Roman Slave Owner

Chapter 40 Stopping

What's more, Scipio is the descendant of the military god family, and there have been several consuls in the family, and the voice of winning the consul this time is very high.

Such two important figures were detained in Capua, one can imagine the panic of these elders.

"And there has been a big battle between the two sides, with more than 300 casualties."

The guard continued.

"Three... one hundred... people."

Some elders looked terrified.

What a big case!

I'm afraid this case will alarm Rome!

"We must stop this illegal killing! Rescue Nias and Scipio."

Clausus stood up and said righteously.

"That's right, we must act immediately to rescue them."

Old Tullius also spoke.

The elders of the Senate expressed their views one after another and reached an agreement as quickly as possible.

Not only did they send fast horses to convey their decision, but some were prepared to go to the scene with the citizens of Capua outside to stop the killing.

"Tulius, hurry up, maybe Levi will owe you a favor."

Old Tullius called his son and whispered.

Tullius nodded, quickly found a horse, joined the cavalry, and galloped out of the city at lightning speed.



"Trash! It's all a bunch of trash!"

Guta pointed at his subordinates and cursed.

Just now when they attacked the city, they did not work hard. The ladder was set on fire by others, and then they directly used the iron fork to fork it outside.

Let them throw javelins at the city wall, and as a result, they collapsed after a little counterattack on the city wall, and they hated the ancient tower to kill people.

"Should we wait for the ballista cart to arrive?"

Saiyanus sighed.

"No, we are running out of time, we must attack as soon as possible."

Guta shook his head and said.

Saiyanus also cursed secretly, why the siege engine hasn't arrived yet.

At this moment, Aulus ran over excitedly.

"Father, we have cut down some trees to make battering rams, and we are ready to break through the walls."

"It's really nice."

Seianus said excitedly.


Guta also looked relieved, but he didn't expect Aulus to solve the problem in the end.

As long as there are these tree trunks, it is not easy to break through those walls.

"I leave it to you here, just keep them in check."

Guta said to Saiyanus.

Saiyanus nodded, and Guta and Aulus were about to leave when there were a lot of hoofbeats in the distance.

Guta stopped quickly and looked into the distance with a solemn face. It is likely that the people who came at this time were not friends.

Soon dozens of cavalrymen appeared in front of them, and the leading ones were a few noble children from Capua, which made Guta frowned into a word of Chuan.

Seeing that the manor had not been compromised, Tullius and the others were relieved, so they won their bet.

The cavalry slowly stopped in front of Guta and others, and Tullius said: "The order of the Capua Senate, after the vote of the Capua Senate, they unanimously ordered you to stop attacking Li Wei's manor and release Elder Scipio and Nias."

Guta and Saiyanus' faces changed, it's over! It's over!

"I think the Senate doesn't understand the situation here, Li Wei is..."

Guta argued.

"I don't care what's going on here, please execute the order of the Capua Senate."

Tullius said coldly.

"Okay... I have no problem."

Saiyanus said with difficulty that, as a Capua administrator, he would be restricted by the Capua Senate.

Guta sneered, "I refuse."

He was the Admiral of the whole of Campania, under the orders of Rome directly.

Moreover, the Capua Senate cannot control the two lines of military and politics.

"Then please release the elders Scipio and Nias, you have no right to detain the elders Scipio and Nias."

Tullius had expected this for a long time, and directly pointed to the weakness of the ancient tower.

"It's impossible. They misunderstood me. I can't let them affect the work of eliminating the remnants of the Soviet Union."

Guta said.

Tullius snorted coldly, and said to the cavalrymen, "Look for the elders Scipio and Nias. I want to see who dares to forcibly detain the elders Scipio and Nias."

Many of those cavalrymen were Li Wei's subordinates, and they immediately searched around.

"Father, we must stop them."

Olus said.

"It's late, let them find it, but we still have a chance. You immediately take everyone, including my soldiers, to attack the manor, and use the fastest speed. As long as you get in, maybe we can still win."

Guta said.

Olus looked at him suspiciously, he didn't know the secret deal between Guta and others and Scipio.

But he didn't ask much, but left here with his soldiers.

At this time, Tullius and the others had found Scipio and the others, and Guta had no choice but to follow up with his personal guards.

Scipio and Nias were yelling at those soldiers. Those soldiers lowered their heads and dared not speak. You were clearly in a stable mood just now, why are you so excited now?

Tullius always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"I am very humble about the behavior just now. I hope you two can listen to my explanation."

Guta said sincerely.

"There is nothing to explain. What you have done proves that you are treason at all, and you have not ordered your soldiers to stop attacking."

Scipio said sternly.

Guta kept smiling, but never gave that order.

Nias was going to rush in another direction, but was stopped by those soldiers.

Nias had to stop and yell at the soldiers.

"Master Scipio, why don't we kill him?"

At this time a cavalry said.

"What did you say? Can you kill them?"

Scipio looked at him with the eyes of a fool and said.

Seeing the famous cavalry, they couldn't help but blushed. It is true that their fifty cavalry could not beat the more than two hundred guards in front of them, but didn't they have you?

You are a descendant of Scipio, the majestic family of military gods. If you say something, how dare those soldiers do anything to you, but it's hard to say these things.

Guta was like an angry daughter-in-law, no matter how much Scipio and Nias beat and scolded, she would not fight back, but it was impossible to give way, and it was even more impossible for him to order the army to stop the attack.

Tullius looked at Scipio and Nias suspiciously, and suddenly he seemed to think of something, and he couldn't help a cold sweat behind his back.

is it possible……

People are really sinister!




Under the orderly command of the chant, the soldiers slammed into the wall with thick wooden stakes.

Aulus grinned all over his face, Li Wei, you are dead now.

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