
Chapter 279 Full of Confidence

Bald and Touqilin stayed in the same room, standing on the table, chattering to them, "Why don't the four of us sworn sworn friends, oh, no, the flea will sworn sworn friends to me, oh, no, I want to be with your parents." We are sworn friends. From now on, you will call me uncle, haha. It would be great if you could talk. I will tell you a joke. If you can understand it, just nod... I haven't started yet, don't nod now..."

Tu took a deep breath unnecessarily and suddenly realized that something was a little strange, "Haha, look, the table is moving!"

The first unicorn showed an alert look, as if facing a formidable enemy. The male unicorn had difficulty getting up. The female unicorn and Flea immediately stood up and closely guarded it. Flea wanted to go forward, but was stopped by his father's stern eyes.

"Haha, it turns out it was me who moved, not the table. It's funny, I didn't even use any force." Tu laughed, he hadn't been so happy for a long time, "What's going on? Am I going to become a god?"

The moment he was about to leave the table, Tu moved forward with force and returned to the original position. However, as soon as he relaxed, he would move involuntarily. After playing back and forth several times, he suddenly thought of an explanation and said to Qilin: "I understand. This is Fangfang calling me. She turned into a ghost and came back to play with me. Haha, I knew she would not forget me. "

Qilin liked the fresh air, so he didn't close the door. Tu adjusted his direction slightly and flew out slowly. At the door, he turned around and said loudly: "Goodbye, friends with long horns and friends with missing horns. If you feel like it in the future, If someone pulls your tail secretly and you can’t see who it is, it’s me, and I’ll turn into a ghost to play with you.”

Bald's voice weakened and his head flew away. The male Qilin did not notice the threat. The female Qilin also lay down, only the flea hummed twice in confusion, ran to the door, and looked at the head flying over the wall of the inn. I don't know what got him excited. It's just a small force.

Bald raised himself a little higher so that he could fly over the dense rooftops. He stuck out his tongue and felt the moist and cold air, "Wet, rain, or snow? None. It's fog. Fangfang, are you crying? Brother Xiaoqiu and I will be here soon!"

He suddenly saw swarms of golden dots heading into each house, so he shouted at the top of his lungs: "Look, everyone, the stars are falling from the sky. Whoever picks them up belongs to them!"

The entire Duanliu City was in a deep sleep, and the residents in the city slept deeper and sweeter than ever before. Everyone was dreaming the most beautiful dream, with smiles on their lips, and didn't hear the screams outside at all.

Bald suddenly sank like a dive and ran towards a group of little golden figures. Face to face with them, "The stars have turned into little Taoist priests. Little Taoist priests, are you Pang Shandi?"

The golden men ignored him and continued to move forward, some of them even going straight through their heads. Tu shook violently a few times and hurriedly rose up, letting the invisible force pull him out of the city.

"Goodbye, little Taoist priests. I had a great time with you. Come see me again later."

On the street, a large group of talisman masters were running in the direction of Jiehe Bridge, occasionally stopping to offer sacrifices and burn paper talismans. They could not see the shining golden figures in the city, and they were filled with panic. They just wanted to escape from the cold and damp chill.

"Friends who burn paper!" Tu became more and more excited. He liked such a night full of surprises. "I'm going to turn into a ghost and go see Fangfang. Do you want me to send you a message?"

Tu's true form was revealed in the battle a few days ago. Many people had seen him and knew that this was Pangshan's "weird fairy" and not a demon. However, they looked at a solitary head flying slowly in the air and shouted: The talisman masters were all frightened by what they said. No one dared to respond. They ran faster to the east bank of the Jie River. Several talisman crowns fell to the ground, but no one picked them up.

"Mom, Shen Hao, look, I can fly without using any force. Fangfang must be calling me!"

Shen Hao glanced at him and said, "He is flying towards the soul-binding formation." Just as he was about to fly up and pull his head back, Yang Qingyin waved her hand at him, and then said to the bald man in the sky: "If you see Mu Xingqiu, tell him... …The whole city is affected.”

"Okay!" Tu waved a strand of hair, liking the fluttering feeling very much, "Mom, are you afraid of ghosts?"

Yang Qingyin frowned, "There are no ghosts in the world."

"Yes, there must be. If there are no ghosts, Fangfang will be pitiful, and Brother Xiaoqiu will be pitiful. We will become ghosts together, and then we will live in... your bun. If you feel that your head is heavy, then It’s us. Let’s see if you believe it when the time comes, haha.

Shen Hao asked in a low voice: "Is it okay to let Tu go over?"

Xin Youtao rushed to answer: "Although Mu Songxuan only has one head left, he still has a living soul. The Luanjing Mountain Taoist dare not suck it. And you see, there is something protecting him, and it must be Zuo Liuying's magic."

Shen Hao looked carefully, and sure enough, the demon heart hidden in Bald's hair was glowing slightly. Shen Hao used his third eye to observe and found that there were more than ten golden figures surrounding the heart.

The Taoist priests had already discovered the little golden figures scattered throughout the city and knew that these were spells sent by Zuo Liuying through the Patriarch Tower. Since Tu was protected by Zuo, there should be no danger.

Yang Qingyin, who wasn't worried at first, changed her mind and flew to Tu, "Did Zuo Liuying ask you to enter the soul-detaining array?"

"I haven't seen Zuo Liuying for several days. The stinky Taoist priest Lan Qizhang is in his room. I don't like to stay with him. What is the soul-binding array?"

"Zuo Liuying wasn't talking in your head?"

