
Chapter 285 The Repayment of the Dengzhu Taoist Priest

Sun Yulu is not an infatuated woman. The status of spiritual practice in her heart is much higher than that of men, even if the man is Meng Yuanhou. Apex Novel Chapter Updates are the Fastest

There are not many people among the Nine Dao Traditions who choose heaven-defying arts, and even fewer are outstanding. Although Meng Yuanhou was only a Taoist priest of Dinxia, ​​he was still outstanding.

The first time Sun Yulu went to the land of monsters, his companion was Meng Yuanhou. There were other Taoist priests at the time. Only his words and deeds were different. He was a little brave and a little reckless, and a little smart. He was by no means an outstanding disciple in the eyes of a high-level Taoist priest. , but very attractive to the young Taoist priests who are traveling with him.

Not long after they met, Sun Yulu proposed that the two of them form a mortal relationship. She was also one of the most eye-catching figures in the team. She fully believed that her proposal would never be rejected, but Meng Yuanhou only considered it politely for a while. , and returned her kindness, "We are not suitable for each other. I practice heaven-defying arts, and I never intended to get married."

This sentence has since become a knot in Sun Yulu's heart. As a Taoist priest, she has a way to hide the knot in her heart. She believes that sooner or later she will find someone to replace Marquis Meng Yuan, thus completely eradicating this knot in her heart.

When she was unprepared, Mu Xingqiu's mental illusion amplified the knot in her heart. This was not pure love, but under the guidance of the illusion, it turned into an unforgettable memory, and even turned into a love disaster. Drag Sun Yulu into the evil path.

Sun Yulu never gave up her efforts to overcome fate, but her own strength alone was not enough. It was Mu Xingqiu who helped her.

The second level of the illusion was able to do two things. Mu Xingqiu found that not only could he cast two spells at the same time, but his state of mind was also divided into two. One was arrogant and wished to have the power to destroy the world immediately, while the other was Sadness and sympathy, although Sun Yulu's affection for Meng Yuanhou was specious, he saw the shadow of himself and Fangfang.

Mu Xingqiu's second state of mind decided to help Sun Yulu. So she used illusions to amplify her efforts to overcome the calamity in her heart. This was a difficult process. The calamity of love was very dangerous. If you were not careful, not only Sun Yulu would become a demon, but Mu Xingqiu would also be dragged into the water.

When Shen Jixian arrived, he only saw Mu Xingqiu's arrogant side, but not his other state of mind.

Sun Yulu finally succeeded in overcoming the disaster, and Mu Xingqiu provided the necessary strength. The relationship between the two was like that of a creditor and a businessman. A businessman borrows money to make a fortune every day, but without the initial money, he still can't get ahead.

Sun Yulu got rid of the knot in her heart and also survived the love disaster. For a Taoist priest, this was definitely a huge surprise.

"I want to repay your favor, and I don't want to have to bear a new knot in my heart."

“I thought you were here to talk about the sword.


"Frost Soul Sword, yes. My reward for you is also related to it."

Mu Xingqiu lowered his head and glanced at the bloody lines on the sword again, then raised his head and said, "I'm listening."

"The great soul-locker originally wanted to replace all the souls in the sword with the soul-locking jade ax last night. Of course, she failed. Instead, she lost fifty-five magic weapons and she was almost injured." Sun Yulu He smiled and added: "This incident warns us that the rules of Dengzhuke are still valuable: Never let outsiders enter any soul-binding magic circle. Especially don't let him stay awake."

Mu Xingqiu snorted. He had no regrets about the broken magic weapon and the unconscious Taoist priest in Chaos Jingshan.

"The problem doesn't stop there. The Frost Soul Sword is much more powerful than we expected in advance, and you used telepathy to activate the power of the soul inside, making things even more complicated."

Mu Xingqiu gently stroked the sword, "I can feel that the souls inside are full of anger. They don't like living in it and want to escape."

"Exactly, we once blessed this sword with the soul-binding technique. Simply put, it transformed the demon species contained in the sword into a space suitable for souls to live in. But we didn't expect that so many souls would be captured. The transformation did not Not completely, they are aware that they are in a cage, so they are very unhappy. You use illusion to activate the power of the soul, which is indeed very powerful, but it is too direct, and it triggers a riot. The Frost Soul Sword cannot last long, if you act like this again. If you use it like that two or three times last night, the soul will leak out and the sword will be destroyed."

"You want to bless the Frost Soul Sword again?" Mu Xingqiu became frightened and immediately became vigilant.

Sun Yulu shook her head, "The Frost Soul Sword already contains a large number of souls, and it will be very dangerous to apply the soul-retention technique to it. If you want to save this sword and Qin Lingshuang's soul, there is only one way to recast it with the Siming Tripod.


"Well, it's actually very simple. Only the Siming Cauldron can classify and collect the souls. Send the souls in the sword to the Siming Cauldron. We can re-cast the spell on the Frost Soul Sword and then send the souls back."

"First, the Si Ming Ding is not in your hands. Second, I don't know if I should trust you. You almost stole Fangfang's soul."

Sun Yulu sighed, "The Great Soul Master has regretted it. We came to ask Pangshan for help, but we took the wrong step in the first step. She entrusted me to apologize to you. She also said - there are very few people in Luanjingshan." Make this promise - after taking back Luanjing Mountain, you can personally control the Siming Cauldron, which means you can transform your soul into the cauldron. If you are lucky enough, you may be able to identify Qin Lingshuang's soul. "

Mu Xingqiu's heart moved, "You said that no one can talk to the soul."

