Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 201 Jin has evil intentions towards the Grass Ninja Village

Chapter 206 Jin has evil intentions towards the Grass Ninja Village

The Kingdom of Rain was developing step by step.

Rescue the trapped people outside and absorb and train ninjas at the same time.

In today's Kingdom of Rain, the only qualified ninjas are still those people.

A newly trained ninja is no more than a ninja school student.

But their strength is growing rapidly.

The Konoha Ninja School is still squeezing cells to extract chakra, and everyone in the Rain Country has a basic internal skill.

Under Hanzo's strict requirements, there was nothing wrong with Yu Jun's three people fighting one genin.

As for Qian Jun, don't mention it.

As long as the Kingdom of Rain has strong soldiers and horses, it can take the next opportunity.

Unexpectedly, I haven't waited for them to take action.

People from the Grass Ninja Village began to appear in the Kingdom of Rain to plunder property and arrest the Rain Ninjas.

But now, all the rain ninjas from the Land of Rain have become the army.

They arrived at the new city, and just as they were about to capture a few ninjas and leave, they were captured by Wuyangyang's army.

Who thought there would be so many ninjas here.

Didn’t the Kingdom of Rain suffer heavy losses?

The three Grass Ninja Village ninjas were full of doubts, but now that they had been caught, these questions were actually not that important.

"Sir! We were just passing by! We didn't have any wild thoughts at all."

Several grass-nins cried in pain. Even though their whole bodies were tied, they still knelt down with difficulty and banged their heads on the ground.

"Misunderstanding, it's really all a misunderstanding."

"I don't feel like you have a misunderstanding."

Jin looked at them with a half-smile.

"Tell me, your purpose in coming to the Country of Rain."

Now that the Kingdom of Rain is blocked by him, it is basically difficult for news to spread.

The other party should have come to fight against the autumn wind after seeing that the Kingdom of Rain was weak.

After all, the director of Kusaku Ninja Village is famous in the ninja world for this kind of thing.

"It's really just a misunderstanding."

The grass ninjas had bitter expressions on their faces, and their eyes saw the figure standing next to Jin. The person wearing the mask couldn't be a demigod, Hanzo.

Then the person in the middle.

The next moment, all the grass ninjas suddenly broke free from their ropes and rushed towards Jin.

One person stood behind Jin, with the kunai in his hand pointed at Jin's throat. Others gathered around the two of them and looked at others cautiously.

"No one is allowed to move, or I will kill him."

The Kusanagi holding Jin hostage threatened him coldly.

Everyone looked at these grass ninjas with strange expressions.

There's really nothing wrong with the choice of this hostage.

"What are you looking at!! Let us go quickly!!"

The Kusanagi holding Jin hostage threatened him again, just when he threatened to bleed the hostage first.

The wooden branch instantly pierced his body and pushed him up.

The other Kusanagi looked back at the scene in front of them and fell to the ground in horror.

The kidnapped person was touching his chin.

"You said you were so good and insisted on taking action, but I don't know how to cooperate with you."

"Ninja." The grass man looked at Jin Nan and said hard.


Tengman emerged from Jin's body and quickly tied up all the grass ninjas.

"It's a famous name!"

The black vine began to tighten, the grass ninja's eyes began to stare out, and the vine gradually became darker.

"Bright Soul Technique!"

"If you don't tell me, just let me see it myself."

Soon the grass ninja's body became shriveled up, and Tengman recovered it, and their bodies fell to the ground.

Jin searched their minds for memories.

"It's really simple and easy to understand."

Jin sighed.

The purpose of these grass ninjas is very simple, just to capture two rain ninjas and go back, and then ask them about the ninjutsu of the land of rain, and the powerful poisonous techniques of demigod Hanzo.

Kusanagi Village is good at learning.

Really are.

“It’s well-deserved.”

"What to do next?" Hanzo asked.

"These Kusanagi Village ninjas are missing, so they will definitely come to investigate."

Of course, it would be another matter if someone disappeared in a big country.

Maybe you choose to give up without saying a word.

The Country of Rain will not make the Grass Ninja Village feel afraid.

Jin rubbed his chin and thought.

"Tell me, if we put on the cloak of the Grass Ninja Village and trade with other Ninja Villages, will we make any headway?"

If you trade with the identity of the Country of Rain, it will inevitably attract a lot of prying eyes, but the Grass Ninja Village is different. If you encounter danger, you can take off the coat of the Grass Ninja in time.

Kakuzu was very excited. He had been waiting to make money for a long time.

But Hanzo shook his head and retorted: "It won't work. The Grass Ninja Village has good relations with the five major countries. If there is any trouble, they will immediately take the matter to the five major nations."

If the Grass Ninja Village hadn't always been humble and respectful to the five major nations, they would have been wiped out long ago for their love of learning ninjutsu from other villages.

Kusanagi Village not only actively participated in activities organized by the five major countries, but also regularly handed over some money called patent fees but actually protection fees to the five major countries.

It can be said that no one is offended. As for Xiao Ninja Village, that is another problem.

The strength of Xiao Ninja Village is actually about the same. Except for Hanzo who appears in the Land of Rain, there is not much high-end combat power at all.

And among these small ninja villages, the grass ninja village is also considered strong.

"Then what if the Grass Ninja Village belongs to us?"

Jin put forward a hypothesis. In this case, relying on the diplomatic relations of the Grass Ninja Village, they can also contact the five major countries. If the force is too strong, they will directly throw away the cloak of the Grass Ninja Village. If it is not too strong.

Then they will fight back and make them afraid.

"I think it's okay."

Kakuzu agrees very much, as long as he can make money, he can do whatever he wants.

"Or not."

Hanzo shook his head.

"The ninjas of Kusanagi Village are not that easy to control. They are good at hiding things. They will definitely leak us when they get the chance."

That group of people are very good at surrendering, and they will not surrender easily. It can be said that as long as there is a grass ninja alive, it will be a matter of time before they are exposed.

Kakuzu glared at Hanzo.

What does this thing mean?

Hanzo turned his head away from Kakuzu. In Kakuzu's mind, he especially wanted to know what else was left besides money.

"That's true."

Jin Xun thought, unless he used the Bright Soul Technique to change his memory and cognition, the problem was that he was just a clone.

His pupil power and mental power are not as strong as the main body. The most he can do is check people's memories. Changing memory and cognition can only be used on some ordinary people.

It's basically impossible for ninjas.

But even if the real body comes, if a village of ninjas uses the Bright Soul Technique to change their cognition, they may become idiots first.

The use of the Bright Soul Technique must bear the memory of the person who cast it.

I wonder if his clone can take over if the main body becomes an idiot.

After all, everyone's thoughts and cognitions are the same, but their memories are slightly different.

What it was like in the beginning, it will be like that in the end.

Jin sighed. He didn't say he was superior at all. At most, he just lost a memory of himself.

It’s so hard to be a clone.

Jin looked at him and glared at him, then turned his head and refused to be with him.


"What if the Grass Ninja Village is completely wiped out?"

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