The bald man rolled his eyes upward, "No, there is nothing in my mind. Mom, come and become a ghost with me. Four ghosts are definitely more interesting than one ghost."

Yang Qingyin's brows furrowed more and more tightly, and she suddenly realized that the force pulling her towards the soul-binding formation had become stronger. Her figure swayed slightly, and it turned out that she had followed Tu and flew over the edge of the pit.

Yang Qingyin could keep Tu, but in the end she did not take action. Based on her superficial understanding of the soul-binding spell, Luanjing Mountain Taoist priests would never dare to publicly absorb living souls. There was no need for the Fu Lu Master to escape, and all the golden villains in the city were just Prevent mortals from falling into panic after being awakened.

Yang Qingyin flew back to the Taoist priests and said angrily: "Every time there are accidents... let's go find a seat."

Above the big pit, Tu Fei entered the Jiuxuan Yin Formation, and he didn't find it strange at all. On the contrary, he was even happier, so he was surprised to see Sun Yulu from Luanjing Mountain sitting in mid-air sobbing softly.

"Why are you crying?" Tu Fei walked between Sun Yulu and Mu Xingqiu. Stopped right here. "Are tears the magic of Luanjing Mountain? That's too bad, I can't help. I can't shed a single tear."

A smile broke out on Sun Yulu's tear-stained face, and she was not surprised at all by the sudden appearance of the head. "Tears are indeed a kind of magic, but it is not a magic unique to Luanjing Mountain. It is a magic that is common in the world. It can make Some things have become bearable. Don’t you miss your old self? And your parents?”

"I miss you, but I have no tears." Tu turned to Mu Xingqiu, "Brother Xiaoqiu, why don't you cry? Fangfang is gone, you must be more unbearable than anyone else. I'm here. Become a ghost with you, Go see Fangfang.”

Mu Xingqiu was in sharp contrast to Sun Yulu opposite him. His Taoist robes were bulging and seemed to be filled with wind. His face was full of energy and his eyes were resolute, like a general who was about to win on the battlefield. He didn't understand why Tu flew over, but he didn't care, "No, we won't be ghosts, we want to get Fangfang back." "

"That's fine, but Fangfang died and even such a big mountain of demonic fire was blown up. At least I still have a head left. What's left for Fangfang?"

"Soul, as long as she regains her soul, she can figure out what to do...

If she can be resurrected, it may not be her former physical appearance, but it will be Fangfang. "

Mu Xingqiu's enthusiasm was incompatible with the cold and quiet atmosphere of the entire Jiuxuan Yin Formation.

Sun Yulu was sobbing, and the other eight female Taoist priests were not much better. They were interconnected through lights and candles and had become a whole. Sun Yulu introduced a trace of illusion into the formation, which directly affected everyone, and it became more and more obvious. The soul arresters in Luanjing Mountain became suspicious and anxious. They suspected that the area delineated by Sun Yulu was not large enough and that Zuo Liuying had a conspiracy. They were using all their strength to expand the scope of the soul arrest.

The battles outside Duanliu City have not lasted more than forty-nine days. The further west you go, the more souls there are. It is simply a feast. Sun Yulu once said that the soul is like a herbal medicine. A soul-binding with a specific goal turns into a big harvest of souls.

Mu Xingqiu had become accustomed to the feeling of hot water entering his body, and became excited because of it. The Frost Soul Sword, which had always been steady, began to shake slightly. His confidence soared, and he even felt that he was omnipotent. He looked at Tu, "I will resurrect Fangfang and give you a body. Then you can practice cultivation."

Tu blinked his eyes. He had been very happy from the moment he flew away from the table, but now his happiness has weakened. "Brother Xiaoqiu, you... seem to have changed."

"Of course, I have become more powerful. Screw the high Taoist priests, screw the rules and regulations, as long as the magic power is strong, the rules can be re-written. Tu, are you willing to join the Mind Mind Department?"

"Yes, yes." Tu jumped twice in the air, "Brother Xiaoqiu, do you want to be a cardiologist?"

"I want to be both a master and a master. I have just reached the second level of the illusion, and I can control nine Luanjing Mountain Taoist priests. Their cultivation realms are all higher than mine. With my ability, can't I be a master?"

Mu Xingqiu was already filled with confidence. He looked beyond his baldness and stared at the young demon who was still casting spells with him. "Let's work hard together. You are me and I am you."

Tu couldn't see the young devil and was confused by these words, "I am Tu and you are Brother Xiaoqiu. We look nothing alike. www.a.c Look, my face is sharper than yours."

Mu Xingqiu didn't listen to Tu's words at all. He and the young demon activated their mana like a competition, injecting illusions into the lamps and candles. Although he could not directly control the nine Luanjing Mountain Taoist priests, what they did was exactly in line with the situation. His thoughts.

There was a snap, and a jade ax cracked. The Great Soul Master cast the soul-replacing spell in advance, but he forgot that the jade ax's carrying capacity was far less than that of the Frost Soul Sword.

A crack made the jade ax no longer a magic weapon and it fell into the big hole in the ground. This caused a series of reactions, and the soul coming out of the jade ax immediately rushed towards another magical weapon. A nearby bronze mirror also fell.

Tu looked at all this in surprise and suddenly said: "Brother Xiaoqiu, you still owe me a bronze mirror, remember? You promised it to me before the war."

"You will get countless things soon..." Mu Xingqiu closed his mouth. He remembered that it was the promise he and Fangfang made to Tu.

Confidence flowed away, sadness came from it, Mu Xingqiu's illusion was instantly interrupted, and the young demon disappeared.

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