Spoiling History: Starting from the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 266: Enforcing military discipline through death

After Xu Shu returned to Wancheng, he didn't see Guan Yu until evening.

"Jingzhou has been restored, and the giant boats have no place for the time being."

Guan Yu wiped the sweat from his face and continued:

"You and Ying are fighting for supremacy, but only the cavalry can fight for supremacy."

Xu Shu agreed with his face and said seriously:

"Since the giant boat is useless, it is better to close down the Linju Shipyard to save money."

Guan Yu didn't accept this trick. He sat down and just looked at Xu Shu's face and guessed:

"Is Jiangdong making any moves?"

Xu Shu also sat down, shook his head and said:

"There's no movement at all, that's the problem."

As for shutting down the shipyard, they just joked about it. Both of them knew very well that this giant ship was temporarily useless in Jingzhou, but it was very useful in Jiangdong.

In fact, neither of them wanted to sail a huge boat to Jiangdong. After all, they were already busy enough just worrying about the north.

But unfortunately, whether Jingzhou's giant boat is still useful does not depend on what Guan Yu and Xu Shu think.

It depends on what Sun Quan thinks.

As for this uncle, he has no intention of trying to conquer the world.

But the thought of protecting Jiangdong is not only there, but also very big.

Therefore, we only briefly discussed Jiangdong and then let it go.

After all, the two parties had an alliance first, and neither Liu Bei, Guan Yu nor Kong Ming Xu Shu could break the alliance.

As for Pang Tong? All his thoughts were spent worrying about Yongliang Pass. In his words:

Jingzhou has long clouds and Yuanzhi, a public palace and a regular season, there is no shortage of strong cities and boats, and there is plenty of food and grass for the soldiers. What is there to worry about?

"Yuanzhi has been gone for two days, and my brother's reward has just arrived."

While stroking his beard, Guan Yu suddenly remembered this matter and stood up to find the official document from the table.

Xu Shu also took it and took a quick look:

Jiaguan Yunchang was the general of Zuojun.

Jia Xu Yuanzhibei Zhonglang General.

Jia Huanghan was promoted to the strong crossbow general.

Jama Jichang...

"Oh, by the way, there is also a letter from Military Advisor Shi Yuan, written to Yuan Zhi."

When Xu Shu heard this, he immediately put the reward aside:

"Come and see with me!"

There is nothing that can be done about it. It has been more than half a year since Xu Shu returned, but he has not yet met Pang Tong.

The two of them were in the north and east of the town. Their positions were tight and it was difficult to escape. Even if they communicated through letters, they only had few contacts.

After all, before Fangling Shangyong was connected, sending letters from Jingzhou had to go from Zigui to Shu, then go north via Jiangzhou, pass Langzhong and Jiameng Pass, and then east to Hanzhong. It required a big circle, so it shouldn't be too troublesome.

But now that Jingzhou has been restored, the two of them are even busier and write fewer letters.

After opening the letter and looking at it by the candlelight in the hall, Xu Shu couldn't help but laugh out loud:

"Yun Chang, Yide is urging Shi Yuan to seek Yongliang."

Speaking of this third brother who has already shown his merits in Hanzhong, Guan Yu also smiled:

"These official documents and letters were sent by Yide soldiers, along with the light curtain records from the end of July."

"It contains the life of the military god of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, as well as the essence of the Tang army's military formations and his experience in the art of war."

"Yide must be eager to practice cavalry."

Although Xu Shu hadn't seen the light curtain record yet, he laughed after savoring it:

"I think Yide must be anxious!"

Guan Yu stroked his beard and spoke briskly:

"The military god Li Weigong of the Tang Dynasty has great experience in the art of war. It is of great benefit to read it."

"The Tang army's combined infantry and cavalry attack method can also be practiced."

Seeing Guan Yu, who rarely looked so cheerful, Xu Shu also laughed:

"Nowadays, there are neither good horses nor a place to train cavalry in Hanzhong."

"Yi Dekong has a lot of treasures, but there is no place to display them. Why not be in a hurry?"

