Video Game Designer

Chapter 92 MOD Studio

(I don’t want to talk about too much. If you still believe me, put the book on the shelf. Take a look at it every day, and there will be more updates, but the quantity and time are not guaranteed.)

three days later

In the Kylin Software Park, after Charles left, a smile appeared on Chu He's face in the office.

This time Charles came here on behalf of EA, in addition to talking about the global physical distribution of "Jianghu", the most important thing is to reach a cooperative relationship with Tianhe Network.

To put it bluntly and simply, EA has taken a fancy to the physical performance of Tianhe Network's engine.

It is really outstanding in "Jianghu".

It makes people feel a little unbelievably good, although EA has a well-known Frostbite in the game engine, especially in terms of image quality performance processing, the name of Frostbite engine is almost everyone in the industry has heard of it.

But in fact, in terms of handling physical effects, the Frostbite engine is not good enough. Of course, this refers to its ability to render images.

In fact, all aspects of Frost Engine can be regarded as the first-class level in the industry.

This time Charles came here to obtain the technology of Tianhe Network, and let Tianhe Network join the development of EA's battlefield project.

Add the shocking physical effect performance in "Jianghu" to the new Battlefield series.

At first Chuhe did not agree to the other party, but with the conversation between the two, Chuhe finally agreed to the other party's cooperation intention.

Because EA also gave Chuhe a condition that was difficult to refuse, that is, technical assistance. EA would send 20 technicians with FPS production experience to Huaxiahe Network to work.

The time limit is two years, the salary is 1.5 times of their EA headquarters, and the accommodation and transportation must be properly arranged by Tianhe Network.

Chuhe readily agreed to this. Compared with their technology, Chuhe took a fancy to these technicians themselves.

"In this way, the next project can be launched completely, and everyone in the studio can learn some project experience about FPS."

Looking at the project documents, Chu He had a smile on his face.

It's just that compared with Chuhe's happiness, Plot and Piguet are a bit sad, because they have to go to the battlefield project of EA headquarters in person to serve as technical guidance.

Pig is indifferent to this, but Plott is a little complicated.

I think it was because I was excluded in EA that I left angrily and joined Tianhe Network.

But it's fine now, a year has passed, and I changed my identity and went back to EA.

Of course, it's just a little emotion in my heart. Now Plott is not afraid of being treated unfairly in EA.

If you really want to, just pat the person and leave, he is not your EA member now.

At the same time, beyond the studio...

Beyond the studio, for most gamers, the mention of this studio is basically very unfamiliar.

I have no idea what this studio is.

But when it comes to their works, most of the players will show expressions of enlightenment.

This is a folk MOD studio.

That's right, it's MOD studios, not game studios. They make MODs for all kinds of interesting, open and potential games around the world.

Even for a game thirteen years ago, they spent four years making a large MOD.

It can be said that in the game MOD studio, no one is more famous than Chaoyue Studio.

Also in this studio, the members also come from all over the world.

"Boss, boss, look at this game, it's awesome!" In the group of Chaoyue Studio, a member with ID: lex @all staff with an excited face, and then posted a purchase link on the steam platform.

The group, which had no movement at all, was instantly broken.

"A Chinese game?"

"Hey, it turned out to be this game. Speaking of which, I wanted to recommend it. This game is really great, but I can't understand the plot."

"Is it the game that IGN gave a high score some time ago?"

All kinds of discussions suddenly started in the group.

"That's right, it's that game. The official MOD editing tool was released. I tried it. For us MOD makers, this game is really great. Although the plot is a bit difficult to understand, the replayability is really amazing. It’s high, and the key is that the frame templates are intact, if we replace the background of this game with Lord of the Rings, don’t you think it’s cool?” Lex spoke excitedly in the group.

"It's really a cool idea! Actually, I wanted to play this game as soon as it came out, but I really couldn't figure out the plot. Although there are English subtitles, it's too complicated. I'm dizzy playing it, but I thought it would be cool if it was a Lord of the Rings background!"

"But in this case, this is not a small project. We need to understand the game and be familiar with the MOD editor."

"Also, we still have other MODs that haven't been finished yet!"

The members of the group began to discuss heatedly.

"Maybe we can go to the game official for help, so that they can open up more things to us?" At this time, someone in the group made a suggestion.

"Oh, my God, can you stop dreaming? How could the game official care about these things, although it can be seen that they support MOD."

"This is not certain, what if it works? After all, we are not a profitable MOD group, although we have sponsorship channels." Someone in the group discussed.

In the end, the group owner who has been diving, that is, the leader of Beyond Studio, Thomson said in the group: "Let me try it, actually, well, I am an employee of EA, and our project team will soon follow The company that develops this game cooperates, maybe I can try to get in touch."

"Hey, is the group owner from the field project? I'm also an employee of EA, but I'm from the French department."

"Envious, those from Polish Stupid Ass Studio dare not speak."

Soon as the topic unfolded, the direction of the discussion in the group suddenly changed.

As for Chuhe in the Tianhe network office, he didn't know that there was already a dedicated MOD team who wanted to contact them to seek a more open MOD production space. He was thinking about his next project, what kind of FPS to do.

"Battle Royale? Or an orthodox FPS project?" Chu He put his hands on the keyboard, hesitating a little in his heart.

He was really a little unsure about noticing, and didn't know what to do.

For games of the style of battle royale, in fact, the requirements for FPS are not all, and more important is the rhythm of the game.

After thinking about it for about half an hour, Chu He silently typed the words 'multiplayer mode and stand-alone mode' on the keyboard, and then marked the multiplayer mode as a bold number with the mouse after a while.

Then type a project name below.

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