[The full name of Haoqiang should be Haoqiang Landlord.

The real watershed in the Western Han Dynasty was Emperor Wu.

Before the decree of grace, there were many vassal states, and the emperor only controlled seventeen counties.

After the imperial edict, the era of vassal states in the early Han Dynasty ended, and the Han Dynasty truly entered the era of centralized power.

One of the keys to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty being able to achieve great success on the throne was the good foundation left by Wenjing's rule.

There is always a misunderstanding about Wen and Jing in modern times. We always think that Wen is weak. It seems that when these two were in power, they just had to do nothing and do nothing.

But in fact, it was Emperor Wen of Han who first enabled cruel officials.

What is the reason for enabling cool officials? The biggest reason is that powerful people are difficult to treat.

The first place in the "Biographies of Cool Officials" is the Zhidu established by Emperor Wen. From the records, we can get a glimpse of the powerful style at that time.

There were more than 300 members of the Ju family in Jinan. They were so arrogant and cunning that even two thousand stones could not control them, so Emperor Jing made his capital the prefect of Jinan. When the time comes, the leader of the clan will be wiped out, and the rest of the clan will be shaken.

The gathering of more than 300 households has become lawless in the princely states, causing the princes and kings to ask for help from the central government to pacify them, which shows the ferocity of the powerful.

After Zhidu, Emperor Jingwu successively appointed cruel officials. There are ten names in the "Biographies of Cool Officials". The most common words in the records are clan annihilation, annihilation of clan, killing, Hao clan, Hao Jie and so on.

It can be said that the battle between imperial power and powerful forces had officially begun during the reign of Emperor Wen.

Why can a powerful person rise so quickly?

The multi-layered hierarchy of power in the vassal states was the soil on which it grew.

Frequent natural disasters in the early Han Dynasty were the nutrients for its growth.

For example, in the twenty-three years of Emperor Wen's reign alone, there were a total of twenty-six recorded disasters including wind, water, drought, earthquakes, hail, famine, and locusts, which was more than one disaster per year on average.

As long as ordinary people encounter a disaster year, they will go bankrupt, and the only thing left behind will be annexed by the local powerful. 】

The expressions of Liu Bei, Kong Ming and others were a little solemn, and they didn't even bother to pay attention to Li Erfeng's boastful words for the time being.

Only Zhang Fei was there groaning:

"It's only been a few days, why do you have to sweat all day long?"

Zhang Fei has been reading more recently, so he naturally understands what the title Khan is.

Who wouldn't envy those who can fight so that the barbarians can respect the Khan and add "Heaven"?

Zhang Fei even thought about it, if he waited for Bei to conquer the Central Plains and fight against the barbarians, would he be able to give him a title?

The general of the universe in the light screen text sounds good.

Pang Tong was a little envious:

"In the early Han Dynasty, all the heroes came together, which is quite true."

"For example, Gongsun Hong used to herd hogs in the sea when he was young. He learned it when he was forty, and within ten years he was made a marquis and became a prime minister."

"It is the first time that a prime minister praises a prince."

For a moment, the hall was filled with envious sighs.

In a prosperous age, I meet a wise king, express my ambitions, be granted the title of Marquis, worship the prime minister, and return home in honor.

It is impossible for any scholar not to envy such a good life opportunity.

Especially this group of scholars who lived in troubled times and often lamented that their talents were useless before meeting Liu Bei.

Zhang Fei was disturbed and said loudly:

"Why should we sigh? We only want to help achieve great things, so why should we envy Gongsun Hong?"

This is indeed true. Zhang Song looked around and saw that the lord he had chosen was indeed the right one!

Kong Ming also shook his head and chuckled: Now with Chengdu as the center, Hanzhong to the north, and Jingzhou to the east, why worry about failing to achieve great success?

Pang Tong rolled his eyes and remembered someone:

"As you can see from Yi De, there was also a man in the early Han Dynasty who became a marquis in a single battle and blessed his descendants."

