Video Game Designer

Chapter 39 Not like this, I don't even have the chance to touch my dream

After a three-day trip to Huangshan, everyone returned to the Kylin Software Park in Jinling to continue their new work.

In the conference room of Tianhe Network, Chuhe is having a meeting, including the marketing department, operation department, and game departments, as well as some new employees recruited by the headhunting company for game planning and operation during this period.

"I believe everyone knows that the company's new product 'Famine' has achieved great results. I don't think I need to say anything more. I believe everyone should understand. Next, our Tianhe Network will remove the famine that needs to continue to operate. There is also the 'Dangdangtang' project that will be put into test operation soon."

"I hope that the marketing department and the operation department can cooperate well in the external promotion, but under one premise, the marketing department and the operation department must communicate with the development department to finally determine the promotion plan." Chuhe said seriously.

Hearing Chuhe's words, the people below looked at each other in blank dismay, a little confused.

For large-scale online game manufacturers, each department is independent. The marketing department is only in charge of the market, the operation department is only in charge of operations, and the game department is only in charge of games. Basically, there is no direct contact.

However, this also led to the fact that under the KPI assessment, the marketing department advertised all kinds of bragging, but the game product itself was actually not that great, which led to a large gap between players.

"At the same time, I will not take over the follow-up planning of the Dandangtang project, and Li Haoran will be fully responsible. But unlike Legend of the Red Moon, Dandangtang absolutely must maintain a balance in the numerical planning of krypton gold. RMB players have the advantage, but it is not a crushing advantage, it is a value that common people and poor players can accept." Chu He said to Li Haoran, who is in charge of the Dandangtang project.

"Yes, Mr. Chu!" Li Haoran nodded emphatically with a serious look on his face.

"Finally, I want to tell you one important thing, KPI assessment; unlike other investors and CEOs of game manufacturers who don't understand games, I will not only focus on ARPU (average recharge of players) in terms of game planning and operation. , or DAU (average online duration of players), and PCU (maximum simultaneous online time). What I value is the balance chain and life chain of the game. Web games and even Tianhe Network will involve online games and mobile games in the future, but I don’t want to see The game uses the method of squeezing the potential of life in exchange for a short-term high value."

Chuhe looked at the crowd and said seriously.

Hearing Chuhe's words, everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay, such as Li Haoran, Xu Chang and other game planners and front-end developers showed excited expressions.

The rest of the people showed surprised expressions, and of course they were just surprised. Anyway, this is not their KPI assessment index, and it has nothing to do with them.

Is domestic game planning really that stupid? I don't know their various practices, launching unbalanced props is killing the life potential of the game?

Of course they know, but because of the KPIs on their heads, which are related to their bonuses and salaries, they have to use such means.

Don't the top executives and decision makers of the game company know that this is squeezing the life potential of their own products?

Of course, I know it, but the investors behind it, and in order to give a beautiful report to the outside world after listing, they can only do this.

In the future, who cares if the game has been squeezed out of life potential?

They only care about immediate interests.

"The next main thing is that the marketing department mainly collects, analyzes statistical information and data, and image public relations, and the operation department mainly focuses on follow-up customer service work and maintenance of related forums to cultivate user stickiness."

Chuhe simply said a few words, and the rest is for the director of the marketing department and the operation department.

Then in the office, the relevant personnel of the game department remained.

In terms of Legend of the Red Moon, it is basically on the right track, and the follow-up is basically a matter of advertising investment and rolling service assembly line.

As for the Tangtangtang, although he did not personally plan or participate in the game production, Chuhe has been paying attention to its progress. After all, this is the second blood transfusion product of Tianhe Network to replace Legend of the Red Moon.

"Good quality, remember to maintain a certain balance. If the follow-up results are gratifying, we can consider making a mobile game." Chu He nodded as he watched the report submitted by Li Haoran and some numerical data.

Tianhe Network will not let go of mobile games. After all, it would be unwise to give up such a big market.

Regarding the future of Tianhe Network, Chuhe thought very clearly. On the one hand, he followed the route of high-quality games, and on the other hand, he also needed the existence of krypton gold games to ensure the financial health of Tianhe Network.

Unlike other game companies, Chuhe has never thought of listing Tianhe Network. He hopes that Tianhe Network can be self-sufficient and maintain the stability of funds.

When the Tianhe network develops in the future, Chuhe will distribute the corresponding shares to the employees of the company, but the financing and listing is something Chuhe does not want to see.

Because once there is the entry of external capital, some things are not so pure.

Since it does not accept financing from external capital, there is no doubt that Tianhe Network must have its own hematopoietic capabilities.

Let alone a 3A stand-alone masterpiece, the development of large-scale domestic online games alone requires tens of millions, hundreds of millions of funds.

Considering the project personnel needed for development and the development cycle, it can be said that during that period of time, there was only expenditure and no income.

If relying on the development of stand-alone games like Famine, there is absolutely no problem in supporting Tianhe Network, but it is simply wishful thinking to provide Tianhe Network with enough funds to develop large-scale games.

Therefore, even if Chuhe doesn't like krypton gold games, he has to do it for the sake of the company.

In his previous life on the earth, when Chu He first entered the field of web game planning, he asked a question to the producer of a big factory.

'When every planner or producer enters the game industry, he probably enters with lofty dreams to change the game industry in China, but why do most of them become the best players when they were players? What about the hated person? '

To this day, Chuhe still remembers it very clearly. Sitting in the meeting room, looking at the report presented in front of him, Chuhe whispered to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Because, if you don't do this , I don’t even have the chance to touch my dream!”

Since the birth of the game, it has been hailed as the ninth artwork.

Which game planner, which game producer, doesn't want to make classic game artwork?

But there are a few people who can become that kind of person, everyone is working hard for their own dreams, but sometimes in an environment, if you don’t make compromises, you can’t even get the qualification to touch the road of dreams arrive.

Some people embarked on the road to pursue their dreams, but got lost along the way; others gritted their teeth and kept walking forward, hoping that one day they could really find their dreams.

This chapter is a private goods chapter

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