Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 51 Rumors and Nightmares

"Dear students, please pay attention."

The beautiful voice of the flight attendant resounded from every corner of the cabin.

"I am Su Qijun, the steward of this flight. This flight was attacked by an unidentified dangerous creature during the voyage. It has been confirmed that except for some students who were frightened, no students were injured. Here, I would like to represent this flight All the crew members and UMU Yuetxia Airlines would like to express our sincerest apologies.”

"The journey will still proceed as normal. If any students feel uncomfortable or find other abnormalities, please contact our flight attendants in time."

"I am very grateful to the students for actively cooperating with the crew."


In the lingering sound of the cabin broadcast, Zheng Qing signed his name on the roster, and then was supported by Xiao Xiao and Shi Yuan, and walked towards the cabin.

The corridor at the entrance of the restaurant is very deep. Every few meters, there is a small door with round arches and carved patterns. Behind the door are different cabins. At this moment, many curious heads are crowded at the entrance of these small carved doors. Those who did not go to the restaurant, or came back early from lunch, were standing at the door, carefully looking at the freshmen returning from the restaurant.

The special plane was very small, and the news that the demon appeared on the special plane had spread quickly, but the news was all kinds of different, different from true to false.

The steward's vague announcement made many people doubtful of these rumors.

At the small carved door of each cabin, there is a wizard who claims to have obtained first-hand information. He is pointing fingers and talking endlessly about the weird inside stories.

Someone vividly described how the elves in the restaurant rioted, and how the leading elf had a green face and fangs, was ten feet long, and ate the pets with its bloody mouth. In these descriptions, the usually gentle little guy could not bear the servitude of the wizard and rose up to resist, smashing the pots and pans at work, overturning all the tables, chairs and benches, smashing the chandelier, and tearing the curtains. Like a hero in an epic story, with an aura of justice, resisting the tyranny of the evil wizard!

The strange thing is that many young wizards listened with great interest and their blood boiled with excitement. They seemed not to notice the countless logical contradictions in this story.

Some people also interpreted the announcement issued by the flight attendant seriously. For example, dangerous creatures are demons; unidentified dangerous creatures are unregistered demons; if students are frightened, then someone must be scared to cry, faint, or even riot with magic; no students are injured, which means there are non-students. injured. Those who interpreted the announcement even patiently analyzed the pauses in Su Qijun's tone, the emphasis, the unusual expressions of which words, etc.

It has to be said that compared to the elf riot, the conclusions reached by those who analyzed the notice are more reliable.

Some people were mysterious and whispered to their companions that in fact, the demon on the special plane did not escape, but slipped into the freshmen. Those freshmen who came back from the restaurant were most likely to be replaced by the demon. The steward asked everyone to pay attention to abnormal situations, so as not to alert the snake and catch the turtle in the jar.

This statement added a bit of scrutiny to the curious eyes at the door.

Zhang Jixin and Liu Feifei were in different cabins. Because of those scrutinizing glances, the few of them stopped walking together and parted ways at the door of the restaurant, agreeing to meet again after arriving at school.

Li Meng walked in front holding three small pets. She held her head high, her little leather shoes clattering, hugging a fox and riding a dove, looking left and right, looking full of air.

But she was angry that none of the freshmen asked her about the incident in the cafeteria.

Most of the curious eyes fell on Zheng Qing who was being supported.

These bored freshmen looked at them curiously, whispered to each other, and carefully inquired whether Zheng Qing was injured while fighting the monster.

Zheng Qing's face turned red.

He hates being watched.

It's like watching a monkey show.

He even wished that the headache would become more severe, it would be better to pass out completely and avoid these rude glances.

Unlike him, there are also some freshmen who regard this gathering as a stage to show off.

"I thought there was something wrong with that flight attendant with red eyes!" In the corridor, a boy said excitedly to his partner next to him: "If I weren't worried about others scolding me for discrimination, I would definitely slap my donkey's hooves on her."

As he spoke, the boy raised a dark, shriveled gadget hanging on his chest and solemnly demonstrated to his friends how to subdue a demon with a black donkey's hooves.

The freshmen around him listened with great interest.

Zheng Qing rolled his eyes and tried to block out this eye-catching scene.

He felt embarrassed for that boy.

Only by truly standing in the demon's aura can we understand the meaning of courage.

It wasn't until a few people returned to their seats that the lingering glances around them slowly dispersed.

"Is it really okay with you?" The little monk put Zheng Qing on the seat and asked worriedly.

"Well, it's okay, just rest for a while." Zheng Qing endured the throbbing pain in his head and responded vaguely while lowering the backrest of the seat.

The beautiful woman with burgundy waves opposite the young monk was still fast asleep wearing her own eye mask.

Zheng Qing felt some inexplicable disappointment in his heart.

"He probably had some symptoms induced by the stimulation just now. From what he said, it's an old problem. Generally, it's safer to listen to him in this situation." Next to him, Xiao Xiaozheng was quietly explaining to Lan Que what happened in the restaurant. .

Li Meng leaned forward and squeezed next to them, adding in a low voice and arguing about something.

Zheng Qing couldn't hear clearly and didn't want to hear it.

He curled up in the large seat, feeling that his whole mind was in a hazy state, and soon fell into sleep.

The body is swaying back and forth, and the sights that are far and near give people a feeling of weightlessness.

He craned his neck and poked his head to see why he was dangling.

A pair of dull wooden eyes appeared in his field of vision.

Then came the stiff neck.

Straight legs.

Then came the two creaking rocking boards.

It dawned on him.

It turned out that I was on a wooden horse.

The sound of dogs barking from far to near.

He turned around and saw a big wolfdog, with its wet tongue sticking out and its scarlet eyes open, chasing after the wooden horse. The dog had a thorn collar hanging around its neck, and its fur was tangled with blood scabs and dirt, making it look dirty. It opened its mouth wide, revealing its yellow-stained fangs, and muddy saliva seeped out from between its teeth and dripped into the soil.

Can't be bitten by a dog.

He was furious in his heart and kicked the horse's belly hard.

Run! he shouted.

The barking of the dogs grew farther and farther away.

When he looked back, he could no longer see the big dog, and there was only deep dusk in his field of vision.

The fire clouds under the setting sun spread out in the distance, overflowing like sea water.

The fire cloud is getting closer and closer, and its color is getting darker and darker.

Until it's as red as blood.

Behind the clouds, the sad roar of the wild dog seemed to be heard.

The blood-red fire cloud swept over the wooden horse, like a tide rising onto the beach, drowning everything.

Li Meng was chattering to Lan Que about the details of the accident in the restaurant.

Zheng Qing, who was sleeping next to her, suddenly jumped forward, startling her.

"What are you doing!" The little girl looked at Zheng Qing angrily.

Zheng Qing muttered something, then turned over and continued to sleep.

Li Meng looked at Xiao Xiao blankly.

"Nightmare?" Xiao Xiao shook his head, picked up a pen, and wrote down something in his seemingly endless notebook.

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