King of Hollywood

Chapter 47 Leave it to the Professionals

"The rest is entirely up to you, I just want Tim Robbins to play lead actor Andy, Morgan Freeman to play number one supporting actor Red, and Bob Gunton to play number two supporting actor Warden Norton. So, is there any problem?" Adrian, sitting at the head of the conference room, flipped through the folder in front of him and said.

The department heads in the meeting room looked at each other without saying a word. After a few minutes, the manager of the planning department nodded: "Understood, Mr. Adrian, we will do our best..."

"I don't need to do my best, I need to be sure, understand?" Adrian interrupted him.

"Yes, sir, we must." The manager immediately changed his words.

"That's it, Laverne stays, and the others can leave." Adrian gestured.

After all the people in charge left the conference room, Adrian looked at Lavern who was sitting on his left: "Do you have anything to say to me, Laver?"

"Yes, something about the recent investment, but I think you will definitely stick to your own opinion, won't you?" Laverne shrugged, obviously already familiar with Adrian's approach.

"You are my general manager, Laffer, so just speak up if you have anything to say. I will be happy to answer all your questions. This is good for us." Adrian said unhurriedly.

"Understood," Lavern nodded, "I think the company has launched too many projects at the same time recently, and the amount of investment is a bit too large. Knowing you’re well funded, but losing money is never a good thing.”

"So, what are you going to do?" Adrian looked at him noncommittally.

"What else can you do, you are the boss, you have already made a decision," Laverne sighed, "I can only hope that the box office of "Memento" can be higher, and then "Jurassic Park" will start preparations The time can be later."

Adrian laughed, and he heard the complaint in the other party's words: "Okay, don't worry, Laverne, although the mid-term box office of "Memory Fragments" is not good, it is now recovering. I have also estimated that it will not be too different from "Two Smoking Barrels". After the release of "Terminator 2" in July, the previous investment of 10 million can be gradually returned. At this time, Steven's side will definitely end The work in hand, so "Jurassic Park" will not start preparations until August or September at the latest, and by this time my "Shawshank Redemption" should be almost completed, just right, isn't it?"

"What you said is based on everything going well, Ed." Lavern said bluntly, "Especially the box office of "Terminator 2", you never seem to think that it will lose money. Yes, I admit that the first episode of "Terminator" has cultivated many fans, and I also believe that James Cameron can make the second episode better than the first episode, but its total investment of 110 million US dollars is too much. Big, even if the box office is good, at best we can keep costs."

"What if the global box office is over 400 million?" Adrian asked casually.

Lavern froze for a moment, smiled wryly and did not speak again. If the global box office really gets 400 million US dollars, the company will naturally make a lot of money, but how many movies can get such a high box office in the global market? And once the overseas market takes up a large share, more will be distributed, and it is still a question of whether the capital can be preserved at that time.

"I know you may not believe it, Laffer, but I never doubt my vision." Adrian spread his hands at this moment, if he was not worried about some problems, he just said 500 million instead of close to 400 million.

"I am optimistic about James Cameron. I can be sure that he will bring us hundreds of times of benefits in the future." Although Adrian said vowedly, he did not let Laverne's wry smile disappear.

So after thinking for a few minutes, he suddenly changed the subject: "Before, I asked you to buy the rights to adapt a foreign film and two novels, how is it now?"

"Well..." Although he didn't understand why Adrian mentioned this, Lavern gave the answer after thinking about it, "There will be no problem with Italy. King's College, Cambridge University has not yet responded, but I don't believe it There's going to be too much trouble. Above all it's Lady Anne Rice, who doesn't seem to want to hand over her novel to us."

"Do you have any suggestions?" Adrian asked.

"You know, women are relatively more emotional than men," Lavern said after thinking, "so wait for "The Shawshank Redemption" to be released before lobbying, and the possibility of success will be greater. Of course, if you are in a hurry If necessary, I have an 80% chance of getting it, but the price may be slightly higher."

"You're really good, Laffer," Adrian clapped his hands. "To be honest, I didn't expect you to get "The Shawshank Redemption" from Stephen King so quickly. It's very good."

"Thank you, but I don't think you just want to say this." Laverne's face was obviously written with inquiries.

