Twilight Boundary

You don’t ask for leave, but you have to pay more slowly if you owe more.

I don’t ask for leave, but the debt I owe must be paid slowly...

Look, gentlemen, I really don’t live up to expectations. I competed so well in the rankings this month, but I was hospitalized in the last few days.

Four days ago, I woke up feeling chest tightness and couldn't sleep, so I went to the hospital. What was checked at that time was cardiac ischemia and the troponin value was about ten times higher than the standard. The doctor said there was a risk of sudden death and he asked me to be hospitalized. I also hugged him. I was a bit suspicious, but I didn't stop. I came back and coded the words for the past few days, but after all, I was afraid of death. I waited for two days and came to check again. The result was still the same.

There was nothing I could do, I was hospitalized, and the doctor wouldn’t let me go this time, because they were afraid that something serious might happen to me if I had a heart attack.

I originally planned to make extra updates in the last few days of this month and pay back all I owe, but now I feel a little stressed.

I am also looking for it. If I can find a single ward with an environment for typing, it would be ideal to recuperate and type while at the same time. At least I can revise the manuscript and revise the outline.

I try my best to adjust my time by myself, and strive to keep updating. At the same time, I adjust it well, and when I am in good condition, I can pay back the updates I owe.

After all, everyone has been so awesome this month, and Lao Gui is also a person who doesn’t want to lose control.

Of course, now I am actually hoping that the results of this test will be more satisfactory, otherwise, I will have to say goodbye to my favorite beer, cigarettes, and natal coffee.

Finally, hugging my fists, I still remember the manuscript I owe!

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