After the third ski trail passed the cable car station, fewer and fewer people skied down. The cable car station failed and had not been repaired. Qi Yuan had to continue to slide down with Yun Xi.

Mu Feichi prepared two people to support him, one at the cable car station and the other on the road at the foot of the mountain.

After the cable car was blocked, they all retreated to the foot of the mountain. The two went all the way down the snow road. Before reaching the foot of the mountain, they found several people lying on the edge of the snow road.

Qi Yuan tightened his nerves and raised his vigilance, and quickly slid forward to hold Yun Xi, "Stay here and don't move, I'll go take a look!"

Qi Yuan took out the gun in one hand, squeezed the ski pole in the other hand, slowed down and stepped forward.

Yun Xi didn't dare to be careless, she took out her gun and looked around and ahead vigilantly.

Just as Qi Yuan approached, several people who were lying on the ground suddenly turned over and aimed their guns at him!

Yun Xi quickly reacted and shot the man who stood up with a bang!

Qi Yuan was a well-trained special forces soldier. When the man turned over and pointed his gun at him, he quickly fell down and shot another man on the ground.

The two cooperated tacitly and moved quickly, but two shots were fired, and several people hidden in the snow rushed out quickly, surrounding the two at once.

The two gunshots also alerted Mu Feichi and Jin Lei on the other snow track. Mu Feichi stopped and analyzed the location of the gunshots just now.

"Something happened over there!" Before Jin Lei could react, Mu Feichi had already slid to the third slope with his ski poles.

While listening to the sound on the other side of the headset, Jin Lei gave instructions to the person on the other end of the headset, and all the people rushed to the third snow track.

Yun Xi and Qi Yuan stood silently, nervously watching the silhouettes emerging from the snow, and pointed their guns at their heads.

Looking at this battle, Yun Xi frowned slightly.

This is good, she is the "target person" who is being paid attention to!

"Qi Yuan, you said that this kind of predicament, according to the way of your special team, how to solve it?"

Qi Yuan was stunned for a moment, and quickly understood what she was thinking, frowning lightly, "If it were me, I would wait for reinforcements."

Of course Yun Xi knew that the sound of their two shots just now had probably alerted Mu Feichi. With his alertness, he should have quickly realized that something was wrong here.

"You two, come with us." The leading man said a blunt sentence in substandard Chinese.

Yun Xi glanced at the tall men around her, it was really not easy, or even impossible, to fight back.

"You'd better not do anything else, otherwise..."

Yun Xi shrugged, she wasn't stupid enough to send someone's head.

In the middle of the high snow road, behind the pine trees covered by the heavy snow, Mu Feichi and Jin Lei were at a height of more than ten meters. He clenched his ski poles tightly.

Mu Feichi pressed the headset on his ear, and directly gave instructions to all the snipers who were in ambush.

"When they turn around and prepare to go down the mountain, let's all do it together and follow my instructions!"

The headset on Qi Yuan's ear was dragged into the snow by the group of people and stomped on it a few times, and the people around him suddenly surrounded him, pushing them towards the snowmobile.

Just when they turned around, on the high snow, Mu Feichi counted the numbers and ordered: "Three, two, one, do it!"

A dozen shots were fired together, each targeting a different target.

Just when the man beside Yun Xi was hit in the head with a bang, Yun Xi reacted suddenly, and rolled over directly to Wang Xuedao's right side.

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