"Ah?" Zhang Fei thought hard. Even Fan Kuai, the Marquis of Wuyang, was fighting in the south and in the north.

Pang Tong said slowly:

"His descendant was the prime minister during the reign of Emperor Xiaozhao, and his wife was the daughter of Duke Taishi."

When Zhang Fei said this, his mind turned to Person No. 1, and his face was even filled with disgust:

"The military advisor is talking about Chiquanhou Yang Xi?"

"To divide Xiang Yu's body into a marquis, our warriors would disdain you!"

Pang Tong laughed, patted Zhang Fei on the arm and said:

"Yide is really very ambitious, but what he said is correct, just like the Hongnong Yang family only respects Yang Chang as the first ancestor, but does not respect Yang Xi."

Liu Bei and Kong Ming smiled as they watched the question and answer between Pang Tong and Zhang Fei.

Liu Bei was very pleased: "Yide's reading is quite effective."

"After all, there are books now." Kong Ming was also very pleased:

"If the books that Yide has read in the past year are recorded in bamboo slips, three ox carts may not be able to fit them."

"Printed in a book, it weighs less than a pound and can be carried with you even when marching or fighting."

Then Kong Ming raised his head and continued to look at the light curtain. He also wanted to see how this period of history that he was familiar with would be different in the eyes of future generations.

"This younger generation's understanding is strange. Why can't Emperor Wen be decisive in killing and conquering all directions?"

Changsun Wuji was confused and flattered him gently. It was known to the light screen before that the posthumous title of his majesty would be Wen.

Li Shimin's eyes narrowed a bit as expected:

"When I was young, I admired the merits of Han Wu, but now I know how rare Emperor Wen is."

Du Ruhui also shook his head:

"It's a weak statement...it's hard to agree with it."

"A gentleman also has six arts. Every month, I and Xuan Ling should ride horses and shoot bows. Only by strengthening their bodies can they be full of energy."

“What does literature have to do with weakness?”

Fang Xuanling also nodded, wondering if this younger generation was biased against literati?

[When the Piggy Emperor was in power, he was even more ruthless towards the powerful, and there were many cruel and talented people under his command.

Policies such as salt and iron monopoly, property tax, relocation of mausoleums, and unification of minting rights were successively launched to crack down on the powerful.

But from a macro perspective, the emperors after Xiaozhu did not have his tough tactics, and they inherited a Han Empire that was already riddled with holes by Emperor Wu. Instead, they accelerated the growth of the powerful.

The first is to calculate and report the order.

Minqian was first invented by Liu Bang in order to emphasize agriculture and suppress business, but it was abandoned during Empress Lu's reign.

Afterwards, the people of the three emperors Hui, Wen and Jing lived a relatively comfortable life, and business began to prosper.

Emperor Wu had many great ambitions, and these ambitions required policies to be realized, and the implementation of policies required money, so the calculation was revealed again.

In the eyes of later generations, the order of suing Min did not bring much money to Xiaozhu. On the contrary, it greatly destroyed the confidence of businessmen, forcing wealthy businessmen to gradually give up business and strive to transform into powerful land owners.

The second is the strategy of specializing in salt and iron.

The Salt and Iron Conference during the reign of Emperor Wu and Emperor Zhao was very famous. At the meeting, there were several heated debates between Sang Hongyang, who admired the prosperity of the people, and Confucian scholars, who advocated economic laissez-faire. It was also a conflict between the imperial power representing the central power and the powerful power representing the local power. A violent collision.

There is no doubt that Sang Hongyang is the representative of the central government, and the more than 60 Confucian scholars who debated with him are from Qufu and other places. The nominal economic laissez-faire is actually to advocate for the powerful.

