Video Game Designer

Chapter 31 I, Master Pei of the Famine Land!

Judging from the screen performance after entering the game, although there is a lot of initial entry with the previous screen in the trailer, the difference is not big. This is also the common method of most game manufacturers.

But after a little hands-on operation, Lin Yi felt something was wrong.

"But the optimization of domestic games is still scum! My 1080TI can only run 40FPS under high special effects!" Lin Du complained as he manipulated the character to walk around twice.

And the key point is that even if Lin Yi lowered the picture settings in the options, the frame rate did not change at all, which made him even more depressed.

'22333333, don't struggle, Lin, I also pre-purchased the game and played it before. My 1060 also has this frame rate. This hot chicken game is not optimized at all! '

'What are the characteristics of domestic games? It's not the first time I've seen zero optimization. Basic operations. Everyone, sit down. '

Looking at the bullet screen, Lin Yu started to play according to the normal game flow while bragging with the bullet screen.

But after about fifteen minutes, Lin Yi felt something was wrong.

"Why is this task so visual? The last one was to collect 20 screws, but this one needs to collect 50 pieces of iron?"

As a game expert, Lin Yi quickly determined that the repetition of tasks in this game was too high.

free? Indeed, the withdrawal has arrived, the map is very large and you can go anywhere.

create? It is true that spaceships, cars and so on can be created.

However, the map scene is too empty, and the repetition rate of collection required for creation is too high, which makes people feel too boring. At least after only playing for about 15 minutes, Lin Yi can't continue playing.

"To be honest, I don't recommend players to buy this game. From the perspective of game content, I think independent games worth more than ten yuan are much better than it." Didn't continue the game, is there any big news in the future? The turning point, Lin Yi is also not clear.

At least as a game anchor, the barrage has already decided the direction of the wind, all of them are so boring, so boring barrage.

In fact, he himself felt that this game, except for better graphics and beautiful textures, seemed to have no merits at all.

More importantly, he found that in the process of playing for only ten minutes, the popularity in the live broadcast room has actually shown a downward trend.

"Next, there is a famine. The WEGAME platform is 5 yuan cheaper than the steam platform, and it only sells for 20 yuan. In terms of price, it is cheaper than some independent games. A while ago, the game Starry Sky also specially launched I tried it internally, but I didn’t detect any news, but it’s not important, now let’s try Famine right now.” While communicating with the barrage, Lin Yi opened the WEGAME platform, and clicked on the downloaded Famine enters the game.

To be honest, although he received money from WEGAME, he didn't have much hope for the game of Famine.

Especially after just experiencing the so-called fantasy world, and then contacting the manufacturer who made Famine, it turned out to be the manufacturer of Legend of the Red Moon.

It's really hard to imagine the quality of the game, but it's beyond Lin's expectation. When he said he was going to play Don't Starve, although a large number of friends persuaded him not to waste time, there were also a small number of friends who said Good words about famine, and they are all water friends with fan tags, and their level is not low.

Could it be that there is really something about this famine?

After entering the famine, the logo of Tianhe Network first appeared. With the logo disappearing, it slowly led into the darkness. A burst of weird and cheerful BGM came from the earphones, accompanied by a bird or something on the screen. The crow came to the window on the second floor of a hut, and then appeared on the screen was Wilson, the protagonist of famine, who was doing an experiment but it seemed that the experiment had failed.

Depressed, Wilson sat down in a chair when the nearby radio blared.

‘looks like you have some tro’

(it looks like you're having some trouble)

‘i have secret knowledge ican share with you’

(I have some secret knowledge I can share with you)

‘if you think you are ready for it’

(if you think you are ready)

This is a Chinese voice with English subtitles, a synthesized sound like mechanical electronics, combined with the weird and weird music, for some reason Lin Yi suddenly trembled.

The animation is still going on. When Wilson agreed, countless knowledge flooded into his mind, and then Wilson started his experiment again.

Finally, when he cut his hand with a knife and made blood, a strange machine appeared in front of it.

That's when the radio ordered Wilson to turn on the switch, but he got scared, so the radio started roaring.

'DO IT! '

(Quick! Open it!)

The switch was turned on, and a pair of dark hands grabbed Wilson's ankles and pulled him directly into the ground. At the same time, a mysterious black figure appeared outside the room with a strange smile.

Then the CG ends and enters the UI of Famine.

Before Lin Yi came back to his senses, the barrage in the live broadcast room was frantically swiping the screen.

"I really like this style!"

"Wow! If the dubbing is changed to English, I really thought it was a foreign game!"

"If the quality of the game can be the same as CG, I'll buy it! Steam platform, WEGAME, I'll buy one too!"

"But this is not a horror game, is it? The CG is a bit scary!"

Start the game, load the archive, options, and end the game. There are a total of four options, among which there is a game forum option in the lower right corner.

Regarding the mall, and the options in the test of mods, Chuhe and the others did not join them, and it is not the time to launch them yet.

From the overall first glance, the UI of Don't Starve is very simple, but it doesn't give people a simple feeling.

Especially with the somewhat grotesque style of painting, and the weird BGM, it made Lin Yi feel a little bit emotional.

Of course, this is only a preliminary impression. As for the specifics of the game, it still depends on the content of the game.

I directly chose to start the game. To Lin's surprise, there are two options after clicking to start the game, one is the survival mode and the other is the story adventure mode.

"There's something! It's even divided into survival mode and plot adventure mode. The plot mode should be to take over the previous animation CG to introduce the world view and plot of this game, but now let's experience the survival mode, not to brag to you. , I, Lin, is an absolute hard-core game expert, and I will let you guys see what is meant by Master Bei of the Famine Land after I study for a while."

The mouse moved over the survival mode, and Lin Yi set a FLAG for himself in a confident tone.

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