To the east of Huishui River and to the north of Duyang, it stretches 120 miles from east to west and 270 miles from north to south.

As Guan Yu thought, this dry plain became a favorite fighting place for both Cao and Liu.

For Cao Ren, using one's own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses is the right way to be a strategist, and the strengths and weaknesses of each other could not be clearer.

So what if Liu Bei takes Guanzhong? Yongliang is bitterly cold and Chang'an is in decline, both of which require long-term management.

Prime Minister Cao holds the states of Ji, Yan, Xu, Qing, and Ji, accounting for eight out of ten of the world's population.

As long as you bring a large number of soldiers, use the large number to defeat the small number, lead the strong and attack the weak, then you can win.

Therefore, after the troops surrounded Yang, Cao Ren immediately led his troops to attack Bowang behind Du Yang.

But I didn't expect to meet Guan Yunchang who was also tit for tat halfway.

From looking at each other on the battlefield to hand-to-hand combat, and then to a life-and-death fight, the two sides did not exchange much greetings, as if the tepid offense and defense in the past six months were all an illusion.

The cavalry charges, the infantry forms a formation, spears rise like a forest, and archers draw arrows like rain.

Xia Houyuan rode on the horse and tried to get up a little, trying hard to observe the situation on the battlefield.

As a military governor, Xia Houyuan had a clear grasp of the composition of Cao's army.

A mixture of foot and cavalry, seeking quick victory through mass suppression. Cao Ren made it clear before that as long as Guan Yunchang is destroyed, Jingzhou will collapse.

Although Jingzhou and Hanzhong are connected by Fangling Shangyong, the roads there are bad and it is difficult to mobilize troops. General Cao's army understands this very well.

After all, when they held the northern part of Jingzhou, they considered attacking Hanzhong from Fangling Shangyong.

Looking at the current situation, Xia Houyuan feels that Guan Yu is worthy of being a fierce general, so his current response is to use all his cavalry.

Use the flexibility of the cavalry to control the slow movement of the mixed cavalry.

Moreover, Xia Houyuan could also see that the horses of this cavalry included both Youzhou horses and Liangzhou horses. Considering the geographical location of Jingzhou, it would be quite difficult to assemble such a cavalry army.

It's just... Xia Houyuan shook his head slightly, feeling that it was really difficult to draw generalizations between people.

When the white horse rescued the siege, the guan Yun Chang stabbed Yan Liang in the crowd of tens of thousands of troops, like an unparalleled general.

During the Battle of Jingxiang, the navy was victorious. I heard that the navy is still showing off its power on the river.

And now, although the cavalry army in front of us can hardly be called brave, it is quite organized in its advance and retreat, which can be called remarkable.

However, these approximately 4,000 cavalry troops and Prime Minister Cao's army could only hold a brief stalemate, and it was simply a delusion to win.

Guan Yu's cavalry is not as elite as Cao's tiger and leopard cavalry, and there are no infantry to raid the formation. So in the end, the safest way is probably...

"The cavalry must assemble and attack the enemy tail to tail!"

"The infantry forms a formation and the troops advance to gain hope!"

Cao Ren expressionlessly issued the military order, which was then spread to all directions and faithfully executed. The cavalry troops from all departments jumped out of the formation and gathered under the banner of the central army.

As a general, Cao Ren knew very well about the strength of his troops. There were about 12,000 cavalry assembled, including nearly 3,000 tiger and leopard cavalry, all of which were far superior to the cavalry led by Guan Yu.

These are Prime Minister Cao's most precious assets. In order to win this battle, curb the arrogance of the rebel army, and be able to overwhelm and unite Jiangdong, he set out here.

Two thousand versus four thousand, and there were even three thousand elite cavalry among them. At this point, Cao Ren felt a lot safer.

The ensuing battle was as Cao Ren expected. As soon as they came into contact, nearly a hundred knights of Guan Yu's cavalry fell off their horses and died.

A rare smile appeared on Cao Ren's face, and he immediately issued orders to urge the cavalry to pursue and be sure to kill Guan Yu here.

Although Prime Minister Cao had told him before the attack that he must capture Guan Yunchang alive, Cao Ren had already decided in private:

He wants to kill Guan Yunchang again in Jingzhou and avenge Cao Zilian!

Prime Minister Cao's thoughts were only communicated to him privately, but Cao Ren's own thoughts were now known to everyone through the military:

"Pass on my order, whoever kills Guan Yu will be granted the title of 5,000-household lord!"

For Cao Ren, this is not his first fight with Guan Yu.

When Nanjun was defeated by Zhou Gongjin, Guan Yu responded from the side.

