it's impossible for robots and humans to have children? No matter how lifelike he is, he can't have children. He's a machine and doesn't even have DNA."

At this time, in the Sokovia Hydra castle, Quicksilver Pietro persuaded his sister earnestly.

"Nonsense, of course I know, it's not like I never went to school." Wanda rolled her eyes at her brother and couldn't help complaining.

Of course she can feel her brother's love for her, but the problem is that she is not herself on the sacred timeline.

In the sacred timeline, he lost his parents, brother, and lover successively, and finally gradually became schizophrenic. He even imagined that he had two sons, and even used chaos magic to get himself pregnant and obtained soul fragments from Mephisto.

But she's not.

Although he lost his parents, his brother is still alive and well.

And I haven’t fallen in love with it yet, and I may never fall in love with a robot in the future.

Although it was very realistic, she was prepared to take precautions in advance. No matter how human-like he was and had human emotions, she couldn't help but feel sick when she thought about him feeding her with human flesh.

Even in another timeline.

In Wanda's simple understanding, instead of doing this, you might as well just beat me to death.

Anyway, she has no such idea now, let alone driving herself crazy for a robot. She is not stupid, that is what only a fool would do.

But she was still very curious about her behavior on the sacred timeline. She was called blackened by Lin Feng, killed across the multiverse, and hunted down Doctor Strange.

Are you really that strong?

Based on her current outlook on life, there is no problem of being unable to accept the so-called blackening. She just wants to protect herself and her brother now.

"It's good to know, stay away from that robot, otherwise you will really be targeted by Mephisto!" Quicksilver Pietro said.

Although he has never met Mephisto, the demon god Mephisto is really famous in European and American culture.

One of the seven demon gods of hell, he controls countless demons, and is one of the most famous among countless demons.

How could he not worry about his brother.

Quicksilver Pietro also blamed himself. If he hadn't died too hastily, how could he have allowed the robot to take advantage of it, which even led to his sister being driven crazy, corrupted, and turned into a black man.

This is all because he, the older brother, failed to do a good job.

Although he is not that big.

Before anyone could think about it, in the picture, Wanda activated all the chaotic energy in her body in grief and anger, and the Mind Stone was finally destroyed.

This also proves that although the Infinity Stones are difficult to destroy, they are not impossible to destroy.

Seeing Wanda's painful expression, Vision also felt very sorry. Now he was going to die, but Wanda was the one who really suffered the pain, and his pain was only for a moment.

In the end, Vision only left one sentence: "It's okay, I love you!"

Vision only had time to leave such a sentence. As the Mind Stone was shattered, a terrifying energy spread to form an astonishing explosion frenzy.

Thanos, who saw this scene, also showed a slightly surprised expression. He knew that it was acceptable for these people to sacrifice their lives in order to stop him, but it was useless.

Because my pain is above yours!

In terms of willpower, he will only become stronger.

In terms of mobility, he will only become stronger.

In terms of suffering, he is still above these earthly humans.

These people have absolutely no idea how much they love the universe and how they want to protect it.

Everyone looked at the scene in the picture and thought, is it over?

What about Thor's axe? Where did it go?

No, it's not over yet.

Because Thanos came to Wanda step by step, he had no intention of killing Wanda, because it had no meaning at all. His killing was for all living beings and for a better and more harmonious development of the universe.

He is not a violent person per se.

Thanos is more like a ruthless political creature who will do anything to achieve his goals.

But he is not a person who likes killing. Although he practices killing, in his heart, it is all for the harmony of the universe. He is a very pure person, and his whole life is to achieve harmony and harmony in the universe. Balance and strive hard.

All those who stand in front of him will be destroyed by him.

But if it is not someone who must be eliminated, he often shows an amazing patience and kindness, which is a very strange state.

But Thanos himself is in a logical and self-consistent state.

He came to Wanda and said calmly: "I can understand you, child, better than anyone else!"

He is the one who can truly understand Wanda. Wanda is even willing to kill her lover for the safety of the entire universe. This determination and will are touching.

But he is also willing to kill his beloved daughter for the sake of the universe and the balance of the universe.

This is also a great love.

It is also the great love that overrides the small love, so he said that he can understand Wanda.

There is probably no one in this world who can understand better than him what kind of price Wanda and Vision have paid for the world and all sentient beings.

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