The whirlwind stirred up the sand and flew away like yellow smoke rising from the flat ground. The merciless scorching sun was like a flame, tempering the golden skull decorated on the military flag.

This is a disputed place where war rages on, and this flag belongs to the Golden Company.

From the day the contract with Myr was broken, the morale of the entire army was very low. Captain Harry's passionate speech and the battle slogan of "Gold above, cold iron below" failed to inspire people.

Fortunately, the hearts of the soldiers were still concerned about the gold promised by Volantis, and they persisted in crossing the sandy sky, the same winding wastelands and hills, and marched towards the town of Velonthes.

Time passed slowly, the weeds under their feet became thicker and thicker, and the trees they encountered became more and more lush. They finally came to an area surrounded by forests.

They were quite happy about this change, because the rows of trees, like endless giant umbrellas in the hands of some god, blocked the scorching sun above their heads. The air began to become cooler, and other scenery appeared in their eyes. .

The treetops were swaying left and right in the breeze, and everyone felt extremely tired. Faced with the suggestion that the brothers in the group needed to rest, the group leader Harry Strickland immediately and wholeheartedly agreed with their views on setting up camp.

At this time, he sent several more spies to rush to the town of Velonces to find out how the war there was progressing.

The mercenaries who received the order to stay cheered and left the camp, rushing into the depths of the forest to look for the various delicacies they had seen in their dreams.

After a long period of work, the trees were cut down and the land was cleared to create open space. However, the most satisfying thing was that the campfire was filled with aromatic barbecue.

When the spies hurried back here on horseback, panting, what they saw was that everyone was gathered in a circle, happily singing songs, tasting delicious food, and holding a carnival banquet.

The aroma of roasted meat was so tempting, but it failed to stop the spies. They quickly jumped off their horses and rushed into the commander's camp, bringing the news that Malachor, the consul of Volantis, had died in battle.

As soon as the words fell, all the senior executives stood up in unison. After confirming that the news was accurate, their moods hit rock bottom, and their bodies felt as cold and weak as if they had been enchanted.

Hearing the joyous sound of drinking and having fun outside, someone rushed into the soldiers angrily and kicked the barbecue grill. The campfire exploded into countless sparks and disappeared without a trace, and the whole place fell into complete silence.

After a while, Harry Strickland slowly came to his senses. He yelled to vent his unwillingness. He kept tripping over tables and chairs, crashed to the ground, and got up again with blood on his face. This behavior attracted nearly all the soldiers in the camp.

Finally, the white-haired archer commander Hei Baqu stood up and stopped the regiment leader's crazy behavior. Then he gathered all the senior leaders together and held a meeting to determine the future direction.

They sat down on the spot, and the leader's confidant, Sir Tristan Rivers, was the first to speak:

"I'm fed up with Fatty Illyrio's plan, which changes every month. This time Fatty wants us to tear up the agreement with Myr. What's the result? It all came to nothing again. In addition to losing reputation, the Golden Company also lost its reputation. What else is left?”

"What does this have to do with Illyrio? Isn't this an internal decision of the Golden Company? Aren't we just here because we are greedy for gold equal to our leader?"

Intelligence officer Ransono Marr shook his fingers frivolously, with purple nails, and objected softly. He is a Lysian, with lilac eyes and platinum hair, and his earlobes are decorated with pearls and Amethyst, many people will think of him as a woman at first sight.

Sir Tristan glanced at Lansono Marr with disgust. Although this man looked like a "Targaryen", his temperament made him extremely unhappy. He even thought that if he was like this, it might be better to die.

However, he saw the softening attitude of the senior officials around him and did not continue to argue with the other party, because all the senior officials knew the reasons behind it. With his reminder, the purpose of exonerating the leader Harry Strickland from responsibility had been achieved. .

At this time, the archer commander Hei Baqu stood up again and said seriously:

"What we should be discussing now is where our brothers will go next and how to make up for the losses in this mission."

Someone smoothed things over, and in the quiet atmosphere of the forest, a real discussion about the future of the Golden Company began.

"There are three consuls in Volantis, and now only one Malachor has died. Maybe the other consuls are willing to continue to hire us."

"Don't be delusional. I bet they won't look down on mercenaries. Do you want me to demonstrate to you?"

"Perhaps we can loot a few nearby towns to make up for the losses. Although this requires fighting, it is worth it. Since they can get such a high reward, I bet there must be very rich people in these towns!"

"Don't forget the horse king Mungo who killed Malachor. Volantis is now his pasture. According to the spies, he also defeated the once strongest Drogo tribe and had nearly 100,000 cavalry."

As soon as the last words were said, everyone fell silent with regret. No one could guarantee that they could easily save their lives after snatching food from the tiger's mouth.

Seeing the top management gathered together and unable to think of any other way, Harry Strickland immediately understood that it was time for him to do something to make up for his prestige.

Moreover, he understood that the idea of ​​looting towns might not sound like much, but no matter what, he had to achieve this proposal.

Because the situation forced him to unable to look back, he could only continue to move forward, even if he made more mistakes.

Except for him and the treasurer, no one else knew that the only thing that was heavy at this time was the mood of the entire army. Since he did not receive Myr's reward, he had greatly reduced the weight of the baggage. If they did not complete Volanti Si's mission, within a few days, they will be in a dilemma without food.

Thinking of this, Harry Strickland had no choice but to think quickly. With his butt burning, he managed to muster up the courage to say:

"I have a plan, no, two plans."

"First of all, we can continue to Volantis and negotiate a compensation with other consuls. After all, Malachor is also one of them and has promised to sign an employment agreement with the Golden Group and pay liquidated damages. This is very reasonable. If they If they don't agree, if they use robbery as a threat, they will also face the siege of the Horse King. I believe the governors will compromise. "

Seeing everyone closing their eyes and pretending to rest, except for Tristan Hewen, who showed an expression of disbelief, he still smiled happily and said:

"Of course, this money may not be enough to make up for our losses. My other plan is to wait until I get compensation from Volantis and then reach a new agreement with the Horse King. The Dothraki have no ships, otherwise, they will When we raid Malachor, we won't just have the Horse King Mongo. Therefore, we can join forces with the Horse King. He will send troops to threaten the east bank of the Rhoyne River, while we will loot the west bank. After the incident is completed, the Golden Company will take half of it. The property was given to him as a gift.”

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