When we set out from Xudu, the weather was cold and the spring was cold. The cold killed young people.

On the Jiangdong side, the cold has subsided and spring has warmed up, and you can still see unknown waterfowl playing on the water.

After passing through Ruxukou, what appeared in front of Xu Shu and others was a Chungu County.

It's not big in scale, but it has all the essentials.

Moreover, there were many merchant ships coming and going at this time, and the small county dotted with mountains and rivers was particularly prosperous, so there was no need to worry about finding a place to stay.

What to do first?

"Being freed from the shackles, my heart returns to heaven and earth. It's time to drink!" Xu Shu said eloquently.

This proposal was unanimously approved. Living on the boat these days, either catching fish or eating dried meat, Dong Jue felt that his legs were a little weak.

Perhaps because merchants often pass by, the restaurants in Spring Valley County are quite large and the food is quite rich.

Steamed cakes, soup cakes, grilled dogs and fried pigs, boiled preserved vegetables, order one dish each.

In order to celebrate the safe journey with his military advisor, Dong Jue also spent money to buy two melons.

After the store owner opened the melons and brought them out, Xu Shu and Shi Tao immediately moved their index fingers, and the two melons disappeared in the wind and the remaining clouds.

Patting his belly with satisfaction, Xu Shu sighed with satisfaction:

"Thanks to Gong Xi, I'm alive!"

There are certainly places in the north where people can grow fruits in the winter, but the cost is incomparable to that in the south, and Xu Shu is not able to enjoy it.

Having the fruit in his stomach also made Xu Shu feel more comfortable.

Afterwards, the three of them enjoyed the rare leisure time while slowly enjoying the meal served by the maid in the restaurant.

With another glass of wine in his stomach, Xu Shu heard a few words from the next table:

"...Tao San'er was arrested the day before yesterday for privately making paper."

"It's becoming increasingly difficult to do business in Jiangdong. Sooner or later, I will leave my family and move to Jiangling!"

"Giving up your family? How can you abandon your family? I think it's better to marry a daughter with a noble surname."

"Hush, be careful!"

"Be careful what you say! Everyone knows the secret of mulberry paper, but only the surname Hao is allowed to make paper. How is it?"

The owner of the restaurant rushed over and calmed down the neighbor table.

So Xu Shu heard the person behind him change the topic:

"The day before yesterday, a cousin heard that a kind of red glutinous rice cake was sold in Jiangling City. I heard that it is very sweet and may be a good deal."

A voice muffled:

"It's best to just be an ordinary deal. If it's such a good deal, can I wait for my turn?"

After being frustrated twice, the group lost interest in talking and left after eating.

Xu Shu was a little curious:

"Gong Xi, Jiangling's business is booming now?"

Based on what he heard in Xu Du, Xu Shu's impression was that Jiangling should be an important military location.

It has a high city, deep moats, and tight fortifications, facing Xiangfan and garrisoning Jingnan.

This should be Jiangling.

But listening to the meaning of what I just said, it seems that it doesn’t quite match my impression?

Gong Xi smiled:

"Why is the military advisor so anxious? Just wait a little longer and see with your own eyes."

What he said made sense. Xu Shu had always been free and easy, so he put this matter aside and ate and drank when he should.

Have a good meal and stay one night in a clean and comfortable lodge.

The next day, they slept until three o'clock in the morning, and the three of them just started on their way again after dinner.

Surprisingly, after arriving at the dock, the place was already surrounded by soldiers from Spring Valley County.

Dong Jue's heart suddenly trembled, but when he saw a group of sad-faced merchants on the side, he realized that something unexpected had happened.

It was difficult to stand out due to his sensitive identity, so Dong Jue put on a smile and went to inquire about this group of merchants, and soon found out the whole story.

"Several slave workers named Hao left nearby. The Chungu County Lieutenant suspected that they were hiding among the ships on the dock."

Xu Shu took a glance and saw a plump man sitting on a folding stool behind the county soldiers, yawning out of boredom.

Just wait? Xu Shu and others were not afraid. They carried all the important things with them. The boat was light and simple, but nothing could be found.

However, these county soldiers didn't seem to have any intention of searching.

Soon someone from the group of merchants came over and whispered to Dong Jue. Then Xu Shu saw Dong Jue take out his wallet with a pained look on his face, counted a small half and handed it to the visitor.

The merchants were noisy for a while, and finally an older businessman came over with money and nodded and bowed to the county lieutenant in charge of arresting theft and jailing.

The results were almost immediate, and the county captain led the people away without any delay.

Only then did Xu Shu realize that he had suffered a terrible disaster. His right hand unconsciously touched the sword at his waist, but he soon let go.

Most of the people in Jiangdong don't care about the escaped slave workers, but for the county captain, it is a good opportunity to make money by using the topic.

Xu Shu thought to himself.

However, after boarding the ship and seeing several frightened and ragged people in the cabin, Xu Shu shook his head and laughed:

"Gong Xi, it seems that the money you spent is still useful."

The ship set sail again, and the four slave workers who put on the spare clothes of Xu Shu and others worked hard to paddle the oars, which saved the three of them a lot of energy.

Standing at the stern of the boat, Xu Shu admired the scenery east of the river. Whether it was the round car slowly turning by the river water or the low house next to the round car, Xu Shu felt fresh and fresh.

But Dong Jue glanced at it and showed no interest.

"Military advisor, the round chariot made by Jiangdong is as different from the water power mill in Jingzhou as clouds and mud."

Xu Shu had heard Dong Jue talk about the changes in Jingzhou before, but after all, he had been with Cao Cao for less than four years.

Even if Kong Ming has the talent of Crouching Dragon, how much change can he make?