"That's not a conversation, it's just recognition. You still can't communicate, so your recognition will never be proven. The Siming Ding is one of the nine Taoist magic weapons that can suppress mountains. Only it can make a little intersection between the world of living people and souls. , In fact, the entire Dengzhu family's magic is based on the Siming Ding. Without it, our power will gradually be lost. "

"That's right, I let you use it without any restrictions or tricks."

"It sounds like a fair deal. Isn't this the repayment you were talking about?"

"Of course not." Sun Yulu's smile was still as charming as before, "Originally, I wanted to teach you some Dengzhuke spells to control the power of the soul in the Frost Soul Sword, but the Great Soul Master reminded me that Dengzhu was exposed. You will be punished for doing magic, and I don’t want to be punished, so I can only repay your favor in another way.”

Sun Yulu took out a small box and opened it to contain semi-soft white mud.

"This is Luanjing Mountain's unique soul-moistening clay. It is made of seventy-two rare materials, including soul ash and Xinghua Feiying - do you know what Xinghua Feiying is?"

Mu Xingqiu nodded, "The dead seeds of the Wangshan Nebula Tree."

"Yes, that is one of the most important materials for the Soul-Running Divine Mud. The closure of Wangshan Mountain will be a big loss to Luanjing Mountain. This is three to two cents of the Soul-Running Divine Mud. To be honest, my approach is a bit wasteful. But I must return the favor, and the Great Soul Master also supports it.”

Mu Xingqiu just wanted to refuse the other party's gift. Sun Yulu had already taken action. She took out the whole piece of moistening soul mud, put away the box, and then pinched the mud with both hands. The mud became longer and longer, and soon showed its shape. She wanted to make one. scabbard.

Mu Xingqiu closed his mouth and wanted to see what was so special about the scabbard made of moistening soul mud.

The scabbard is finished, a bit shabby in its simplicity. Pure white, without any decoration. Since there is very little divine mud and the Frost Soul Sword is very large, the scabbard appears to be very thin. It looks like it is made of white paper rolled up randomly, and it will break when touched.

Sun Yulu was not proficient in weapon refining, and it took a lot of effort to make something like a rough embryo. She held the scabbard in both hands and gave it to Mu Xingqiu. "Soul-Moistening Mud is very helpful in maintaining soul-binding magic weapons. It also has other benefits. You can try it."

Mu Xingqiu took the scabbard. Three ounces or three coins were as light as nothing in his hand. During the forming process, it had become hard, but it still seemed fragile. He didn't even dare to hold it hard.

Sun Yulu said with a smile: "I guarantee with Dao Fire that this divine mud does not have any magic attached to it. If I tell a lie, I will be possessed by magic, destroy the elixir, and have my soul imprisoned."

For the Luanjing Mountain Taoist priest, this was the most serious oath. Mu Xingqiu slowly inserted the Frost Soul Sword into the sheath. Suddenly, the weight of the sword disappeared. His surprise had not disappeared. The sword and the sheath disappeared at the same time. .

Mu Xingqiu knew that the scabbard was still in his hand because he felt the slight weight of the two or three coins.

"You can't see with your Third Eye." Sun Yulu explained, with a hint of pride in her voice. If it wasn't an extremely expensive gift, it wouldn't be enough to repay Mu Xingqiu's favor for helping her survive the disaster. "Not even the master's own Third Eye can do it." ”

"Then how do I use it?"

"The Frost Soul Sword can not only be used to restrain souls, but can also be used to cast Five Elements spells. Just summon it. Because this is a sword you made yourself, only you can control it."

Mu Xingqiu secretly used magic, and the big sword jumped out, no different from before.

"Sacred clay also has levels. This piece is at least seventh grade, which is very rare." Sun Yulu made Mu Xingqiu understand the value of this gift. "Several soul masters have raised a total of two or three dollars. They don't want Deng Zhu to The disciples of Ke owe a favor to outsiders, and they are also sorry for what happened last night. As for me, as long as I can bring Qin Lingshuang's soul to Luanjing Mountain, it will be enough to offset their help. "

Mu Xingqiu put the sword back into its sheath and began to think that the Soul-Running Mud was a good thing. "What if I accidentally lose it?"

"Then be careful." Sun Yulu pointed to the scabbard that she could no longer see. "Now you can fold it, crumple it into a ball, make it into any shape, and store it well."

Mu Xingqiu thought for a while, folded the invisible scabbard into a wristband, and fastened it firmly on his left wrist. The weight of the three taels of money became a part of him.

"Using mental illusions to stimulate the soul is by no means the best choice. From now on, you should try to use it as little as possible, and it is best not to use it at all. The soul-moistening mud can soothe the soul in the sword. After the Frost Soul Sword is reforged with the Siming Cauldron, maybe You can find a more suitable way to use this powerful power, www.anh.cAs for Luanjing Mountain’s Dengzhuke’s soul exorcism spell, we will not tell anyone about it.”

"Can I still fly with my sword and cast Five Elements spells?" Mu Xingqiu had no intention of learning any more Dengzhuke spells.

"Okay, just try not to disturb the soul inside."

Baldy had been staying on the table and never interrupted. Then he suddenly said, "Zuo Liuying wants to see us. He has made a plan to go to Luanjing Mountain."

Mu Xingqiu took off the old scabbard behind him, put it on the table, and patted it gently. It was an ordinary magic scabbard. Its only function was to automatically fit swords of different sizes. It was what he had learned in Qishan Bought it, now useless.

"When we arrive at Luanjing Mountain, how do you plan to use Fangfang's soul?"

Sun Yulu was a little reluctant, so she still replied: "This has to be decided by Zuo Liuying."

Everything had to be decided by Zuo Liuying, Mu Xingqiu thought, this time he would never be a mere pawn.

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