[About 200 BC, a kind of cloth from the East appeared in the market of the Bactria Kingdom in the Middle East.

This fabric is white and flexible, resistant to water and moisture, and is not stained by sweat. It is an excellent summer clothing fabric for the hot summer climate, and it has been highly sought after for a while.

In 139 BC, Zhang Qian, the pioneer of the Silk Road, trekked here and felt very familiar when he saw this thing. Isn't this the silk cloth produced by our Han Dynasty? Why are you here?

As a result, the Ancient Body Poison Road came into the vision of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. In order to bring this trade route under official control, Emperor Wu started a ten-year war with the southwestern Yi and other tribes.

But as the saying goes, money and silk move people's hearts. Even though Emperor Wu's army beheaded hundreds of thousands of people in the area, the Yi leader still resisted desperately and vowed to control the ownership of the trade road.

It was not until the Ailao people returned to the Eastern Han Dynasty in 69 AD that the trade route from central Sichuan, through Myanmar, through India, and to Daxia was completely opened.

But the good times did not last long. At the end of the Han Dynasty, wars broke out frequently among the princes, and the southwestern Yi people also took the opportunity to regain control of the Ancient Body Poison Road.

And the prime minister's troops came out of Nanzhong not only to quell the chaos of the Nanzhong family, but also to quell the chaos of the ancient body and poisonous way. 】

"Wealth and silk touch people's hearts..." Everyone chewed on the words of the light curtain.

Everyone knows Emperor Xiaowu. It is not an exaggeration to say that his martial arts are unparalleled, but even an army that kills hundreds of thousands cannot overwhelm the Southern Yi.

"Can this kind of money make people brave and fearless of death?" Zhang Fei really couldn't understand.

The two generals Guan and Zhao also looked at each other. The Yi people who risked their lives in such a way were not the most terrifying opponents, but they were certainly the most hated opponents.

Pang Tong saw it at a glance, looked deeply at Kong Ming, and said:

"The establishment of Jinguan is also a plan of Nanzhong, a far-sighted strategy."

Pang Tong didn't believe that there would be anything wrong. With Kong Ming's talent, he must have been planning for a long time.

Mi Zhu, who is doing business, also understood something:

"If Shu brocade can be sold to foreign lands in exchange for treasures, the profit can be hundreds of times."

"If you set up a brocade official to control the brocade of Shu, and control the barbarians and Vietnamese merchants, they will all seek help from military advisors."

[After the Nanzhong rebellion ended, the first issue faced was governance.

The Prime Minister is very careful about this issue:

In terms of governance, autonomy is highlighted, ensuring that "no food is transported and no troops are left. The people from the south govern the south."

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is to save money.

Even the prime minister had planned all this in advance when he came. Li Hui, his deputy during the counter-rebellion, was a true Nanzhong native.

After the war, Li Hui gained enough prestige to become the prefect of Jianning.

In the overall environment of the late Eastern Han Dynasty, another policy that must be implemented is to suppress the powerful. In this regard, the prime minister played a beautiful trick of borrowing chickens to lay eggs.

At that time, Han and Yi people lived together in South China, and the Yi people were brave and fierce, so they refused to obey the rules. The prime minister persuaded the powerful people in South China to use gold and silver to hire the greedy Yi people as their subordinates.

He also promised that if the barbarians requisitioned enough people, they would be able to obtain an inheritable official position.

These barbarians who were hired in large numbers were eventually transferred to Shu by the prime minister, and the best ones were selected to form the Wudang Fei Army.

Then some local old, weak, sick and disabled Yi people were returned to the local surnames.

The prime minister spent the least amount of money to do the biggest thing, and even built a powerful force that was famous all over the world. 】

When he listened to the light curtain at the Wuhou Temple introducing Zhang Wei and Wudang Feijun, who died in battle, Liu Bei was both moved and guilty.

But now that Liu Bei felt mixed emotions after hearing Guang Mu's introduction to the origin of the Wudang Feijun.

He tried every possible means to avoid increasing financial pressure in Shuzhong.

All means were used to enhance Ji Han's military power.

"If I hadn't had my own way in Yiling..." This was Liu Bei's thought.

Kong Ming laughed: "Didn't Guangmu also say before that if there was no rebellion by Mi Fang?"

