Video Game Designer

Chapter 2 Recruitment

One month later, in Jinling City, Kylin Software Park.

Starting a company is not easy, even if you have money.

It took Chuhe a month to sell the house, rent the space, apply for a business license, and purchase office supplies, and there were only five months left before the task limit.

However, these are necessary conditions. Otherwise, when recruiting people, others will find that you do not have a business license or even an office space. How dare others follow you?

'Tianhe Network'

This is the name of the company Chuhe founded. As for the logo, Chuhe didn't have the time to make it specially. It's just a simple wavy blue line similar to a river, which is very simple.

As for the company's main business, not only games, but almost everything that can fill Chuhe.

"The next step is recruitment, and it's a good time!" Chuhe hung the company's signboard on the door of the office, glanced at the time on the phone and exhaled.

Now is mid-April, this time happens to be a good time for juniors to do internships, seniors to seek jobs, major companies to recruit on-campus, and it is also a good time for major companies to change jobs.

That's right, Chuhe wants to recruit fresh graduates who are about to graduate. As for the game project that the company will develop, Chujiang has already thought about it.

The first game I developed doesn’t require great technology. If you have experience, the development speed is indeed faster, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t have experience. As long as you can work overtime, endure hardships, and execute your own orders well, that’s enough. .

Fresh graduates who are about to graduate are undoubtedly the perfect target.

Those who have just left school are full of vigor, have enough yearning for the future, and can endure hardships.

What's more important is that their plasticity is strong enough, and for the company, college students who have just left school are undoubtedly more cultivable because their loyalty is stronger.

And game development programmers who have worked for many years in general game companies have accumulated enough skills and experience, but they lack a lot in terms of plasticity and loyalty compared to college students.

In a week, besides being contacted for the number of college recruits, Chuhe also registered his name at the job fair held by Kylin Software Park. Although he said he wanted to recruit students, Chuhe really needed an experienced person to lead them.

At the same time, I also found outsourced art, and voice actor dubbing.

One is the urgency of time, and the other is that the game Chuhe is going to make really does not have such high requirements for dubbing and art resources.

Time passed quickly, instead of continuing to rent another house, Chuhe directly put a bed in the office.

In addition to contacting the outsourcing studio during these times, Chuhe has been in the office all the time, perfecting the numerical planning of the game, as well as the numerical control of krypton gold, and researching games in this parallel world and some other game-related industry chains.

Regarding some gameplays and specific values, Chuhe does not intend to let other people intervene. Through understanding Chuhe, he discovered that this parallel world, and his original world, each game has its own strengths, but the difference is its own Standing on the shoulders of giants, countless successful cases on the earth are placed there, which can be used as a reference for Chuhe, but these have never happened in the parallel world.

At the end of April, Chuhe has been in this world for a month and a half, and the time for the task is only less than five months, but fortunately, as long as today goes well, the project can officially start, and the outsourced The project has already started.

As long as Chuhe and his team can produce and test the game within four months, it can be launched completely.

But the premise is that you can successfully recruit people.

After leaving the gate of the software park, Chuhe took a taxi and went straight to South University of Science and Technology. This is a university located in the university town of Jinling, which can only be regarded as an average school in the whole country.

If possible, Chuhe would like to apply to first-class universities such as Southeast or Jinling University, but firstly, it is not so easy to pass the review, and secondly, compared with the top companies in the same industry, he really has no competitiveness at all.

Of course, there is another point, which is also the most important point, that is, his first project does not require any experienced people.

The weather in April, although the temperature is not high, but the sun is shining on a sunny day, and Chuhe specially changed into a more formal suit before going out, so it still feels a bit hot.

Under the leadership of the school's arrangers, Chuhe came to his recruitment position in the square, and the display rack next to him was written with the positions being recruited and the company's introduction and development direction.

The location is neither too good nor too bad. After all, for Chuhe, a "shell" company, he still doesn't have the capital to apply for a place like a school's open class classroom.

"My former self was also one of them!" Looking at the students walking together, Chu He was expressionless, but he sighed with emotion from the bottom of his heart.

In the same dormitory, even if it is not a major, they will come out together to look for a job at this time. Although it does not help the application, they will still act together.

Soon there was a small team in front of Chuhe. Although compared with other companies, the newly established 'Tianhe Network' was very young, but it was the only game company that day, and all the recruits were game server programs. member.

In terms of seniority, the newly established 'Tianhe Network' does not seem to have any advantages, but everyone is the same in terms of reputation.

'Tianhe Network' has not developed a game and just established, but those few games are not well-known games, and the games they develop are also half-dead. Although they can make profits, they are not well-known enough.

After one day's recruitment, Chuhe returned to the company in the software park with about 50 resumes contentedly. Next, he needed to select some people from the resumes for interviews.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Chuhe called the resumes selected last night one by one to inform them of the interview time.

After the notification, Chuhe turned on the computer, looked at the finished products sent by the outsourced art and voice actors, and then communicated with them about the effects he needed and asked them to repair them.

"If this continues, I don't know if the funds will be enough!" Leaning on the chair, closing his eyes and resting, Chu He sighed.

The rent of the venue, the purchase of office supplies, and the deposit for outsourcing costs are now only 7.5 million in the account of the entire company.

It seems like a huge amount of money, but in fact, this amount of money is really too little, too little.

The cost of professional software, the rental cost of later game servers, and the most important advertising promotion cost.

Just as Chuhe was thinking about this, the doorbell rang.

Turning his head and taking a look, there was a young man in a casual shirt standing outside, with a little curiosity on his face and a little panic between his brows.

The first interviewer has arrived.

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