The paradoxical situation in Jiangdong made Cao Cao very interested, and all his counselors were thoughtful.

According to previous news, the relationship between Sun and Liu is very good, as shown by the fact that they sent each other to the city to marry their sister.

But looking at it now...

"Perhaps we can send a secret envoy to meet Sun Quan." Dong Zhao suggested cautiously.

There were a lot of discussions in the prime minister's house in Xudu. Some people were interested, but others were opposed. After all, it had only been a few years since the war between Chibi and Nanjun?

Liu Ye took a step forward and expressed his opinion to his lord:

"Zhou Yu is dead. Today is different from the past."

Cao Cao and Er Xun looked at each other and nodded secretly, so the matter was quickly settled.

However, Sun Quan's specific attitude is now unknown, so after some discussion, a group of secret envoys went south from Xudu carrying a secret letter written by Cao Cao.

This group of people will rush to Wancheng, use the Feishui River to go south, and then change to the east bank of the Han River to Jiangdong. Dong Zhao judges that this is the shortest and relatively safe route.

After one thing was finalized, another thing was brought up by Prime Minister Cao:

"I want to move south to Wancheng to supervise the war, how about that?"

This was not the first time that Cao Cao had led troops, and Wancheng was three hundred miles away from Fancheng, so there was nothing to worry about, so it was unanimously approved, and the troops of the Prime Minister's Palace happened to be traveling with the second batch of Xudu garrison.

So Cao Cao and others, who had just arrived in Xudu and had not had time to sleep well, had to pack up and continue south.

Amidst the commotion, Xun You was a little worried:

"The Prime Minister can sit quietly in Wancheng and watch the generals defeat the enemy."

Cao Cao laughed and said, "Are you afraid that Gongda is afraid that if I come to the battlefield in person and Guan Yun Chang shows his love for talents again, it will only cost the lives of the generals?"

Xun You shook his head sincerely:

"I'm just afraid that Guan Yunchang will do the old thing of stabbing Yanliang after meeting my lord."

After all, regarding the difficulty of Guan Yu's victory, the group of people who have experienced it in Guandu know better than Liu Bei and Zhang Fei.

Then Cao Cao's laughter stopped abruptly, as if someone had pinched his neck.

Yu Jin was not aware of the commotion in the outside world. After hearing that Guan Yu's navy leader was invading, he felt that this little brother Le Jin might not be able to please him.

Although there are brave warriors who have ascended first, they can be said to be of no use to the Master of Water.

Therefore, it can be said that it is not surprising to receive the order from Yecheng to support Fancheng.

Surprisingly, shortly after passing Wancheng, Yu Jin encountered a wave of defeated troops. After capturing a few and questioning them, he learned about the fall of Fancheng.

Even with Le Jin's deployment of elite troops to Xiangyang, the speed at which this fortified city fell was really unusual.

Therefore, Yu Jin stationed himself on the spot and gathered the defeated troops to carefully restore the battle situation in Fancheng, while the general sent Cao Cheng to get along with him in a hurry.

According to what the defeated soldiers said, Yu Jin also roughly estimated the size of Guan Yu's navy based on the number of ships:

There are about 20,000 naval troops, dozens of warships, and a warship equipped with a giant crossbow, and now they have taken control of Fancheng.

He rushed over from Xudu with only three armies. Fifteen thousand soldiers and horses would be enough to make up for the defense of Fancheng, but if he wanted to attack Fancheng now, it would be like hitting a stone with an egg.

Camping sixty miles north of Fancheng, Yu Jin decided to wait for reinforcements.

The sentinels Xu Shu sent out in advance naturally noticed Yu Jin's camp. The defensive posture was too obvious, so Xu Shu in Fancheng also laughed:

"Cao Jun certainly didn't expect Fancheng to fall so quickly, and now he is standing still waiting for reinforcements."

"And the only person who can rush here in a short time is Yu Jin who is stationed in Xudu."

Although he was frustrated when he was in Xudu, Xu Shu still knew these basic situations, and coupled with the light curtain records, he was able to judge the situation almost exactly.

"In that case, please invite General Guan and his party to explore the truth."

Guan Yu happily obeyed.