In Fancheng, Guan Yunchang sneaked out of the city to the north to attack Wancheng. Although he was determined to capture Wancheng, he had no choice but to give up after the Han River flooded the north bank.

Both games were lost, but neither game could be considered a complete encounter.

But now seeing Guan Yunchang leading the army to flee with his back turned, Cao Ren felt an unprecedented pleasure from the bottom of his heart.

So what if there are ten thousand enemies? What about the unparalleled navy?

Trying to make a living as a cavalry soldier is really the most ridiculous thing in the world!

Just because you were lucky enough to win, do you think that the cavalry can be as quick as the navy?

For a moment, Cao Ren felt a little regretful about the order he had just given. He should capture Guan Yu alive, ask him some heart-breaking words and then kill him, so that he could vent his resentment!

Guan Yu fled north, and Cao Ren led his cavalry in hot pursuit.

Xia Houyuan, who was hanging at the rear of the infantry, watched the chase and escape getting further and further away. He couldn't help but feel a little worried in his heart, but then he laughed at himself:

In any case, Cao Zixiao is also a veteran general. Although the quality of the 10,000 cavalry troops is uneven, the 3,000 tiger and leopard cavalry among them can be regarded as the best in the world.

Who can defeat such a powerful army?

But Xia Houyuan still had some worries in his heart. Although he deliberately avoided it every time he thought about the defeat in Guanzhong, in fact he remembered it clearly than anyone else:

The collapse of Chang'an in half a day is still a mystery. At that time, he followed Liu Bei into Chang'an and saw something vague. The reason for this is still unknown.

The Shaofu speculated that Liu Bei might have adapted the Pili Chariot, so Cao Jun who was besieging Duyang this time followed Prime Minister Cao's military orders and rushed to make the Pili Chariot, but now it seems that the effect is not satisfactory.

Since Chang'an can be conquered in half a day, with these 10,000 cavalry troops... Xia Houyuan's heart couldn't help but tremble.

For Cao Ren, he had no time to think about this. He only knew that Cao Zilian's revenge and Guan Yu's defeat were all in front of him, as if he could grab them if he stretched out his hand harder and could reach them at his fingertips.

So Cao Ren tried his best to reach out, and then caught a piece of smoke.

It was obviously still summer and the sun was just right, but instead a thin but persistent dust mist rose from the flat ground in front of us, as if hundreds of families were cooking at the same time.

He watched helplessly as Guan Yu rushed in. Within a few breaths, he could only hear the sound of horse hooves hitting the ground in the distance, and the general in green robes covered with armor could no longer be seen.

This unusual sight had set off alarm bells in Cao Ren's heart. Without the need for an order, the entire cavalry automatically came to a slow stop. No one was willing to rush into the dust and mist to try their luck.

Cao Ren narrowed his eyes and didn't know what to do for a while.

He couldn't see with his eyes, so he subconsciously listened, but he soon realized something was wrong.

Why did the sound of horse hooves rushing into the fog not only not go away, but become louder and crisper?

It's like... it's like the sound of iron horse's hooves trampling on the ground!

But before Cao Ren could think clearly, he saw a cavalryman rushing out of the dust and mist.

His head was covered with iron, he was wearing iron armor, and his horse was covered with iron clothes. The cold light reflected by the armor immediately made Cao Ren's heart freeze: What kind of monster is this!

But there was more than one such iron monster. As Guan Yu entered the mist, the dust mist seemed to thin a bit, revealing more iron cavalry inside.

Quickly estimating the strength of troops on the battlefield is the basic quality of a general. He only glanced at Cao Ren and concluded that there were only a thousand cavalry in front of him.

But they were charging towards him and more than ten thousand cavalry!

The choice of battle formation took only a moment. Cao Ren roared and urged his more than ten thousand cavalry to charge.

He didn't know the power of this iron cavalry, but he knew that as a cavalryman, if he couldn't run, he would be no different from an infantryman.

The hasty hedging took only a moment, and the flying dust driven by more than ten thousand riders completely dispersed the strange dust mist.

Cao Ren looked back again and saw the path of flesh and blood forged in just a few breaths behind him.

Horse infantry and tiger and leopard cavalry, internal organs and severed limbs, war horses and soldiers, all indistinguishable from each other, were brutally torn apart and scattered on the road.

The flesh collides with gold and iron, and the iron hoofs trample the bones. The winner can be seen at a glance.

The armor was no longer clean, and the blood-stained cavalry had a more chilling air. They watched the opponent methodically turn towards their team of cavalry that had been pierced.

Cao Ren only had one thought left in his mind:


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