"General Guan has already invaded Xudu, why are there such complications behind him?"

Everyone laughed, and Mi Zhong was a little embarrassed. At the same time, he had already chosen a new place for his brother:

General Zhang's Linju military camp!

[And with all these methods, people can't help but wonder: How can this Nanzhong tycoon be so bodhisattva-hearted?

But Nanzhong Haoqiang laughed: By following the Prime Minister, we can make more than before!

The method of bundling interests is always tried and tested.

The prime minister who took the Shu brocade back to the official camp was walking sideways in Nanzhong.

The ancient body poison path is what local powerful people rely on for their survival, and Shu brocade and Shu cloth are the most popular things in the ancient body poison path.

Therefore, the Prime Minister's Southern Expedition also used his status as the top leader to establish a profit distribution system for the export of Sichuan fabrics.

In this way, Nanzhong has been established, and it has even completed Longzhong's strategy of "making full use of the South China Sea" against China:

After arriving in Myanmar along the Ancient Shendu Road, heading southeast is the Indochina Peninsula of Asia, where Shu Han fabrics are quite popular. 】

"Based on this, Kong Ming's trip to Nanzhong will only last half a year."

"We not only pacified Nanzhong, but also controlled Nanzhong, opened trade routes, and formed a flying army."

Pang Tong counted on his fingers and felt that it was outrageous:

Obviously everyone was pretty much the same when we were in Nanjing Middle School...

"It's just a matter of calculation." Kong Ming is not proud:

"According to the time calculation, Nanzhong has been rebelling for three years. The rebels are complacent and have gained nothing. Then Prime Minister Zhuge thinks about it day by day. It is natural for Nanzhong to defeat Nanzhong in one battle."

Pang Tong was noncommittal. Anyway, he felt that he couldn't do it in a different place.

[And if we re-read the historical materials of Ji Han from the perspective of the ancient body poison path, we can find a very interesting record.

Huo Yi's biography records: At that time, Yongchang Yizhi relied on the danger and refused to welcome guests... he attacked them with partial troops... and destroyed the towns and made the county borders peaceful.

If you just look at the historical records, you will only think that Huo Yi was well fed. After he defeated Buchen, he demolished his village with great fanfare?

Not only was it demolished, but it was also recorded in the annals of history, as if it was a meritorious achievement.

But if you look at it from the perspective of Gu Shen Du Dao, you will find that it is really a credit to demolishing the stockade.

Because Yongchang County, where Huo Yi leads the prefect, is on the ancient business road of Poison Road!

So this group of barbarians actually want to play the trick of setting up private checkpoints and charging fees on the commercial road.

One of the responsibilities of Huo Yi's Yongchang prefect was to maintain the smooth flow of this trade route, so he quickly eliminated them and destroyed their towns. This was a complete achievement.

It can be said that the Prime Minister has achieved the ultimate in bundling interests, and has done everything he can think of and do. But even so, the rebellion in the South and Central China continued during the Northern Expedition. Why?

In fact, if you list the names of these rebels, it will be clear that almost all of them are Nanyi, and there is not a single rebel with a Han surname.

The truth then became obvious: facing the big cake of the Ancient Body Poison Path presented by the Prime Minister, the Han people in Nanzhong tacitly squeezed out the Nanyi.

This is a drawback of the Prime Minister's "Southerners ruling the South": you can only choose one of the Han surnames in Nanzhong and Nanyi. 】

"Sweet melon and bitter stem, nothing is perfect." Liu Bei shook his head:

"Why do we need to blame everyone for the strategy of governing a place?"

Pang Tong also understood:

"If you rule Nanzhong with Han surnames, at least Nanzhong will still be Han territory. If you rule Nanzhong with Nanyi..."

"But..." Ma Liang felt that the prime minister would definitely do something.

"Guangmu also said before that there are people who have regarded the prime minister as their ancestors for 1,600 years, and they also guard the country's gates."

"The Prime Minister's strategy to govern Nanzhong is definitely not over yet!"

Ma Liang vowed to do so.

I'm really sorry. I owe two thousand words. I will make up for it as soon as possible.

I haven’t slept for 26 hours, I have to go and relax...

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