Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 99 The fish takes the bait and the artifact comes out


How can you break this baffle with a wooden stick?

You have to use a knife...

Use his Guan Xing's Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

Under the blade, how can these baffles hold up!

——Just a clown!

Not long after, the soldier handed the Qinglong Yanyue Sword to Guan Xing. Guan Xing took the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, turned around, and said angrily: "What a wall, if my Qinglong Yanyue Sword can't break it, I...I Guan Xing is willing to be defeated!"

As he spoke, he held a knife in one hand and drove his horse forward with the other.

Close, close...

When facing the baffle, Guan Xing gathered all his strength in his hands.

Dance the knife with both hands.

The Qinglong Yanyue Sword drew a gorgeous arc in the air, carrying the strong wind and the majestic force, and went straight down like an overwhelming mountain!


With the sound of the Qinglong Yanyue knife colliding with the baffle.

In everyone's eager eyes.

The fender of the sidecar was particularly motionless!

On the contrary, the blade of the Qinglong Yanyue Sword seemed to have a "teeth"...

This is…

——Didn’t the defense break?

Guan Xing's overwhelming sword attack... actually didn't break his defense!

Guan Xing didn't know that the "planks" of this sidecar were a fusion of Huang Chengyan's wood craftsmanship and forging steel technology... Every section of the plank would be plated with a thin layer of steel.

With an ordinary blade, let alone breaking it into pieces, even if it breaks the defense, that would be extremely difficult!

An urgent message from Jiangdong traveled over mountains and ridges and finally arrived at Hanzhong City in Dongchuan.

The sky in Hanzhong is like the situation here, constantly changing.

It was still sunny just now, but at dusk, a strong wind suddenly blew.

Outside the city, there is a military camp. Under numerous tall watchtowers, an endless array of antlers and horses are displayed. These antlers and horses are intertwined and intricate.

The sheer number of them and the tightness of their furnishings make anyone who sees them feel frightened and retreat.

In the second year of Jian'an, when Zhang Xiu was conquered and Zhang Xiu surrendered, Cao Cao kicked open the widow's door. As a result, a favorite general, a wise nephew, and a beloved horse were handed over there in the first battle.

Most of Cao Cao's soul was also lost!

Cao Cao would not live in any new city at night.

Although he is in a high position and has a suspicious nature, the only thing he can completely trust now is his army.

At this moment, dusk has arrived, and thousands of military flags with the word "Wei" are still fluttering in the wind under the wash of rain.

...Outside the central army tent, the five horses in front of the Wuyu carriage seemed to be uneasy because of the sudden cold weather. They raised their hooves high and stamped heavily on the ground, snoring from time to time.


Even the suddenly cold weather, even the "whirring" of the wind outside the tent, still couldn't cover up the demonic laughter in the Chinese army's tent.


Cao Cao is laughing.

But often when Cao Cao smiles, either life or death is unpredictable, or the whole camp knows about it.

For a time, the entire Cao Jun camp was filled with his laughter.

"Huhou, come here, give him some saliva and let him continue talking!"

After a hearty laugh, Cao Cao ordered the messenger in front of him to continue reporting.

The messenger took the bowl of water handed over by Xu Chu, drank it in one gulp, and then opened his mouth again.

"The three generals followed the Lord's order to 'attack thieves as they come', with General Le Jin defending the city, while Generals Zhang Liao and Li Dian left the city. As a result... before General Li Dian could leave the city to meet him, General Zhang Liao and his 800 Shanxi infantrymen had already penetrated the city. That’s Sun Quan’s 100,000 troops.”

"I fought from night to dawn, and from dawn to noon, for a whole morning in the Soochow military camp. I killed dozens of generals in formation, and blood flowed into rivers. One hundred thousand Wu troops fled in panic, and the Soochow soldiers and horses trampled each other. Its number."