In the end, the salt and iron franchise was enforced by Emperor Wu with an iron fist. However, after Xiaozhu's death, Confucian scholars, old powerful men, and new bureaucratic landlords joined forces to fight back. In the end, Sang Hongyang was killed, and Huo Guang joined forces with this opposition force, and the salt and iron franchise The franchise exists in name only, but has become a new weapon used by local powerful people to oppress the people.

As a result, the Huo Group became the trinity of big bureaucrats, big landowners, and big businessmen, taking the lead in reaching the pinnacle of a powerful family.

The third important policy is to open Taixue.

This policy was in line with the exclusive respect for Confucianism. Official teaching materials of the Han Dynasty were hand-picked, and young people were trained to become reserve officials of the Han Dynasty.

Even His Majesty Xiaozhu personally issued an "Order to Encourage Scholarship" in order to seek wisdom and wisdom, hoping that these scholars would not be ignorant of the praise and come to shine for the Han Dynasty.

Taixue in the Western Han Dynasty was relatively normal, but Wang Mang, known as the time traveler, saw the value of Taixue and made some small changes:

In the Western Han Dynasty, there were only twelve doctors in Taixue who were qualified to lecture on scriptures. Based on this, it is speculated that the number of students should not be more than a hundred.

During the Wang Mang period, according to records in the Han Dynasty, tens of thousands of student dormitories were built for Taipei students in Qimingtang, Piyong, and Lingtai, as well as supporting markets and granaries, which can be called the prototype of a modern university.

We all know that it is quite difficult to get out of production in the agricultural era, so the expanded Imperial College has become the best place for powerful people from all over the world to connect with each other and consolidate their power.

During Wang Mang's time, there were many talented people in Imperial College, such as Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, and Deng Yu, Zhu You, Jing Dan, and Geng Chun, who were among the twenty-eight generals of Yuntai.

Wang Mang probably never imagined that Taixue failed to train him famous ministers and generals of the new dynasty, but instead trained a group of "rebels".

As for the reason why Wang Mang overturned, we all know: it was both advanced and retro, but it was just not in line with the era at that time.

And don't think about having too much friendship with classmates on Liu Xiu's side. For example, Deng Yu sneered at Liu Xiu more than once or twice, and looked at Deng Yu's origin: Oh, Nanyang rich family, that's fine.

One of the reasons why Luoyang was the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty was because it was closer to Nanyang, and Liu Xiu's base was composed of Nanyang's wealthy families.

Also in view of the founding conditions of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty failed to solve the problem of land annexation, and the local powerful people were becoming stronger with each generation.

The already weak imperial power had to rely on eunuchs, and eventually it gradually evolved into a struggle between eunuchs and powerful people, a struggle between old and new powerful people in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

The big shots fight with each other with their mouths full of oil, and in the process the small people lose their families and have no food to eat.

So in the end, "The sky is dead and Huang Tian should stand", Zhang Jiao vowed to put an end to the Eastern Han Dynasty Guozuo. 】

In the Chengdu government office, all the principals and ministers were motionless, staring at the light curtain without daring to relax at all.

This is their Han Dynasty, and they are living in this troubled world!

In today's world, almost everyone who has read a book will not question themselves:

How did the world become like this?

Everyone has a different view on the cause of the Yellow Turbans, but for them this is the first time in history that this big man is shown to them from the perspective of an outsider more than a thousand years later.

They seemed to see a fight without gunpowder and to the death.

The princes and landlords fought for power with each other, and the emperor tried hard to implement new policies, but these gradually became new weapons for the "meat eaters".

After two hundred years of fighting like this, who can hear the people crying?

So just like in Daze Township in the late Qin Dynasty, the downtrodden people who had no strength to cry and howl chopped off the hoes in their hands towards the princes, generals and ministers.

Although Liu Bei had been prepared in his heart, he was speechless for a moment.

Kong Ming remained silent. This problem was also something they would face later. How to solve it?

I feel like this chapter still contains a few useful sentences, so it’s difficult to give birth.

Chapter 2 is going to be very late, sorry.

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