Since she can't guess the cause of the incident now, she still wants to find the remaining wolves as soon as possible, and she doesn't know how many wolves will remain.

The wolf she rescued kept sniffing at the body of his dead companion, his eyes were sad and painful, and he kept whimpering.

"Can you take me to find the remaining wolves? Maybe there is help."

Mo Ruyue tried to ask a question, and the wolf immediately sniffed around, but I don't know if there was too much information about the smell here, or for some other reason, it just kept spinning in place, as if it couldn't be traced at all. direction.

Seeing the wolf looking so at a loss, Mo Ruyue's mind suddenly flashed, thinking of a possible hiding place, so she immediately called the wolf to follow and ran in one direction.

What she thought of was that treasure valley, which was harder to find than the wolf cave. If it wasn't for the black wolf king leading the way, even if she turned the entire mountain range, she might not be able to find it.

Thinking about it now, if you really want to avoid man-made disasters, the Black Wolf King is most likely to take the remaining wolves there. After all, the valley is full of various herbs, which can avoid disasters and heal wounds.

Although she had only been to the place once, she still remembered the route. After deliberately speeding up the pace, she arrived at the place after a cup of tea.

As she thought, there were many messy wolf paw prints and bloodstains in front of the cave, all the way to the valley.

Mo Ruyue also hesitated and walked directly into the cave. Before she could go far, she saw a giant wolf blocking the road.

It was one of the several "guards" who always followed the Black Wolf King. He also had a knife mark on his body, but the injury was less severe than the one who reported the letter. As soon as he saw that it was Mo Ruyue, he got up and confronted him. She shook her tail slightly.

"Where's the Black Wolf King, is it inside?"

As soon as Mo Ruyue asked the question, the giant wolf nodded slightly, turned and walked into the valley.

She followed behind and walked out of another hole, and saw many wolves lying around the hole near the hole, and the black wolf king was lying under a big tree in the distance.

Smelling the familiar scent, the wolves who were lying down all raised their heads to look at Mo Ruyue, and patted her long tail gently, as if to welcome her.

"I'll see your king first, and then I'll come to heal you."

Mo Ruyue comforted her and walked straight towards the Black Wolf King.

Looking at it from a distance, he didn't realize anything, but Mo Ruyue found out that the Black Wolf King's injuries were more serious than expected.

It had stab wounds mixed with arrow wounds on its body, and it also bleed a lot because of running and other reasons. It looked even weaker than the wolf who reported the news. If she came a little later, I am afraid that the black wolf king would have died. .

Mo Ruyue immediately brought the black wolf king into the space for treatment. Although the disappearance of the king of his own family made the wolves a little uneasy, it was just the little pony bug.

Because Mo Ruyue often made things disappear or appear out of thin air in front of them, and now that Mo Ruyue also disappeared with them, the wolves naturally thought she was going to save the wolf king.

Almost in an instant, Mo Ruyue and the Black Wolf King appeared at the same time, and the wounds on the Black Wolf King who appeared this time were completely healed, and he looked much better.

Next, Mo Ruyue began to treat other wolves' wounds. With the space accelerator, she could heal the wounds of each wolf almost instantly.

It's a pity that this method can't be used on people, otherwise there will be rumors that she can do sorcery, and the trouble will be big at that time.

"What happened to you, and why were you surrounded and suppressed?"

After Mo Ruyue had cured all the wolves, she walked to the wolf king and couldn't help but say something, she knew that even the black wolf king couldn't give her an answer, after all, she didn't know the animal language, neither would it. speak English.

The Black Wolf King licked Mo Ruyue's palm lightly, then walked over to look at its "people" one by one, and touched each other's noses, as if comforting each other.

"Don't go back to the wolf cave. Stay in this valley for the time being. This is a deeper mountain. If those who hurt you can't find you, they won't leave forever. I see a lot of prey here. , you can rest here in peace."

Mo Ruyue said, and led the wolf king to the edge of several herbal clumps, pointing to the herbs and saying, "This is to stop the bleeding. If you chew it and apply it to the wound, it will stop you from bleeding."

"This is for detoxification. If you are poisoned and eat these kinds of herbs, the general toxicity can be solved, but you can't overdo it. A big wolf can eat this amount of time."

She pinched one of the herbs by a third and showed it to the wolf king. After seeing it nodded, she continued.

"The little wolf eats the knuckles, and eats it once a day. If you eat more, it will increase the toxicity."

"You don't know the rest of the herbs, so don't eat them indiscriminately. These should be enough for you. If I'm not there, you can make an emergency."

After all, Mo Ruyue couldn't be with the wolves all the time, so after this incident, she decided to pick out the most useful herbs for the wolves and tell them to the Black Wolf King.

This wolf king is so intelligent and close to the demon, he can even have human emotions, and can understand most of her words. They can't be allowed to guard such a big treasure without knowing how to save their lives.

At this time, the sky has gradually started to become brighter, and the surrounding is the kind of light blue that is more and more translucent, and the sun is about to rise.

"I'm going down the mountain, and I'm going into the city today. If I'm fine today, I can help you look around.

It's too dangerous for you to go out. "

Mo Ruyue thought that although the wolves had been healed by her, the crisis had not been resolved. The murderers who harmed the wolves were still tracking their whereabouts.

She re-entered the space and moved out some of the meat frozen in the large refrigerator of the mushroom house, and built a high mountain of meat on the ground.

At the same time, she also took out a lot of ice cubes, which were stacked under a relatively shaded tree, which could delay the deterioration of meat as much as possible.

"This meat should be enough for you to eat for two days. I'll hunt some fresh ones tomorrow. By the way, I'll see if there are any suspicious people in the mountains. Don't go out hunting and show up. For the safety of the entire group, but You have to listen."

Mo Ruyue said it, and felt that she was a little stunned. It is possible that she really regarded the wolves in front of her as human beings. If they could survive, she felt that these words were not in vain.

Fortunately, the Black Wolf King is indeed very spiritual, and she nodded frequently when she spoke, as if she had listened to her words.

It is precisely because of this reason that Mo Ruyue feels that she is explaining things to a "person" rather than playing the piano to a "wolf".

"Okay, I have to leave quickly, otherwise my affairs will be too late, you guys take care of yourself, I will come to see you tomorrow after I hunt."

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