I don't know if General Zhang is in a hurry, but Ma Su feels that he is a little anxious.

Looking back on the past few months, before attacking Fangling Shangyong, Ma Di felt that there was nothing to worry about.

After all, even though he was assigned here, he still has some insights into the art of war.

From the topography point of view, Fangling Shangyong is basically a passage.

On one side is Hanzhong, with General Zhang looking at him with eager eyes, and on the other side is Jingzhou, with General Guan's sword sharp.

In this case, no one cared what the so-called powerful people here thought, and they knelt down quite mellowly.

Therefore, after guarding for a while, Ma Di quickly became bored.

I don’t know when I can return to Chengdu or Jingzhou. If that doesn’t work, I can go back to Hanzhong.

And just when Ma Su sighed in his heart, Liu Feng shouted from a distance:

"Ma deserter, pack your things and go back to Hanzhong tomorrow!"

Ma Su was almost overjoyed, and there was nothing to pack. Apart from a few pieces of cane sugar he had saved, he had nothing to offer.

It wasn't until he set off the next day that Ma Di remembered to continue asking:

"Are you returning to Hanzhong this time to work in the fields?"

Liu Feng shook his head, with a high-spirited look on his face:

"Listen to General Zhang Fei's order, we must gather our troops and leave Yongliang!"

Ma Su's heart trembled, and his face quickly turned gray.

In comparison, Fangling seems pretty good...

"Ma deserter, why are you still so virtuous?"

Mi Fang laughed loudly:

"It was the same with General Zhang when he attacked Hanzhong last time. He was cowardly before fighting. How shameful!"

Ma Su was in a state of confusion, but he refused to admit defeat at all:

"The most I can get is palpitations on the battlefield. What about you?"

"Obviously I was in Hanzhong, but when I heard about the war between Jing and Xiang, I was so frightened that the two groups started fighting, which is unheard of."

Mi Fang was stunned. Among the three of them, he was the one who paid the most attention to the war in Jingxiang. This was obvious to anyone with a discerning eye.

Moreover, before the Jingxiang war ended, Mi Fang often had nightmares.

In the dream, in front of him was Guan Yu who was defeated and beheaded, and beside him was his brother who committed suicide in grief, which often made Mi Fang wake up.

There is also an angry curse: Do not open the door that should be opened, and open the door that should be closed!

It wasn't until she heard that the battle between Jingxiang and Jiangling had settled and Jiangling was still stable that Mi Fang felt better.

Liu Feng intervened to stop the dispute and encouraged and comforted:

"Going to Yongliang now is the time to make achievements!"

"The outstanding achievements may not be able to wash away the guilt and shame."

Ma Di and Mi Fang thought about it for a while, then shook their heads together.

I simply don’t dare to hope for this.

It’s enough if you don’t drag your brother down! This was the same thought in their hearts.

Ma Su's face was still gloomy:

"In the land of Yongliang, there are either Qiang cavalry or Xiliang cavalry. They come and go like the wind and rush into battle with ease."

"The only way to go to Yongliang from Hanzhong is to go out of Qishan Mountain. However, there is no danger to defend this way. Qishan Mountain City is notoriously easy to defend and difficult to attack."

"And the Longshan Road is also difficult to defend. If Cao's army gets involved again during the battle, we won't be able to chop off the heads of Cao's soldiers."

Liu Feng touched his chin with a thoughtful look on his face:

"You Chang is from Jingzhou, how do you know so much about Beidi?"

As for the worries Ma Di mentioned, Liu Feng didn't take them to heart.

After all, to be honest, he didn't even know where Qishan Mountain was or what Longshan Road was.

Ma Su was speechless and didn't know how to explain for a while.

Mi Fang was even more worried that the world would not be in chaos and said:

"Ma Youchang, it turns out that you are a deserter who rebelled against the enemy in Yongliang!"

Ma Su's anger and blood surged up, and he immediately cursed:

"Go to your mother for surrendering to the enemy. I violated military regulations in Yongliang, and I will die to correct military discipline!"