Seeing Xu Shu's expression, Dong Jue smiled, turned to a slave worker who was rowing a boat and said:

"Do you know how much it would cost to use Jiangdong's round cart?"

"I don't dare to hide it from you." The slave nodded to Dong Jue and said:

"People who farm in Jiangdong need to pay 50% of the land tax. If they use round carts, it is 60%."

Then Dong Jue continued without asking:

"We all know in Jiangdong that Liu Jingzhou is generous, and the water power plant can only be used for 20 yuan each time, which is called maintenance fee."

Xu Shu silently calculated in his heart that it was a huge difference.

Seeing that Xu Shu and others looked kind, the slave also boldly added:

"We originally wanted to flee Jiangling, but luckily we met three benefactors who are as merciful as Liu Jingzhou!"

Xu Shu smiled, becoming more and more curious about Jiang Ling.

As the boat goes upstream, more and more boats are encountered along the way, and more and more pedestrians can be seen on the riverside road.

Hundreds of boats stand side by side in Pengli Lake, and thousands of sails race in Dongting Lake.

After passing Dongting Lake, continue north along the river.

On this day, Dong Jue on the bow of the ship shouted: "Commander, Jiangling is in sight!"

Xu Shu bowed and got out of the cabin, feeling dazzled for a moment.

In the distance, two fortified cities stand side by side, with a large flag with the Chinese character "Han" written on it flying in the wind.

Under the flag, a giant crossbow machine with a menacing light was placed every dozens of steps on the city top.

On the city wall, soldiers and generals patrolled with their heads raised.

Under the city wall, people and merchants came and went.

On the wharf beside Jiangling City, there were thousands of merchants and tens of thousands of goods.

The finely crafted fabrics sparkle like stars when laid out,

Minerals in desperate need of processing are piled high above the low walls.

Pedestrians are dressed in brightly-colored clothes, which would put even Xu Du to shame.

Horse-drawn carriages and sedan chairs were crowded back and forth, making it feel like the scene of Luoyang back then.

The sounds of hawking are like a cauldron, and the sounds of soliciting customers are in harmony like music.

With just one glance, Xu Shu almost became addicted to it.

"Is this Jiangling? Is this an important military city?"

Xu Shu asked himself: "If Cao's thieves attack..."

Dong Jue laughed: "There are boats here, wouldn't it be easy to escape?"

"General Qiguan built twin cities, which are large enough to accommodate nearly a million people."

Xu Shu simply calculated in his mind and shook his head:

I'm afraid General Yun Chang is already worried about the city's capacity.

Xu Shu looked far into the distance and seemed to be able to see a beautiful-bearded general on top of the Jiangling city wall, proudly twirling his beard and looking at the bustling city below.

But Xu Shu knew that this was probably just an illusion caused by not seeing Yun Chang for a long time.

They did not lean directly on the dock. Dong Jue had a warrant, so he directed several craftsmen who had escaped from Jiangdong to row north, intending to enter directly through the water gate in the north of Jiangling.

The ship changed direction, and Xu Shu opened his eyes wide and saw an incomprehensible scene.

Looking across the river to the south of Jiangling is Gong'an County. There are countless round cars on the river bank, and these round cars are obviously larger and more sophisticated than those in Jiangdong.

Countless unknown iron or wooden parts were placed on it just right, and as the river turned, the power was carried in all directions.

The ring connected by wooden tenons runs from north to south, one end is connected to a giant round waterwheel, and the other end extends into the public security city.

This ring was covered with square wooden barrels, and Xu Shu saw a ship loaded with ore carefully docked at a reserved location.

Then the square wooden barrel coming from Gong'an City hit the ore pile. After scooping up a bucket, it naturally hung down, and was then driven back to the hinterland of Gong'an County by the belt.

There were several exquisite devices like this, and Xu Shu had already simply calculated them in his mind at a glance.

Such a ship of ore only requires three people to look after it, and it takes only half an hour to deliver all the ore in the boat to Gong'an County.

No additional servants were needed in the process, no horse-drawn carriages or mule-drawn carriages were required.

Until he set foot on the land of Jiangling, Xu Shu still couldn't forget it for a long time. He couldn't fully understand the things in it, but he vaguely remembered that Kong Ming's letter once mentioned that his wife had studied this thing intensively and made a breakthrough. He vaguely remembered that Kong Ming called him …

"The Gongqiao Department is so strong!" Xu Shu sighed.

"Mrs. Huang always asks us to call it engineering, or science."

Xu Shu looked up and saw a familiar old face, and he was overjoyed:

"General Yunchang!" Xu Shu was completely surprised.

"Yuanzhi!" Guan Yu sighed with emotion: "I said goodbye to Jingbei, but I didn't expect that it would have been several years since we saw each other again!"

Afterwards, Guan Yu laughed loudly, patted Dong Jue on the shoulder and said:

"Gong Xi narrowly escaped death and saved the army division, which is no less than his ability to kill generals and capture flags!"

Dong Jue smiled very reservedly. From Jingzhou to Yizhou to Chang'an, then around to the Xudu waterway and southward, and then to Jiangling, he had circled the Central Plains. Now he is more and more calm, and he just simply gave Guan Yu a smile. He hugged his fists.

As far as he was concerned, Military Advisor Xu was also an old friend, and it was a surprise enough for Dong Jue that he could reunite with his old friend.

After reminiscing about old times, Guan Yu couldn't wait to take Xu Shu and leave:

"Commander Xu, let's first take a look at the Jiangling City built by Guan!"

Obsessing over the minutiae wasted some time. The wooden tenon ring belt was found in the keel waterwheels of the Han Dynasty.

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