"Let's put it this way, Laffer, The Shawshank Redemption is going to be my Oscar ticket for next year, and in the course of next year I'm going to make three movies—not necessarily these three, last time at the restaurant Being robbed gave me a good idea. In short, at the next year's Oscars, I will support a best actor and an actress on stage, and I will also be nominated for best director." Adrian's tone "I can guarantee the quality of the movie and the acting skills of the actors, so the rest..."

Although he stopped at this point, how could Lavern not know what the next words were, his breathing suddenly became a little short, and he stretched out his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose and looked at Adrian with indescribable eyes.

"I never do useless work. Every time I take a step, I will consider the countless steps behind. My eyes are all on the future, and I believe in my own eyes." Adrian put his hands up to make a footnote for this explanation, Of course, the last sentence is the focus of his speech, ""Terminator 2" will prove this point."

Lavern was silent for a few minutes, and finally nodded: "I understand."

"No, you don't understand." Adrian looked at him with piercing eyes. "What I really want to tell you is that I am very confident and I am very far-sighted, but I am only a person anyway, and I may be able to see more than others." See more things, but it doesn't mean I can see everything. So, when you think you should say something, be sure to say it, there may be something that I may not have noticed, this is my opinion your trust."

Lavern, who was a little dazed, finally came to his senses, and after taking a long breath, he showed a serious expression: "Yes, I understand, it's up to you to listen or not, and it's up to me to say it or not."

Adrian smiled slightly: "Let's call it a day. In addition, after Crowe's integration is completed, you will be the CEO of Bosworth Films, and this seat will also be yours."

As he spoke, he patted the chair under him, and jokingly said, "Even I have to act according to your face."

If it was a few minutes ago, Lavern might have been a little excited, but now he just responded to show that he knew.

"By the way, Ed," he suddenly thought of something when he was about to get up and leave, "The two reporters who called to interview you, how do you reply to them?"

"This... I'd better decline it, anyway, I'm going to start working on a new movie soon." Adrian gave this answer after thinking about it, "I'm not a big star, so I'll talk about it later when I have a chance."

In fact, he doesn't mind accepting interviews, although he prefers to stand behind the scenes, but since he has chosen to use the fastest method to accumulate fame and prestige, it is bound to attract a lot of attention. But that is definitely not now. The reporters who came to the door were just those from small and medium-sized newspapers and magazines. Because they couldn't get news about celebrities, they turned to him with a curiosity-seeking mentality. He has produced two blockbuster movies in a year. Director, I hope to attract some attention, he has absolutely no need to deal with them.

After all, the director behind the scenes is not as good as the star at the front desk, but at the most two years, the major TV stations will rush to invite him to do an exclusive interview. Adrian shrugged inwardly. Speaking of which, he should have an agent, but Crowe's movements are really slow.

The slander is the slander, Adrian didn't really take it to heart, Claude has done a good job. In more than half a month, he had acquired a publishing company that was not doing well, and soon handed over the revised and polished first edition of the "Resident Evil" novel to him.

Frankly speaking, the revision was pretty good. That down-and-out second-rate writer who likes to write suspense novels burst into a rage immediately after learning that he could not only add his name to the book but also get a share of the royalties. Erbai's enthusiasm, dedicated to helping to fill in the loopholes in the novel, not to mention reading a lot of materials, and writing the composition of the T-virus more like that. Although it can only be regarded as a top-notch popular novel, it is enough to attract those passengers to buy a copy before boarding the plane. As for whether to collect it or throw it in the trash when getting off the plane, it doesn't matter. After Adrian made some comments, he wondered whether to hand over the other two books to the other party for revision.

The brokerage company is also in the process of negotiation. Although the selected brokerage company is medium-sized and the benefits are not bad, it is no longer a problem to win. Moreover, Adrian also found several familiar names in the agency's list of actors, directors, producers, etc., and I have to say that Crowder did a great job.

Leave things to professionals you can trust, and don't intervene at will. Adrian has always insisted on this approach. That's one of the reasons why he talked so much to Laverne and repeatedly emphasized the word trust.

(When I wrote these chapters, the state was not very good, so the quality has declined, please bear with me, I will try my best to adjust)

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