At the same time, it also instantly inferred Mi Fang’s restless behavior some time ago:

"If that's the case, Mi Tuojiqian actually surrendered to the enemy in Jingxiang?"

For a moment, both of them were blushing, staring at each other, and their bodies were filled with anger.

Liu Feng looked confused:

During the war between Jing and Xiang, Mi Fang was not timid in attacking Fangling, and occasionally slacked off in garrisoning at Fangling, but he did not lose any major integrity.

As for this Ma Su? When he was thrown here, his father was attacking Zigui and was on the front line of Jiangzhou. How could he be dragged into Yongliang?

But looking at the two people who were about to fight, Liu Feng chose the simplest and most effective method:

"Where is Junzheng?"

After a while, looking at the two men who had only calmed down after being beaten with five military sticks, Liu Biao's expression was cold:

"You guys, are you hiding something from me?"

Ma Di and Mi Fang looked at each other, but finally shook their heads together:

"We can't talk about this!" Mi Fang touched her butt, but her attitude was very firm.

"If we tell this secret secretly, it will not only implicate my brother, but also lead to death."

Ma Su proposed a compromise plan:

"If you want to know, Young Master, you should ask General Zhang to make a decision."

The title Young Master made Liu Feng's curiosity suddenly fade a lot. He pondered for a moment, nodded, and warned:

"Going out of Yongliang may be extremely difficult and dangerous, so there should be no recurrence of trouble."

In Hanzhong, relying on the relatively abundant food, Zhang Fei also suppressed the turmoil in his heart for good horses, and calmly arranged the deployment of troops in Hanzhong with Pang Tong.

First of all, Wuzhangyuan wanted to reinforce troops and horses and increase grain and grass.

The number of soldiers in Wuzhangyuan increased to 10,000, and an additional 1,000 crossbows modified by Mrs. Huang were allocated.

In this way, even if Cao's troops from Chang'an were to come out in full force, Wei Yan and Huo Jun could still defend Wuzhangyuan without having to retreat to Baoxie Road.

After all, news also came from Jingxiang that Xu Huang was transferred there. According to the current situation where Cao's army has just received food and grass but cannot be said to be well-off, Xu Huang probably won't have the strength to come back for the time being.

This will ensure that it is difficult for Xiahou Yuan to attack Longshan Road, and the affairs of Yongliang can be done behind closed doors.

The second is the due diligence of the army.

In this regard, Zhang Fei was quite surprised.

Even when Hanzhong was short of manpower, Pang Tong insisted on deploying a team of men to repair Qishan Road.

Although the project is a little slow, it has been repaired. Now, half a year later, the results have been seen.

When the road was still open, Zhang Fei and Pang Tong discussed and finally mobilized 25,000 elite soldiers to leave Longshan Road and enter Yongliang.

Pang Tong went out with the army, and Fazheng was stationed in Hanzhong. It can be said that everyone was happy.

Zhang Fei has long coveted Liangzhou Malaysia.

Pang Tong was determined to take some risks and see with his own eyes the Hexi Corridor, which could become the lifeblood of the empire and was also called the "Industrial and Mineral Capital" by later generations. He wanted future generations to think of him when they talk about Hexi!

Fazheng was also very happy. After joining Xuande Gong's command, it had only been less than a year since he was able to take charge of Hanzhong himself without being anyone's adjutant. It was extremely fast.

Especially nowadays, many people in Hanzhong have fled from Guanzhong, and there are not many people in Fufeng.

This can be regarded as half a return home, and Fazheng has nothing to be dissatisfied about.

After half a month of preparations, after the last batch of ordnance arrived from Chengdu, the army set off again.

On the general stage, Zhang Fei is sharpening his knife:

“Yongliang is a vast place, and with me, Lao Zhang, I think it won’t feel crowded!”

Pang Tong looked back at farewell little Jiang Wei from his horse, smiled and waved his hand.

Looking back, his face looked slightly sad:

Otherwise, in the next two years, because of the busy military affairs, why not go back to Chengdu to see Kong Ming?

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