Zhang Fei pinched a date from the bowl and laughed:

"White stone with red lines and writing on the belly of a turtle, can this be considered auspicious? Why don't we see Qilin appearing in this world?"

Of course there is a reason why Zhang Fei said this.

The Han Dynasty valued Confucianism, and it is said that Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, ended his writing career after observing the death of Qilin.

Therefore, for the Han Dynasty, Qilin was the most auspicious symbol.

In the sixth year of Yuan Shuo, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he hunted Qilin in the west. He wrote "Song of Bai Lin" to remember it, changed the reign name to Yuanshou, and built Qilin Pavilion.

Since then, there have been basically records of seeing the auspicious Qilin in all dynasties, and as far as Zhang Fei knows, this Qilin has become busier and busier after the advent of troubled times.

Qilin appeared in Yuan Shao's Hebei, Qilin appeared in Yuan Shu's Shouchun, Dong Zhuo saw Qilin, Liu Biao and Liu Yan both saw Qilin.

Of course, Kong Ming, Liu Bei, Zhang Fei and others no longer believe in auspiciousness.

For Zhang Fei, the mentality is: You ask your auspiciousness to come out and touch this light screen.

After all, if we talk about auspiciousness, which one can compare with this light curtain?

But this light curtain told them to study, believe in science, and praise the people.

These gave Zhang Fei the confidence to look at this so-called "auspiciousness" with an attitude of looking down and joking.

However, such teasing words about Qilin also made Liu Bei's face turn as black as the bottom of a pot. He immediately picked up a date and hit Yide's head accurately, making his laughter suddenly mute.

Fazheng, who was immersed in recording the light screen, was suddenly speechless. He thought that General Yide was teasing him like this. Doesn't it look like the capital of the Han Dynasty's past emperors...

Shaking his head, Fazheng continued to record carefully.

When Xu Shu came before, Fazheng knew that he was not as qualified as him, and after returning, he went straight to Jingzhou, the front line of the battle with Cao's army, without any complaints.

Now Lu Su is here again. Although he has a reputation as a talented person from Jiangdong, Fazheng is not the unknown person he once was.

Just thinking about the disbelief in the eyes of his fellow villagers when he led the army past Fufeng's hometown, Fa Zheng felt full of fighting spirit:

As a great talent in Fuzheng, he must compete with this great talent in Jiangdong no matter what!

Seeing what happened to Wu Zhou, Liu Bei also wrote it down and secretly warned him.

Such an exceptional promotion regardless of family background, if someone is really talented, it will be a legend that will last forever, and it will be like buying a horse's bones for a thousand dollars.

But if you promote people who are as ruthless as these handsome ministers, it will naturally lead to villains running rampant in the palace and wolves filling the court and the public.

The difference, Liu Bei knew in his heart, was the imperial examination.

Thinking of this, Liu Bei felt even more excited in his heart - as long as Chang'an was settled, the imperial examination could be held.

A few days ago, there was a letter from Yuan Zhi, saying that Cao Cao issued another order seeking talents in Yecheng last month.

When it comes to other things, Liu Bei is confident that he can compete with Cao Cao - his literary talent is just not as good as it is.

Also issuing orders to seek talents will inevitably lead to the suspicion of being inferior to others.

Then it would be better to wait for the imperial examination in Chang'an this year, just in time to respond to the order to seek talents.

Liu Bei even remembered what Kong Ming said a few months ago when he sorted out the imperial examination papers and handed them to him:

"Mencius said that even if you are as clever as Li Lou Gong and lose your son, you still need rules to achieve a square circle."

"The way to govern a country is to keep close friends with virtuous ministers and stay away from villains. The selection of virtuous ministers depends on the imperial examination. This is the rule of governing the world."

As for why later generations, despite having the powerful weapon of the imperial examination, were still obsessed with the old misfortunes of the previous dynasty, Kong Ming also had a casual conversation with him, which greatly benefited Liu Bei.

According to Kong Ming, rules are all for human use. Whether they become exquisite and wonderful things or ugly craftsmanship depends on one's mind.

The same is true for the imperial examination. If the way is not prosperous and the ruler is unclear, then even if there is an advanced system, it will be like a pearl secretly cast into the hands of mediocrity, completely useless.

Seeing Liu Bei's thoughts welling up with a look of disdain on his face, Kong Ming shook his head:

The Lord has not yet recovered from the excitement of settling in Chang'an.