Standing on Fancheng and watching Guan Yu go away, Xu Shu touched his chin:

"Although Yongliang is difficult to obtain, can't we buy some big horses from Ma Chao first?"

There is no land for raising horses in Jingzhou, so the lord has few cavalry. The few horses he has are purchased from Jiangdong or brought from the north before the Battle of Chibi.

Therefore, now that Guan Yu and his party are leaving the city, it seems to Xu Shu that the horses of the soldiers are of mixed quality, lacking in both beauty and combat effectiveness.

But fortunately, there are many waterways in Jingxiang, and the current plan does not require cavalry as a decisive force.

But half a day later, Guan Yu returned with great interest:

"This Yujin deserves to have a reputation that a whole army can't be shaken. The camp is built in a very orderly manner, and there's nothing the scattered cavalry can do."

Since it's hard to gain anything, let's just seize the time to build the city.

As a result, Fancheng became quiet again, but both sides knew that each other was bound to win Fancheng.

Xu Shu stepped up the construction of the city, while Yu Jin frequently sent out sentries to spy on the military situation, and revised the map, trying to understand Jingxiang's geography and public opinion by heart, and look for fighting opportunities.

The scouts of Guan Yu's army also left the city frequently. Before the armies collided, the sentinels and cavalry scouts of both sides were already the first to engage in the battle.

Although the Imperial Army had the advantage of horses, Guan Yu's army relied on the small hand crossbows improved by Mrs. Huang and Zhuge Military Advisor, and was still able to contend with them.

In this atmosphere of impending storms, Fancheng seemed to have returned to its former fortified appearance, and Yu Jin also waited for the belated rear army.

Yu Jin's headquarters led the three armies, Xu Huang mobilized three armies from Guanzhong to support them, and Xu Du's three armies were led by Cao Ren who hurriedly rushed there.

Cao Ren, who was originally the general who conquered the south, naturally took over the command and banned the second general Xu Huang.

In addition, Cai Mao, Wenpin and other Jingzhou generals led 8,000 troops recruited from Wancheng and obeyed Cao Ren's deployment.

Fifty-five thousand men and horses, numbered 100,000 troops, vowed to retake Fancheng.

Xu Shu on Fancheng looked at the dark army on the opposite side, and finally had a smile on his face:

"General Yun Chang changed the destiny of Yanhan and reversed the chaos that would happen a hundred years later. It all started with the victory of this battle!"

Guan Yu stood with his sword in hand, and only two simple words came out of his mouth:

"Must win!"

When Fancheng was besieged by the army, Lu Su in Jiangxia City was absentmindedly listening to the chatter of Lu Meng in front of him.

Lu Meng had only been here for five days, but he was quite diligent in going in and out of Jiangxia City.

And his movements of troops could not be hidden from Lu Su's eyes.

They sent powerful soldiers to pretend to be merchants to spy on the police and Jiangling City's defense.

All these actions made Lu Su a little angry: What do you want to do?

"The city of Jiangling controls the east of the Yangtze River. Now that Guan Yu has mobilized all his naval forces, if someone unexpectedly goes down the river, they can penetrate the hinterland of the east of the Yangtze River in one day. Isn't it hard for the general to sleep and eat well?"

Lu Su's response was simple:

"General Guan is currently fighting a bloody battle with the Cao thieves in Jingxiang, instead of fighting with us in Jiangxia, so why not worry?"

Several arguments ended with these two sentences, so Lu Meng's face gradually showed a look of disdain to argue.

Lu Su hesitated many times, but in the end he could only sigh.

Since guarding Jiangxia, Lu Su has always been diligent in his work, and gradually developed the habit of placing Jingzhou's intelligence on the left and Jiangdong's intelligence on the right.

At this moment, the information on the left was full: the defeat of Fancheng, the advantage of the giant boat, the capture of eight thousand people, etc. made Lu Su jealous. Cao's army was pressing the border, Xiangyang was difficult to conquer, etc. which made Lu Su a little worried.

But the desk on the right was clean at the moment, which was a bit difficult for Lu Su to accept.

The long letter urging the lord to send troops was sent to Jiangdong, like a mud cow entering the sea. There was no news of the mobilization of troops and horses, nor a letter of reprimand from the lord, which made Lu Su gradually uneasy.