"After another seven days, Sun Quan led his army to spy outside the city of Hefei. General Zhang Liao led 800 Shanxi cavalry to defeat Soochow in Xiaoyaojin, and almost captured Sun Quan, the leader of Soochow. This battle frightened the generals of the Wu army. Even Lu Meng and Gan Ning also narrowly escaped death, and now, in the whole of Soochow, whenever a child from Jiangdong cries, as long as he hears 'Liao Lai, Liao Lai', his crying will stop!"

"Ah... the child has stopped crying? Hahahaha!"

Cao Cao laughed again, but this time there was a little more surprise in his smile.

Zhang Liao's bravery simply exceeded his imagination!

"Hahahaha, Wen Yuan is really a talented general!" Cao Cao said with emotion while laughing.

The counselor Cheng Yu on the side cupped his hands and said: "This is all due to the Prime Minister's acquaintance with people!"

"Hahahaha..." Cao Cao laughed out loud again. "How can such a general with only a few thousand men be enough? He ordered us to massively increase the number of troops for General Wenyuan!"

"Here!" Cheng Yu quickly handed over his hand.

"Hahahaha..." Cao Cao's laughter burst out again. During this period, he was the happiest he had been today.

When Cao Cao's voice fell, Cheng Yu blinked and reminded Cao Cao.

"Prime Minister, after Zhang Lu surrendered, Hanzhong has returned to the Prime Minister. But now, the Prime Minister has not gone south to Bashu for a long time. General Miaocai (Xia Houyuan) asked a few days ago that the Prime Minister said he was waiting for news from Hefei. Someone knows that once the Prime Minister goes south Attack, the Soochow side will take advantage of the opportunity to move north, and we, the Wei Dynasty, will fight on two fronts!"

"But now...the victory of Hefei has greatly damaged the vitality and morale of Soochow, and there is no need to worry about it in a short period of time. Should the Prime Minister consider taking advantage of the strong morale of the three armies and the change of mind of the people of Yizhou to go to Longwang Shu and go south to attack Chengdu?" , and captured Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang to get rid of their worries."

What Cheng Yu said was reasonable and well-founded.

This also made Cao Cao once again think deeply about the decision to "southern Bashu".

It should be noted that Xun Yu died three years ago and Xun You died one year ago.


Among the four great counselors under Cao Cao, only Jia Xu and Cheng Yu remained.

Jia Xu is nicknamed "Poison Man", but now he is getting more and more stubborn as he gets older and more refined. Today, he would rather pay attention to futility, but he must not have any mistakes.

Ever since he proposed a plan to "destroy" Ma Chao and Han Sui during the previous campaign against Xiliang, this 'poisonous man' has not come up with a plan for four years. He cherishes his words like gold.

Therefore, Cheng Yu is the only one left among the four advisers who often accompany Cao Cao and advise him.

This time, he proposed to go to Longwang Shu... and it was also after careful consideration.

Yizhou is newly settled, Liu Bei's seat is not stable, and his victory is not glorious. At this time when "people are panicked" and "people's minds are changing"... indeed, for Cao Cao, it is the best time to go south to Bashu.


Today, Cao Cao still has worries.

At this moment, his tiger eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone was low and thick. "Does Zhongde think that after Soochow is defeated, Gu can sit back and relax?"

At this point, Cao Cao opened his eyes and shouted: "Ten Sun Zhongmou tied together are not as good as Guan Yunchang!"


Hearing this, Cheng Yu took a breath.

It turns out...the crux is here!

Cao Cao cared too much about Guan Yu.

No one knows how capable Guan Yu is than Cao Cao.

As long as Guan Yu is in Jiangling for one day, it will be a huge threat to Xiangfan.

You must know that behind Xiangfan is Nanyang. Nanyang is known as the Southern Capital. It is the largest grain-producing place in the Central Plains. It is the economic context of the Han Dynasty and the prosperity of the Han Dynasty is comparable to that of Yecheng and Xudu.

