Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 94: Turning Back

At this time, the crossbowmen, javeliners, and slingers of other legions had left the army, came to the forefront of the army formation, and aimed at the advancing Sura legion.

Some soldiers of the Second Legion looked back at him with strange eyes. For some reason, Brutus felt that those eyes were full of malice.

At this moment, a military tribune issued an order, and the Eighth Battalion collectively turned back, drew their javelins, and looked at Brutus with malicious eyes.

The infantry phalanx of the Roman Legion is like this. It is divided into two rows as a whole. The first row is from the first to the fifth from right to left, and the second row is from the sixth to the fifth from right to left. The top ten teams, so the closest to Brutus is the eighth team.

"What are you going to do?"

Brutus said in horror, at this time he didn't notice that Geta, Lebiris and others had already moved away from him.

"Throw the javelin!"

shouted the military tribune.

Following his order, dense javelins covered the sky, and then fell towards Brutus.

Some of Brutus' personal guards reacted in time and blocked themselves with shields.

But many more penetrated their bodies and were nailed to the ground alive.

As the lieutenant general, Brutus was their key target, with more than a dozen javelins stuck in his body, watching all this with disbelief.

how could this be? Then he closed his eyes unwillingly.

Geta and Lebiris showed joy on their faces, and it finally happened.

Following Gaita's order, the entire army was divided into two parts, and at the same time, a large number of javelins were thrown at the Roman army on both sides.

In a moment of inattention, it is unknown how many Roman soldiers were nailed to death with javelins.

The Roman army was in chaos for a while, how could this be?

It's obviously a friendly army, why did they launch an attack on themselves?

The Capua Second Legion would not hesitate. After finishing a new round of javelin projection, they charged towards the enemy legion.

Sura, Pompey and others who had been nervously watching all this could not help but be overjoyed. Li Wei really turned his back on the battle, and the event was settled.

"Attack everyone! Three enemy legions have joined us! Victory is at hand!"

Sura drew out her dagger and said loudly.

"Note that those with dragon patterns on their armor are our own, don't kill them!"

The centurions who had already received the orders also ordered one after another, and then killed the enemy.

The defection of the Capua Second Army was absolutely disastrous. The two legions of Rome were attacked by the flanking Capua Second Army, and they were almost stunned, coupled with the enemy's frontal charge.

Soon the left wing tended to collapse. If Nobanus did not send troops to support it, the left wing would undoubtedly lose.

Nobanus was also stunned by this change, how could this be?

Could it be that Li Wei rebelled?

No, his right flank, and Capua's III Corps!

Nobanus reacted quickly. At this moment, he vaguely saw that his right wing was also in chaos.

Not long after, a messenger ran over on a horse.

"Reporting to the Consul, the Third Capua Legion rebelled and suddenly launched a surprise attack on my flanking cavalry and the Fifth Legion. They suffered heavy losses. Lieutenant Didis is asking for your help. If you don't send reinforcements, he will not be able to withstand it." .”

Hearing this, Nobanus' eyes darkened and he almost fell to the ground.

It's over!

It's over!


You bastard!

I'm not done with you!

Because he was worried that Li Wei's two legions would stick together and disobey the command, he deliberately placed them on the left and right wings, but he did not expect to cause even greater damage.

"The current plan is to withdraw to the camp first and then make plans.

Also, if possible, we should send troops to support Capua City. "

At this time, one of his staff said.

"Yes, yes, withdraw first."

Now Nobanus has no intention of competing with Sura. It would be strange if he could win in this situation.

It is estimated that the city of Capua is also more or less ominous. All he can do is to withdraw to the battalion first and then make plans.

But Sura, as a famous general, would withdraw whenever he wanted.

He brought nearly 7,000 cavalry, and once he retreated, it would be a one-sided massacre.

The bugle sounded, and the cavalry deployed on both wings immediately began to charge.



On the city of Kapua, a soldier who was standing guard rubbed his eyes, and a large number of black shadows in the distance were moving towards the city of Kapua.

"Enemy Attack! Enemy Attack!!"

shouted the soldier.

The city wall immediately became tense, and a large number of soldiers walked up the city wall and started defensive work.

The ballista was opened, and the stones were aimed at the enemy one by one, and even the trebuchet was put on stones.

The situation here was immediately spread to Li Wei's barracks as quickly as possible. Not long after, the barracks gates opened wide, and groups of soldiers left the barracks.

These soldiers were divided into two groups, one aimed at the city wall, and the other charged directly at Crillius' mansion.

Li Wei rushed towards the city wall with his personal guards. The most important thing now is to control the city wall and the city gate, and don't let Nobanus' men in.

"It's really reckless to attack with such a small number of people."

Rustis said with a contemptuous face.

There were less than 3,000 enemies outside the city of Capua. Not to mention the trenches and thorns outside, Rustis had the confidence to defeat them even in a field battle.

But out of caution, Rustis had no intention of leaving the city.

Those soldiers hid out of the range of the ballista and seemed to have no intention of attacking the city, which made Rustis wonder for a while, what do they mean?

At this moment, a large number of footsteps came from behind the city wall.

Rustis looked back and found a large number of soldiers walking towards this side.

Rustis frowned, why did Li Wei's people come here?

However, if someone attacked the city, it seemed normal for him to come.

Li Wei led a large number of soldiers up the city wall, and those soldiers did not stop them.

"I heard that someone is coming to attack the city."

Levi came over and said, a large number of soldiers followed him, and pushed Rustis' men aside arbitrarily.

Those soldiers dared not speak out, after all, Li Wei's influence in Capua was too great.

As Capuans, they still have to live here after all.

"There are less than 3,000 people, and they didn't attack the city."

Rustis said.

He was extremely annoyed at the rudeness of Li Wei's men, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"I heard that you leaked a lot of my secrets to the consul."

Li Wei said lightly.

"It's nothing, the consul is just asking about some ordinary things."

Rustis suddenly felt vigilant, what did he mean by this.

He looked around and found that at some point, he had been surrounded by Li Wei's men.

Those soldiers had murderous looks in their eyes, and all of them put their hands on the hilt of their swords, as if they would strike at the slightest disagreement.

Moreover, Li Wei's men continued to rush up the city wall, and it didn't take long before his men were everywhere on the city wall.

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