Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 23 Snake Blood Bath

Chen Feng's heart was filled with the joy of victory.

He tilted his head and looked at the huge black blood snake corpse next to him. A smile appeared on his face. The smile grew stronger and stronger, and finally turned into a proud and excited smile.

The Black Blood Snake is extremely powerful and is one of the most difficult to hunt among all sixth-level acquired monsters. Its strength is even as strong as some acquired seventh-level experts.

But once the hunt is successful, you can often develop overnight and get extremely generous rewards.

Because the whole body of the black blood snake is full of treasures.

Snake scales and snake skin can be used to make war armor, magic weapons, etc. The war armor is invulnerable and extremely strong.

Snake meat is rich in spiritual energy. After eating it, although the effect is not as good as directly absorbing spiritual stones, it is also very beneficial to the growth of true energy.

Snake bones can be used as medicine and are precious elixirs. They are needed when refining many elixirs.

Snake saliva is an essential raw material for some strange poisons.

As for the snake gallbladder, let alone it, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely full, no less than those of the best spiritual herbs. At least, it would not be worse than the magnolia grass that Chen Feng ate before.

And snake blood...

By the way, snake blood!

When Chen Feng thought about this, he immediately slapped his forehead in annoyance and jumped up. He looked at the snake blood flowing all over the ground with a look of distress on his face.

The snake blood of the black blood snake also contains a considerable amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth. Although it does not need to be applied to other parts, it should not be underestimated!

The most important thing is that the snake has a lot of blood! Once something increases in quantity, it will easily lead to qualitative changes.

There was so much snake blood, but he didn't have enough containers to hold it. Once he couldn't collect the snake blood in time, it would be wasted after it seeped into the ground!

Chen Feng suddenly thought of something his master had told him about his promotion.

He immediately got to work, choosing a suitable place nearby, then digging a pit there, and tamping the walls of the pit hard.

Soon, a pit five feet deep and five feet wide was formed.

Chen Feng led all the snake blood into the pit, and then dragged the giant snake's body to the pit to make the blood flow faster!

Black blood snake, as the name suggests, the snake blood is pure black, as black as ink.

But in fact, although the saliva of the black blood snake is highly poisonous, the snake blood is not poisonous. On the contrary, the blood of the black blood snake can be used as medicine or taken directly, with excellent effects.

Chen Feng took a sip, and the snake blood entered his stomach. He felt a warm line spreading from his throat to his stomach, and then spread to his limbs. There is warmth surging everywhere in the body.

He was surprised to find that the total amount of Qi had actually increased, and his strength had also increased from 7,000 kilograms to 7,010 kilograms.

Although he only gained ten pounds, don’t forget that he only drank a sip of snake blood!

But he couldn't drink this pit full of snake blood no matter what.

So Chen Feng decided to take a snake blood bath using the method that Master Yan Qingyu once said!

After he stripped completely naked, he jumped in naked.

After entering, Chen Feng felt as if he had jumped into scalding hot pepper water. There was just one feeling - hot!

He couldn't feel it when he drank it just now, but now, he could feel the extreme hotness of the snake blood and the strong corrosiveness in it, which gave him this hot feeling.

After only staying inside for more than ten seconds, Chen Feng felt that his body was so stimulated that he lost all consciousness. He felt that his body was riddled with holes and was corroded beyond recognition.

Snake blood is not poisonous, but it is highly corrosive!

Chen Feng was sweating profusely in pain, trembling all over, and his face was pale.

He quickly circulated the Bedoro Leaf Golden Sutra. The Bedoro Leaf Golden Sutra drove the true energy to circulate in the meridians, and then Chen Feng felt his body.

He let out a long breath, with a hint of lingering fear on his face.

Just now, he couldn't feel his body at all, as if there was only one head left in his body, suspended in the void.

This feeling is really terrible.

"Fortunately, I have the Bedoro Leaf Golden Sutra to protect my body. Otherwise, my body would have been corroded and collapsed just now!"

"The power contained in this snake blood is so overbearing! I only drank a small sip just now, so it's okay. Now my whole body is soaked in snake blood, and the contact area is too large, so I can't bear it without any space. Next, I must be careful when reabsorbing it."

Chen Feng secretly warned himself.

He closed his eyes and comprehended carefully, and he suddenly felt that his body was surrounded by extremely strong and dense spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which was far more than a hundred times higher than that of ordinary places!

And I was bathed in this dense spiritual energy.

Needless to say, this is naturally the pit of snake blood.

Although the spiritual energy was dense, it was extremely domineering and ready to move, wanting to get into Chen Feng's body and wreak havoc.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, circulated the Golden Sutra, and began to absorb the spiritual energy.

Sure enough, as soon as he opened his defenses, endless domineering spiritual energy poured into his body like water from a river that had burst its banks.

Crazy and domineering, almost breaking his nerves.

Most of Chen Feng's meridians were broken instantly, he groaned, and blood oozed strangely.

At this moment, the mysterious ancient tripod in Dantian moved.

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