Once Xiangfan is lost, Nanyang will be directly threatened by Guan Yu's march north. Once Nanyang is lost, it will be equivalent to cutting off the food supply of the entire Wei army.

——It also broke the soul of the entire Wei army...

This is what Cao Cao cares about most.

Speaking of which…

Guan Yu has indeed given Cao Cao a lingering fear in recent years.

His most respected clan brother, Cao Ren, was almost beaten to a pulp by Guan Yu.

Le Jin, who was dispatching support... had not yet fought, but because of Guan Yu's "Jue North Road" move, he cut off the connection between Le Jin's grain transportation and Xiangfan Cao Ren, and even... a grain raid turned Le Jin into a polished general!

In addition, Guan Yu has been so good these years!

There is no doubt that Guan Yu and Jiangling have become the biggest threats to the entire Cao Wei.

Subject to this threat, how could Cao Cao dare to go south easily?

...Once a war starts here and something goes wrong in Xiangfan, Cao Cao will not even have a chance to return reinforcements!

"My Lord, procrastinating like this will be helpful for Liu Bei to secure Yizhou, but it will not be helpful for us!"

Cheng Yu is still persuading.

"Hahaha." Cao Cao stood up slowly. He put his hand deep into the basin and wiped it with clean cloth. He said: "I want to go south more than you... But as long as I think about it, Gu's opponent is Guan Yu and Zhuge Liang." , I must be patient and think carefully about how to implement a foolproof strategy! In recent years, the Wei Dynasty has suffered a lot from their hands."

Speaking of this, Cao Cao wiped his washed hands on his clothes quite uninhibitedly.

He turned around quickly, but suddenly there was a sparkle in his eyes.

"Finally, I thought hard and thought about this strategy, and I also picked the best time to go south!"

"The timing of the Prime Minister's choice is..." Cheng Yu asked quickly.

However, Cao Cao had slowly walked to the door, letting the strong wind rage on him.

He raised his head, his fine eyes narrowed almost to a slit, and he looked at the sky.

——"It's almost the dry season in Jingzhou, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Cheng Yu suddenly understood.

"It turns out that the Prime Minister has been waiting for the dry season!"

"Hahaha..." Cao Cao said with a smile as he walked away: "After all, in the years when Zixiao and Guan Yu fought against each other, Zixiao has never defeated Guan Yunchang outside of the dry season, and no one of our great Wei generals has defeated him. You can defeat Yunchang in both normal and high water periods!"

"This is because the Guan family army under Guan Yu is fully equipped for water warfare and infantry warfare. Such soldiers and horses cannot be trained alone..."

"But... Gu thought about it carefully. What he said just now is the same in reverse. Outside of the dry season, Guan Yunchang has won many battles. But during the dry season, Guan Yunchang has never won a battle? This time... Gu plans to send As a gift from Yun Chang, Gu wants to send Cao Chun and the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry during the dry season... He, Guan Yu, cannot defeat the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry during the dry season!"

"In this way, as long as Jingzhou is stable, I can free my hands to go south to Yizhou and cut the big-eared thief into thousands of pieces!"


Hearing this, Cheng Yu took a long breath.

During the dry season, it turns out...the Prime Minister has been plotting against Jingzhou!

Dry season, a good dry season.

As the Prime Minister said, Cao Chun and the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry at this period are invincible!

Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

After charging up a blow, Guan Xing still couldn't break through the huge barrier in front of him.

It is hard to imagine that only eight sidecars could connect these barriers into one and surround the city in a square formation, with all sides impregnable and impossible to attack.

It should be understood that the strength of the cavalry lies in the huge destructive power and impact of the forward attack.

But now... Guan Xing discovered that not just a dozen of them, but a hundred or a thousand of them were coming, facing this huge baffle? What can he do?

The time it takes to think.

The wooden sticks in the small holes on the baffle were swung out again. This time Guan Xing was prepared and dodged immediately, but there were too many wooden sticks... and one hit him in the chest.