Lu Su, who was still listening to Pang Tong telling the outline of the light curtain, suddenly remembered Sun Zhongmou when they first met, and then sighed in his heart:

What a heroic figure. . .

[Seeing that the cruel officials and the children of the Wu family were like mad dogs, almost sweeping away the pro-Li Tang forces in the court, the old lady also began to sharpen her sword to play with checks and balances.

Faced with the two knives of the Ku Li and the Wu family, Wu Zetian hardly needed to hesitate. The first one to break was the Wu family.

After all, the old lady knew very well that the cruel officials were here to act as dogs for her, and it was only a temporary measure for the Wu family to act like dogs. In the end, they still wanted to become the legitimate emperor of Wu Zhou.

To achieve this goal, the Wu family has almost done all the dirty work that even the cool officials dare not take on.

For example, Wu Chengsi was active at the time.

In 688, King Li Zhen of Yue and his son Li Chong, King of Langye, rebelled against the military. Wu Chengsi personally led the troops to "quell the rebellion" and captured the father and son in Luoyang.

The old lady was already planning to change the country's title. In order to avoid future troubles, she simply found an excuse to kill the father and son, Li Yuanjia and Li Lingkui.

Among these four people, Li Zhen is Erfeng's biological son, Li Chong is his biological grandson, Li Yuanjia and Li Lingkui are both sons of Li Yuan, Erfeng's biological brothers, and nominally both the old lady's brother-in-law and the old lady's elder brother. Uncle, I can only say that it is very complicated.

In 690, on the eve of Wu Zhou's change of state title, Wu Chengsi directly fabricated the accusation of treason against King Ze, Li Shangjin, in order to seek credit. After escorting him to Luoyang Tuzhong, he directly hanged him and massacred everyone in the prince's palace. Then he followed the same pattern without stopping, killing Li Ying, the king of Nan'an. Waiting for twelve people.

Among them, Li Shangjin, the king of Ze, was Li Zhi's biological son, and Li Ying and others were either Li Yuan's grandson or Li Yuan's great-great-grandson, and belonged to a side branch of the clan.

After putting in so much effort, you should be able to ask your aunt for the crown prince position of Wu Zhou, right?

Unfortunately, what disappointed Wu Chengsi was that after changing his country's title, he was appointed King of Wei and Prime Minister. The crown prince was still Li Dan, oh no, Wu Dan.

So in 691, Wu Chengsi directly put pressure on his aunt and instigated hundreds of people in Luoyang to petition him for the crown prince position. Naturally, the matter ended without any resolution due to the supporters of Li Tang in the court, so Wu Chengsi simply changed his gun. Lai Junchen was ordered to hunt down and kill the ministers who opposed him.

Wu Chengsi's fierce attitude aroused the old lady's vigilance. In order to prevent the dog from jumping over the wall before it was cooked, Wu Zetian quickly started to attack the Wu family who controlled the position of prime minister two months later.

However, there is another conjecture that the old lady did not want to make Wu Chengsi the crown prince, but she did not dare.

It is known that Wu Chengsi's cousin was Fengxian, and the Wu family himself was from Bingzhou, and he grew up hearing about the deeds of Marquis Wen of Bingzhou.

It is also known that if Wu Chengsi was established as the prince, he would definitely worship Wu Zetian as his mother.

Therefore, the UP owner guessed that the old lady always muttered a little bit every time she saw Wu Chengsi's name:

You are like this, could it be possible that I have become Dong Zhuo?

Of course, the above is purely unreliable speculation. Only the old lady knows whether it is true or false.

After the Wu family was deposed, Wu Chengsi stopped for a while, but in the end he was quite greedy for the throne, so he started to attack in a different direction.

In September 693, Wu Chengsi led 5,000 people to the imperial court, honoring Wu Zetian as the Emperor of the Golden Wheel God; in May of the following year, Wu Chengsi led another 26,000 people to honor Wu Zetian as the Emperor of the Ancient Golden Wheel God. .

Wu Zetian happily accepted both titles and granted amnesty to the world twice.

Even in order to guard against Wu Chengsi having any dangerous ideas such as the Xuanwu Sect, Wu Zetian also issued an edict to the world:

I have new teeth again. This is an auspicious sign from heaven. From now on, I will change my name to "Longevity".

It is a biological miracle that a 69-year-old woman has new teeth.

And the meaning is very clear: I am not the Li Yuan who stays in the palace and only cares about giving birth to sons.

Auntie, my body is still strong! 】

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