Just as Lu Su was thinking about what else he could do, Lu Meng's loud voice called him back:

"General, Duke Cao is here to envoy!"

Seeing Lu Meng's cheerful expression, Lu Su couldn't keep up with his thinking for a while:

"Which Mr. Cao?"

"Prime Minister Cao!" Lu Meng said matter-of-factly: "A messenger is coming from the north and wants to meet the lord."

"This matter is of great importance. I also ask the general to take charge of Jiangxia. There is no room for loss here. I will send envoy Cao to Jiangdong immediately."

After saying that, Lu Meng left in a hurry, leaving only Lu Su who looked uncertain.

Bu Zhi heard the commotion and came in, and what came over his face was Lu Su's order:

"Now that General Guan is defending the enemy in the north, Jiangxia is as stable as Mount Tai. I would like to return to the east of the Yangtze River with General Lu to meet the lord. I also ask Zishan to temporarily act as the governor of Jiangxia and take charge of everything inside and outside."

Without giving Bu Zhi a chance to refute, Lu Su hurriedly intercepted Lu Meng and his party on the dock.

"This matter is of great importance. I will guard Jiang Xia Xiao and Jingzhou Zhuqing. I will present it to the lord in person as a counselor."

Lu Su, who was alone, persuaded Lu Meng with this sentence, so the group hurriedly boarded the boat and went down the river.

Trade was booming in Jiangdong, so even if a stone city was built from flat ground, it would still feel prosperous within a year.

Sun Quan of Jianye City once again organized a wine tasting party. He was slightly drunk as he watched his nephew and the descendants of Huaisi's old generals mingling with each other, and he felt a sense of satisfaction.

But just as he was drinking heavily, someone suddenly screamed and made noise in the palace, and Sun Quan suddenly woke up from his drunkenness.

With the sound of "Gulu", a red thing rolled to Sun Quan's feet. He looked at it carefully and saw clearly that it was an unknown head.

For a moment, Sun Quan's drunkenness completely subsided, and the Lord of Jiangdong was furious: "Who dares..."

As soon as he looked up, he saw the two people who were supposed to be in Jiangxia.

Lu Meng, who was full of resentment and glanced left and right frequently, and Lu Su, who made him feel strange.

At this time, Lu Su's clothes were covered with blood, and his face was stained with bits and pieces of blood, adding a bit of fierceness.

But Lu Su didn't care about the blood on his face and body. He just threw away his sword and stepped forward to worship:

"There were rumors in Jiangxia that Jiangdong wanted to betray its alliance and harm its friends. There were even rats who falsely claimed that they were envoys of Cao's thieves, confusing the morale of the army, and beheading them to sacrifice them to the lord!"

At this time, Lu Meng also stood beside Sun Quan and whispered resentfully:

"When they got off the boat, they suddenly killed the envoys, but I didn't notice for a moment..."

Sun Quan understood everything immediately. He stared at the head at his feet, and then said calmly:

"The evil talk deceives the people, and you will be rewarded if you kill the thief."

Lu Su approached again and bowed:

"My lord, can you forget the world?"

Sun Quan didn't care about the head at his feet, but when he saw Lu Su coming forward covered in blood, he couldn't help but take a step back.

Then he hurried forward to support Lu Su and said:

"Never dare to forget."

Lu Su nodded and said:

"After hearing the news in Jiangxia, Cao's thieves raised 50,000 troops to besiege Guan Yu. This is the right time for the lord to conquer the world!"

Sun Quan hesitated for a moment, looked back at an inconspicuous staff member behind the seat, and then said:

"This matter..."

Lu Su stepped forward again, held Sun Quan's arm with both hands and said:

"General Guan is defeated, and Cao Cao's thieves can covet Jingzhou and pursue Jiangdong. At that time, Jiangdong is trapped in a corner, how can it talk about the world?"

Either he was frightened by the completely different Lu Su, or he was already struggling, or that head helped Sun Quan make up his mind.

Finally, the Lord of Jiangdong, who had just sobered up, nodded:

"When Zijing came, they were discussing the dispatch of troops to Hefei, and Zijing was in need of his generous advice."

Lu Su nodded, took a step back and bowed to Sun Quan:

"Please punish me for the offense."

And he sighed in his heart: General Guan, I have not failed in my one-on-one agreement with you.

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