Guan Xing relied on the strength of his body to withstand the blow without being knocked off his horse.

But he felt extremely disappointed.

It was as if all his dedication to "martial arts" and "soldier bravery"... were all... all... collapsed in front of this barrier at this moment.

There was a burning pain in his chest, and his confidence disappeared without a trace like this baffle.

"Lost... Third sister, I lost! My cavalry can't break this formation."

Guan Xing opened his mouth helplessly...

Yes, these are only eight strange chariots. What if there are eighty? What about eight hundred cars?

As long as the number is sufficient, this is undoubtedly a fortress on the plains, facing the cold fortress walls? How can the cavalry break through?

Thinking of this section, Guan Xing looked at Guan Lin. Although he still refused to admit defeat, he still raised his voice and said:

"Fourth brother, this chariot can be used!"

"As the merchant said, he is indeed the nemesis of the cavalry!"

Guan Lin responded with a smile.

Needless to say...

In history, especially in the Ming Dynasty, countless experiences against the Tatars in the border areas have proven this.

It may not be easy for the infantry to fight against the cavalry, but as long as there is a "side carriage", the infantry will be able to stand up when fighting against the cavalry!

In fact, the power of this car formation is far from being fully unleashed.

You know, the sidecar is not only for defense, but also for defensive counterattack.

The small hole can not only pierce the spear, but also all enemies that enter the range will be covered by the crossbow.

Calling it a "fortress" is a bit too much...

However, if this "vehicle formation" is regarded as a fortress, around this fortress, many defensive and counterattack tactics can be used by the infantry.

The so-called "Bu-tan collaboration"!

As long as the vehicle array is there, the fortress is there, and the position is there.

This has great significance on the battlefield.

"You are good at this..."

Guan Lin walked up to Shi Huolong and You Tanzhi, pinched his waist, and spoke in a rather bold tone... "I will take as many of the wooden ox, stray horse, repeating crossbow, and sidecar as there are!"

These words were spoken in a high tone.

The entire Victory Bridge could hear it clearly.

At this moment, Guan Yu was deep in thought after a huge shock. Like Guan Lin, his eyes were also staring at Shi Huolong and You Tanzhi.

What a weapon...

Repeating crossbows, wooden cows and flowing horses, and this magical sidecar!

Isn't this just a coincidence? It is simply a good weapon that is crucial during the Northern Expedition during the dry season. It is an artifact that can defeat the northern cavalry!

Guan Yu couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

——"The Northern Expedition is imminent. Is this God's help for Guan?" 』

Unlike Guan Yu, Ma Liang cared more about the people and the power behind these two merchants than the magic of these weapons.

Ma Liang has even begun to guess.

——"A merchant from Jiaozhou?" 』

——‘Are the people behind them Jiaozhou Taxis? 』

——"No, how can Shibian create such a weapon?" If he really had the ability to create it, how could he have been forced by Sun Quan and surrendered two years ago? 』

——"Then...who could it be?" To put it another way, if they really came from Jiaozhou, why not sell these weapons to the soldiers? The Shibian family has considerable savings and extensive financial resources. How can their price be lower than Young Master Yunqi's? 』

Ma Liang couldn't help but fell into deep thought...

At the end, he seemed to suddenly understand.

——"Wrong...wrong again. To control chaos is number; to be brave and timid is to be powerful; to be strong or weak is to be shape...They say they are from Jiaozhou, but how can they really be from Jiaozhou? This is just an illusion. They are definitely not from Jiaozhou. ! There is someone else behind them! 』

Thinking of this, Ma Liang's eyes were fixed.

It seems that he is extremely convinced of this idea.

Looking at Guan Yu, the urgency on his cheeks couldn't be hidden at all.

He could no longer care about anything else and said to Guan Ping: "Weizhi, my father ordered you to contact this merchant in private. You must seize this military supplies before Yun Qi!"

——"This is crucial to our army's northern expedition to Xiangfan!"

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