Spoiling History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 453 Dignity of the common people

[It should also be noted that the Song Dynasty was in a critical period when women's status fell off a cliff, so women's social status was also extremely polarized.

Legally speaking, women in the Song Dynasty enjoyed half of men's property inheritance rights even if they got married. Compared with women in the Tang Dynasty who lost their property inheritance rights after getting married, this was an improvement.

At the same time, due to the prosperity of the economy during this period, the enrollment rate of women increased greatly, and there were even extremely rare incidents of women taking part in the imperial examinations. These were all reflections of women's social status.

But at the same time, Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism began to emerge, adhering to the belief that "starving to death is a small matter, and dishonesty is a big deal". The frequent defeats in foreign wars since Gaolianghe Che Shen also made the overall social atmosphere begin to become more conservative.

For example, the treasure "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" left by the Northern Song Dynasty painting master Zhang Zeduan depicts the urban scenery of Bianjing. There are about 800 characters in the painting, only more than ten of whom are women.

The most dramatic turning point was naturally the Jingkang Disgrace. A large number of women, including the royal concubines Di Ji, became prostitutes of the Jin Kingdom, which dealt a heavy blow to the Song people's concept of national honor and disgrace at that time.

It was also from the Southern Song Dynasty that Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism, which emphasized chastity, became a prominent school and became a shackles that imprisoned women.

In the changes between the Southern and Northern Song Dynasties in the Song Dynasty, Jiaozi also played an indispensable role.

Five years after Liu E's death, Song Renzong, who came to power, refused to recognize Li Yuanhao's proclaimed emperor. The Northern Song Dynasty and Xixia entered a long-term tug-of-war, and the Northern Song Dynasty's military expenditures were also stretched.

For the Northern Song Dynasty, the Jiaoziwu established by Liu E was not very convenient to raise military expenses. During the Renzong period, the Northern Song Dynasty used 36 million yuan as a deposit and issued 1.25 billion Jiaozi.

In the early days of the Northern Song Dynasty, the government was quite concerned about the control of Jiaozi, but later, as the war situation continued to lose, this management quickly evaporated.

In the fifth year of Shenzong Xining's reign, Jiaozi distributed over 1.2 billion yuan for the first time.

In the first year of Zhe Zong Shaosheng's reign, the second over-issuance was issued. This time the amount was 1.5 billion yuan. Just four years later, the third over-issuance was issued. This time it was 4.8 billion yuan.

By the time of the Huizong period, there were already countless coins left. Based on the estimates of the documents left today, there were approximately 22 billion yuan of Jiaozi circulating in the market during the Northern Song Dynasty during the Huizong period. Jiaozi was essentially nothing more than waste paper.

During the Huizong period, fiscal reforms were also attempted, but the "Qian Yin" and "Salt Tickets" introduced by the reform were essentially Jiaozi with a different name, and a different method to suck the bones out of the people.

Twenty-two years after the Jingkang Incident brought the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty, the female poet Li Qingzhao, who had migrated to Zhejiang and Zhejiang, was nearly sixty-five years old.

At that time, there was a girl surnamed Sun among his relatives and friends who was very smart. Li Qingzhao had the idea of ​​recruiting a disciple and wanted to teach her what he had learned throughout his life.

As a result, he was rejected by the girl: "Talent is not a woman's business." This sentence is very similar to the later Ming Dynasty's saying that a woman's lack of talent is a virtue.

The astonishingly talented Jushi Yi An was rejected by this rhetoric in his later years, which can also provide a glimpse of the dramatic changes in women's status and customs at the turn of the Song Dynasty.

At this point, the short-lived "red makeup era" led by Wu Zetian has officially become an unattainable dream for women in the feudal period.

So we officially end this issue here. This time next week is also approaching the Spring Festival. We might as well change our perspective and look at historical changes through the Spring Festival. 】

〖After all, it’s better now. Bullshit lack of talent is virtue. You still have to remember that knowledge is the only way to change your destiny.

I agree. In addition, the Song Dynasty is also a true embodiment of "without the rise of a great country, how can we talk about the dignity of small people". Sui coins can buy you a peaceful life, but you can never buy an inclusive and prosperous mentality and national dignity.

It is not limited to women. Looking back at the records of the Song Dynasty, the sentence "The Jin Kingdom has maces, and our country has Tianling Gai" is really embarrassing to read.

With a deposit of 36 million, more than 20 billion banknotes were issued. I called him a good guy. No wonder Song Dynasty agreed so happily to the annual coins. No wonder the emperor of Song Dynasty lay so silky. Can you not get money from printing banknotes quickly?

To put it bluntly, financial means is the most powerful double-edged sword. If you can attack them in a unified way, you can rely on this to harvest the blood of others. If you cannot fight them out, you can only cut yourself to feed the ruling class.

Personally, I think that in terms of contribution to the development of civilization, politicians like Wu Zetian are still inferior to cultural and scientific workers, such as Huang Daopo...

Huang Daopo was really strong. She invented the truck mixer and overcame the problem of removing cotton seeds. She was hundreds of years ahead of the times. Later, she invented and summarized the cotton spinning and weaving technology and brought her fellow villagers to make money together. There is still her temple in my hometown. The inscription is "Clothes and Quilts" "World". When I was a child, I heard the legend that she was the goddess of cotton.

What is hundreds of years ahead of the times? It is clearly because the Westerners were hundreds of years behind the times at that time. Although the Song Dynasty was lame, they were still among the top civilization centers in the world. 〗

For the first time, Li Shimin felt a critical blow from the Song Dynasty.

He still remembered that not long ago he was joking with the queen, saying that in future generations, tens of millions would be worth billions, but these numbers are not commonly used, so what is the use?

Even Changsun Wuji's admonishment just now, saying that although paper money has one benefit, it has hundreds of harms, is still ringing in his ears.

As a result, the Song Dynasty really taught him a solid lesson:

"If I understand correctly..."

Li Shimin felt his throat was a little dry, pursed his lips and said:

"Song used 36 million yuan as guarantee and borrowed more than 20 billion yuan from the people?"

When he searched for this form, he could only think of private lending practices, so he also compared it to this type.

"It's still different." Du Ruhui said quietly:

"If you find someone to lend money to, if you don't repay the money, you still need to execute the private contract and pay all the 36 million."

"But Song... these more than 30 million yuan still belong to the Emperor Song."

Du Ruhui is now in charge of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and has been dealing with numbers recently. He had previously joked with Fang Xuanling, saying that he no longer knew money after seeing the surplus wealth in the world.

But compared with the Song Dynasty, which easily had tens of billions, Du Ruhui felt that today's Tang Dynasty was a poor family.

After all, he clearly remembered that last year, the wealth he earned during the four years of Zhenguan, excluding food and money alone, was only over 8 million.

Everyone was silent for a while, but even Changsun Wuji, who had been the strongest opponent before, said no more at this moment.

After all, later generations have also said that this is a double-edged sword that can hurt the enemy as well as yourself. In this case, it is easier for the Turks to set up a city and learn how this sword can hurt the enemy.

Seeing Changsun Wuji's silence, Li Shimin rubbed his belly and missed the fat sheep at Yanmen Pass. He had not known their taste for a long time.

But in the end, Li Shimin calmed down and asked about the previous concerns:

"Is there any news about this cotton seed?"

Fang Xuanling stood up and cupped her hands:

"This year I will be able to present such auspiciousness to His Majesty."

For the time being, getting rid of the shock caused by the huge amount of money, Li Shimin also cheered up:

"When cotton is available, the people will not be troubled by the severe cold. Compared with Jiaozi, this method will be a weapon for the benefit of the country!"

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